And we thought that Google only looked for TWD (Total World Domination), it’s sooo much bigger than that…
And we thought that Google only looked for TWD (Total World Domination), it’s sooo much bigger than that…
Computerworld – Sander: Ukendte konsekvenser ved åbent format
Man må sige at der sker ting og sager for tiden, jeg skal lige gennemtygge Hr. Sanders svar.
Fr. Holmsgaard var, som det tør være trofaste læsere bekendt, med i panel debatten om dokumentformater på Linuxforum 2006. Det var tydeligt at hun er i Open Document Format (ODF) lejren, jeg syntes faktisk hun sad og små-flirtede med Simon Phipps, COSO (Chief Open Source Source Officer) fra SUN Microsystems.
Det er naturligvis ikke helt så nemt som ODF lejren vil havde det til at se ud.
(Meget) mere senere.
TechEBlog » Top 10 Strangest Lego Creations
I just LOVE LEGO, and it’s not any news that technophiles share that passion.
Here’s a top-10 list of the strangest LEGO creations. LOL.
Hmm…Do you categorise a story on LEGO as “Technology”? Did it!
NASA – NASA’s Cassini Discovers Potential Liquid Water on Enceladus
The Cassini mission, already a stunning success, seems to have landend another scoop: The possibility that liquid water exists on the Saturn moon Enceladus.
NASA – Robotic NASA Craft Begins Orbiting Mars for Most-Detailed Exam
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft has reached the red planet, and is now performing an aerobreaking manoeuvre over the next 6 months.
Another success for the NASA robotic missions.
Team Blog : What’s the Hubbub?
UPDATED! 11-Mar-2006@08:34. Originally posted 10-Mar-2006@06:33 CET.
LOL. Microsoft shows lots of humour, and it’s great that they’re so open about the intentional pouring of fuel on the bonfire of technology hype – it most certainly worked, and many managed to follow the bread-crumbs. I really like the bit about the, supposedly, overlap, with the Apple February 28th “fun” products announcement.
So what is Origami? Well it’s really not much more than a new form factor PC, and the real product name is UMPC (Ultra Mobile PC). Origami was the code name for the project, but Microsoft has decided to keep the name for the community site.
This is a great portal dedicated to AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) development.
I’m really totally amazed by what people are doing with AJAX, Google Maps and Writely are two examples, but I’ve also just stumbled upon iRows, which is an online spreadsheet application – could iRows be next in line to be Googled?
So what type of application can’t be AJAXed? My guess is games and graphics applications, but I’m sure that the community will prove me wrong.
Writely – The Web Word Processor
While attending the Linuxforum 2006, the Writely project was mentioned several times. Writely is an online, web based, Word Processor that has collaboration features, much like a Wiki, and Writely has support for a number of Word processing formats, including the Open Document Format
Google Page Creator is having a little trouble right now.
This is not because of anything you did; it’s just a little hiccup in our system that will hopefully go away soon. We apologize for the inconvenience, and recommend you try reloading this page.
Don’t you just hate error messages that are just a little too “human”.
Det blev jo ikke til så meget med den lovede live reportage fra Linuxforum 2006, men nu er det på tide at gøre lidt status. Det var et spændende arrangement, men jeg savnede måske lidt mere hands-on, og praktiske erfaringer fra det offentliges brug af open source.
Jeg har valgt at dele min reportage op i to, her følger først mine indtryk fra første dagen, fredag, også kaldet “business dagen“.
Business dagen var, som jeg havde forventet – OK det skyldes nok også mit valg af sessioner – meget OpenOffice.org, eller rettere Open Document Format (ODF) orienteret, ikke specielt sexet, men det er bestemt en meget vigtig diskussion, og den er meget vigtigere end diskussionen om hvilken software pakke vi skal anvende til vores kontor produktivitet. Det handler om hvem der ejer vores dokumenter, ikke teknologi.