Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Technology

Google Web Toolkit – Build AJAX apps in the Java language

Google Web Toolkit – Build AJAX apps in the Java language

I’ve just discovered the Google Web Toolkit (GWT). A toolkit that makes it possible to build AJAX applications in the Java language.

The concept is this. You develop, test and debug your application in Java using the GWT classes, you then have the GWT convert your Java code to JavaScript and HTML.

This is a great idea. Frankly I’ve always wondered how people managed to debug JavaScript code. Now I know…They don’t!

Hmm…Guess I might still become a Java developer…

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Technology

The ultimate Web 2.0 metaphor: Legos | | CNET

The ultimate Web 2.0 metaphor: Legos | | CNET

The CNET NEWS.COM site is filled with stories about the LEGO company these days, and it warms my heart, since I’ve had a life long “love affair” with the company.

LEGO has been a metaphor for component based software development, and object orientation, for a long, long time, at least here in Denmark. I find it remarkable how many pioneers, within the field of software object orientation, are of Danish descend. I believe this is, somewhat connected, to the fact, that we all played with LEGOs

Now, if only we could get standardised Web 2.0 components, that snap together like LEGO bricks.

This absolutely is not the case today, and the standardised component technologies like COM, .NET and Beans are so much easier to work with. Web 2.0 is a step back, in terms of “ease of interoperability”, but the emergence of home grown services, and so called mash-ups, where several services and components are combined, to create new services, has been no less than phenomenal, and has created a number of DIY toolset (APIs) for the web garage, the most well know is probably the Google Maps APIs.

The standardised web-service protocol stack (WS*), has failed to deliver the high-level services, that are being build right now under the label Web 2.0.

The WS* stack is a bit like having the interlocking, but not the component. And the Web 2.0 applications are largely the components, but with incompatible interlocking.

Eventually the Web 2.0 components will mature, and standards will emerge, and we’ll have the software equivalent of the interlocking genius of the LEGO brick.

But I’d say that the sacrifice of standards, at the “altar of innovation”, has been worth it, but that it’s time to “grow up”, and agree on some standards for “interlocking”.

When this happens, it will be remembered as the day, the “mash-up” industry was created. Web 3.0 anyone?

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Open Source Technology

Computerworld – Ingen udgifter ved åbne standarder hos Sander

Computerworld – Ingen udgifter ved åbne standarder hos Sander

Som skrevet tidligere, så har der været megen snakken frem og tilbage omkring “hvad det vil koste”, at vedtage de Radikales beslutningsforslag om at regeringen indfører åbne standarder.

Nu fastslår Helge Sander at der ikke vil være særlige omkostninger ved at indføre åbne standarder i f.eks. Videnskabsministeriet.

Tidligere har han ellers sagt at det ikke var muligt at fastslå de økonomiske konsekvenser.

Det får Dansk Folkepartis IT-ordfører, Jørn Dohrmann, til at kræve at Sander presses.

– Det vil være en syltekrukke helt at udskyde en beslutning om at indføre åbne standarder i det offentlige. Ministeren siger, at han støtter indførelsen af åbne standarder, og der er basis for at forsøge at presse ham mere i den retning, siger Jørn Dohrmann.

Det er relativt sjælden at jeg er enig med Dansk Folkeparti, men jeg syntes det lyder fornuftigt at gå igang hvor det er muligt. Baby steps.

I går kom det ligeledes frem (også ifølge Computerworld) at presset på Sander også har resulteret i, at Videnskabsministeriet fremover, dog først fra 1-september, vil gøre dokumenter til download tilgængelige i Open Document Format. Open Document Format, er en ratificeret ISO standard, og benyttes bla. af open source kontorpakken

Blogs Education/Undervisning Historier/Stories Lektiehjælpen (Danish)

Jeg har fået lektier for

Cirkelareal LektieI går var der et af børnene fra Mjølnerparken, en 8-klasses dreng, der gav mig lektier for, til på tirsdag.

Jeg skal finde arealet af det område der fremkommer når man tegner fire cirkler, (som vist på billedet). Hmm…Det er jo kun to af cirklerne der skærer hinanden…Hmm jeg nummerer cirklerne som I-IV følgende et standard koordinatsystems kvadranter. En oplysning er at cirkel I og III skærer hinanden ved cirkel IIIs 0 og 90 grader, og at cirkel II og IV skærer hinanden ved cirkel IIs 0 og 270 grader osv. Det er ikke helt tydeligt udfra tegningen.

Er der nogle der kan hjælpe?

Jeg mener det kan løses med geometri, trigonometri (det kender drengen faktisk, hvilket han demonstrerede, da jeg prøvede at løse en trigonometri opgave, med forholdstals regning) eller integral regning (det tror jeg ikke han kender).

Han spurgte mig også om hvad pH værdi er for noget. Jeg forsøgte noget med et mål for styrken af syrer og baser, men han sagde: “det er den negative logaritme af koncentrationen af brint-ioner” – den er da vist lige i skabet.

Interessant, det er paratviden og udenadslære, noget der faktisk ikke bliver så stor brug for i fremtiden, eller tager jeg helt fejl her?

Det er da nyttigt at kende grundbegreber, men detaljerede informationer, som f.eks. definitionen på pH værdien, kan man da bare slå op på Internettet?

Alt i alt var jeg imponeret over drengens viden, det virker som om han elsker/kan lide viden, og det er da relativt sjældent blandt de børn jeg kender.

Nå drengen mente at man kan få 13 hvis man kan sige ting som definitionen på pH værdien. Jeg nævnte så at jeg en gang var tæt på at få 13, nemlig mit 11 tal i Biologi fra Gymnasiet.

Tilsidst nævnte jeg at jeg var en mislykket ingeniør studerende…”Og nu er du lektiehjælper? Hvad gik galt?” “Tjoh…Jeg lavede ikke mine…LEKTIER!” Så kan de lære det ;-).

Nåeh hvis det mislykkes med geometri opgaven, så kan jeg da i det mindste fortælle ham hvad jeg har fundet ud af om HTX.

Blogs Bookmarks Design Kim Blog (English) Technology

Lego opens up Mindstorms NXT firmware | CNET

Lego opens up Mindstorms NXT firmware | CNET

For another confirmation that LEGO is doing the right thing, they’re planning to release the Mindstorms NXT software, including the firmware and the developer kits, as open source.

I’m particullary interested in the Bluetooth development kit.

Thumbs up to LEGO, I really believe that you’re on the way to realising your mission statement (according to Wired Magazine 14.02: Geeks in Toyland) “doing for robotics what iPod did for music”.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Technology

Pairing the Navman 4400 GPS unit with a Mac at

Pairing the Navman 4400 GPS unit with a Mac at

I have an old NAVMAN 4400 GPS unit that I’ve been using with my PocketPC and the NAVMAN SmartST software.

Now I wanted to put it to use with my Apple PowerBook, only to realise that Apples Bluetooth Assistant requires that you pair the device by entering a code – quite difficult WITHOUT a keyboard. If all else fails, FGI, and link #1 yielded the site above.

I had no idea that a “Bluetooth Serial Utility” existed in Mac OS X.

Thanks! Now it’s time to play around. Google Maps has Danish road maps these days 😉 Long live Google.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Technology

PodBrix . 1000 brix in your pocket

PodBrix T-ShirtPodBrix . 1000 brix in your pocket

Wow, this is a cool idea – I’m amazed what people come up with. (guess I shouldn’t really be surprised these days, especially after the launch of the online solarium!).

The minifigs are LEGO “men”, the popular portable music players are…hmm…iPods…

Since I’m a big fan of both iPod and LEGO, I really need some of the PodBrix products ;-). A T-Shirt with a magnet to attach your shuffle…I REALLY NEED one! Currently sold out though!

Quote from the PodBrix ( website (from where I also appropriated the image shown above – I hope that’s OK):

What is PodBrix?

Tomi Responds:
PodBrix sells modified minifigs inspired by the popular ad campaign for portable music players. In the future we may branch out to other related minifigs.

And the “Keynote” and the “Woz” kits are the perfect gifts for a “Cult of Mac” faithful, too bad they’re sold out as well.

LEGO should start supporting PodBrix officially to meet demand.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Mactopia Technology

.. :: PlayStadium :: .. :: gamers nyheder med mening :: .. :: Review: Logitech Cordless Desktop S530 Mac

.. :: PlayStadium :: .. :: gamers nyheder med mening :: .. :: PlayStation, PS2, PSP, Xbox360 :: .. :: nyheder, reviews, gossip :: .. » Arkiv » Review: Logitech Cordless Desktop S530 Mac

PlayStadium, Danmarks bedste hjemmeside for computer spil, har anmeldt Logitech Cordless Desktop S530 Mac.

Logitech Cordless Desktop S530 Mac er en version af Logitechs trådløse tastatur og mus, der er tilpasset Apple Macintosh computere.

Sætter anvender ikke Bluetooth, men Logitechs egen trådløse teknologi, og kræver derfor en ekstern USB RF enhed.

I øvrigt er det anmeldt af undertegnede…

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks

wtw06: StopSult/Fight hunger – Walk the World

Fight Hunger. Walk the WorldStopSult

Sunday I participated in the Walk the World event in Copenhagen.

So what exactly is Fight hunger and Walk the World?

Well it’s an event organised by the UN World Food Programme, as a way to raise funds for specific projects, by asking to people show up, and walk a short distance, to send a signal that we want hunger to become a thing of the past, and that we can do it if we really want it.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Open Source Technology | Nu skal vi have en Drupal-Bruger-Gruppe i Danmark | Nu skal vi have en Drupal-Bruger-Gruppe i Danmark

Jeg har fornylig kastet mig over Drupal, som er et open source værktøj til udvikling af websteder, herunder værktøjer til content management (CMS), weblog, forum etc., og jeg må indrømme at jeg er blevet ret vild med det. Det var derfor også naturligt at jeg straks meldte mig som deltager, da der blev lagt op til et IRL arrangement på

Som sagt så gjort, og torsdag den 18-Maj-2006 troppede jeg spændt op til mødet.