Wireless Philadelphia Non Profit Organization
As mentioned in a previous post, The City of Philidelphia is launching affordable wireless access.
A non-profit organisation, Wireless Philadelphia, has been set up to manage this.
Below is a quote of Wireless Philadelphia’s mission statement and objectives:
Mission statement:
Wireless Philadelphia aims to strengthen the economy and transform Philadelphia’s neighborhoods by providing wireless internet access throughout the city. Wireless Philadelphia will create a digital infrastructure to help citizens, businesses, schools and community organizations make effective use of this technology to achieve their goals while providing a greater experience for visitors to the City.Goals:
# To spur economic development
# To enhance community neighborhoods
# To help overcome the digital divide
# To reduce the cost of government
I find the goals interesting and the last one surprising, but improvements in infrastructure can lead to lower costs, and there are a lot of potiential savings for the government, by having a wireless infrastructure.
Today the government and municipalities of Denmark, are steaming ahead with eGovernment projects, with no regard to the fact that a digital divide exists. Sometimes I wonder if the danish authorities assumes that everybody has a computer and a broadband connection at home.
It will be very interesting to follow the Wireless Philidelphia project, and I hope that they will achieve their goals.
One reply on “Wireless Philadelphia Non Profit Organization”
[…] Personligt syntes jeg der er langt til mere visionære initiativer som f.eks. Wireless Philadelphia i den amerikanske by Philadelphia. Her er en væsentlig del af visionen også at skaffe billig Internet adgang til fattige bydele. Jeg syntes ikke der er ret meget vision over denne udtalelse fra PROSAs formand Peter Ussing, selv om jeg da godt kan se fornuften: Der er masser af fornuft i, at alle vores turister og os, som er på farten, kan få adgang til nettet let og billigt. Det har alle brug for… […]