Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English)

Danish Refugee Council – Denmark should accept 1000 more refugees a year


The Danish Refugee Council (in Danish: Dansk Flygtningehjælp), is working to increase the number of refugees that Denmark accepts by staging an event on tuesday the 20th of june.

Prior to the World Refugee Day, June 20, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) calls for the Danish population to sign a petition to get the Danish Parliament to accept a 1000 more refugees a year.

I’m actively involved in the effort, and I’ll be on the streets on tuesday the 20th of June 2006.

I’ve set up a coordination webpage on my wiki.

1000 flere, you’re all invited to join in, drop me a mail, send a mail to kim[dot]bach[at]gmail[dot]com or use the contact form on my Colophon page.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English)

FIFA World Cup 2006: USA – Italy 1:1 – I’m infected

2006 FIFA World Cup Match Detail

This was a fantastic day for football. First the upset by Ghana, and now the highly dramatic draw between USA and Italy.

I’m amazed by the Americans, they really deserved the win against the smug Italians.

The Italians are their own worst enemy, can’t wait to hear the outcry of the Italian media.

The Italian media could destroy the hopes of the Italians, because they’ll cause potiential infighting.

If the Czechs beat Italy, which I hope, Italy could be sent packing.

The World Cup is finally getting into gear, smugness doesn’t pay, go Ghana and the USA. I now officially have the “World Cup bug”, and it feels great!

It is a beautiful game!

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English)

FIFA World Cup 2006: Go Ghana! – The Official Site of FIFA World Cup

I love football, and especially the world cup, but this year I hadn’t really caught the bug, most likely because Denmark didn’t qualify.

For me the world cup began today, and that was caused by the Czech Republic vs. Ghana, that resulted in a 2-0 Ghaneese win.

The Czechs was my favourite team until today, but now I’m hoping for Ghana, we really need an African champion, but that is highly unlikely, the African teams usually get defeated by their lack of discipline, like in 1998, where Nigeria was defeated by Denmark in the 1/8 final.

And what did Ghana do after they made 2:0, they substituted with a…STRIKER!!! Pimpong who plays in FC København, and he almost made it 3:0! A boring European coach would have substituted with a defensive player, and stopped playing. “Gutsiest move I ever saw”!

Remember the disgraceful exit of Denmark in 2002? After the match the coach said that he didn’t make offensive substitutions to avoid a humiliating defeat, what a WHIMP! I don’t care if we loose 10:0 or 1:0, do something!

Go Ghana!

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Open Source Technology

Computerworld – Er Danmark et Microsoft-protektorat, Fogh?

Computerworld – Er Danmark et Microsoft-protektorat, Fogh?

Hold da op, nu skal jeg samle min kæbe op fra gulvet, det må siges at være en leder med bid i fra Computerworld.

Jeg bryder mig nu ikke om at IBM bliver fremhævet som et firma der står for åbenhed, men alt i alt en imponerende leder, udtryk for noget der er sjældent i Danske IT medier, nemlig en HOLDNING!


Citat fra lederens konklusion:

Danmark er kort sagt i dag et globalt mønstereksempel som Microsoft-protektorat.

Intet under, at Steve Ballmer for to år siden begejstret proklamerede: ”I want the whole world to be Danish!”

Det er muligt, at vi som nation er bedst tjent med at møde den digitale fremtid med afsæt i en innovationsplatform, som er ejet af Microsoft.

Det kan ikke udelukkes. Microsoft leverer klart et vigtigt bidrag til Danmark.

Men hvis – og dette er et stort men og hvis – vi skal være et rent Microsoftland, så mangler vi at forhandle betingelserne for den suverænitetsafgivelse, det lægger op til.

Hvad Fogh er i gang med nu, ligner ikke forhandlinger, men derimod en betingelsesløs kapitulation.

Det er hverken godt diplomatisk håndværk eller godt købmandskab.

Under alle omstændigheder taler vi her om så væsentlige rammebetingelser for vores fælles fremtid, at det anstændigvis kræver en offentlig debat.

Christiansborg, quo vadis?

Hvis man er til konspirations teorier…Hvor var det lige nuværende Kronprinsesse Mary arbejdede da hun var – “hemmeligt” – i Danmark.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Design Mactopia Technology

:: macnyt :: danmark :: Sig goddag til Melinda

Melinda Size Matters Cropped:: macnyt :: danmark :: Sig goddag til Melinda

Melinda er en smækker CoreSolo sag, med et godt hjerte (Mac OS X).

Catwalken er den boks der nu bliver delegeret til kælderen, size does matter!

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Education/Undervisning Lektiehjælpen (Danish)

1000 flere – WiKim

Kim Bach logo1000 flere – WiKim

Klik på linket for at gå til koordinations wiki siden for indsatsen på Nørrebro i forbindelse med Dansk Flygtningehjælps 1000 flere ( kampagne “overskudskage”, der løber af stablen den 20-Juni-2006.

Jeg er koordinator for indsatsen på Nørrebro, mere præcist Nørreport Station den 20-Juni-2006. Vi står der fra kl. 15:30 til kl. 18:00.

Hvis du er interesseret i at hjælpe med at hverve frivillige, så kan du f.eks. udskrive denne flyer.

Kagebagende kampagnehænder søges – Hverveflyer 1000 flere(219K PDF)

Blogs Bookmarks Education/Undervisning Kim Blog (English)

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Gates Foundation Logo SmallBill & Melinda Gates Foundation

I think now’s the time to praise the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Personally I believe that Mrs. Gates has had a tremendous hand in transforming Mr. Gates into one of the greatest philantropists in the history of mankind.

I wish you all the best of luck in the future, a company like Microsoft is too small for you.

I bow my head in respect.

In paise of Melinda Gates and the Foundation, I’ve named my new Mac mini “Melinda”.

BTW. The documents on the Foundations website are only available in PDF, but the website is written in ASP.NET.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Open Source Technology

Mobile phone companies join forces on Linux | CNET

Mobile phone companies join forces on Linux | CNET

According to CNET NEWS.COM, several mobile handset makers are joining forces to develop Linux based smart phones.

This is great news, I guess especially Motorola was upset by the license fees they had to pay Apple for the iTunes logo on the ill-fated iTunes ROKR phone, and the less than perfect support from Apple. Remember the Steve Jobs Keynote from the introduction of the ROKR, where Steve tried to demonstrate one of the key features, the fact that the music would be automatically paused and resumed during incoming calls, and it didn’t work.

The new ROKR E2 is soon to launch in Europe, and it looks quite cool, at least much nicer than the original ROKR.

I hope for an open platform, with complete community involvement, but that is probably hoping for too much.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Open Source Technology – open source identity services

Bandit - open source identity service

Welcome to Bandit –
Bandit is a promissing project, sponsored by Novell, that aims to solve one of the major headaches of open source systems, indentity management, which is implemented in thousands of different systems.

This is one of the “missing” open source projects.

Quote form the Bandit website:

Bandit is a system of loosely-coupled components that provide consistent identity services and creates a community that organizes and standardizes identity-related technologies in an open way, promoting both interoperability and collaboration..

It implements open standard protocols and specifications such that identity services can be constructed, accessed, and integrated from multiple identity sources. The Bandit system supports many authentication methods and provides user-centric credential management. On this base of a common identity model, Bandit is building additional services needed for Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and for the emission of records to verify compliance with higher level policies.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Lektiehjælpen (Danish)

Fup og fakta om flygtninge – 1000 Flere Kampagnen


Kære venner,

Dansk Flygtningehjælp har udfærdiget en test på viden om flygtninge, hvor mange rigtige får du?

Dansk Flygtningehjælp – Fup og fakta om flygtninge

Testen er lavet i forbindelse med “overskudskage” for 1000 flere flygtninge arrangementet, hvor jeg da kan nævne at jeg er koodinator for indsatsen på Nørrebro, eller rettere på Nørreport Station.

Så meld jer endelig som frivillige den 20-Juni, enten til undertegnede på 22 25 69 51 eller på mail, eller direkte til Tanja Skov Karlsen, Dansk Flygtningehjælp.

Send gerne et link til venner og bekendte der kunne være interesserede i at støtte denne sag.

Ses vi ? Det tror jeg nok vi gør!

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Giv “overskudskage” for 1000 flere flygtninge!

Kagebagende kampagnehænder søges!

Dansk Flygtningehjælp fyrer i anledning af FN’s Flygtningedag d. 20. juni en kampagne af, for at få DK til at tage imod 1000 flere FN-flygtninge årligt. Kampagnen går rigtig godt. Vi mærker stor opbakning på nettet, hvor vi samler underskrifter ind på, og fik fin feedback, da vi gik på gaden d. 6.6. for at skyde kampagnen i gang. Super!

På Flygtningedagen kulminerer kampagnen med en landsdækkende kageuddelingsevent. I de største byer i landet giver frivillige “overskudskage” for at signalere, at vi har overskud til at hjælpe flere – OG for at indsamle underskrifter for, at DK skal hæve sit årlige FN-flygtningeantal.

Vil du være med til at bage kage og dele den ud sammen med andre frivillige, så skriv fluks tilbage!

Eventen foregår på Højbroplads, i Københavns brokvarterer og i landets 15 største byer d. 20. juni fra kl. 15:30 til ca.18:00.

Ser frem til at høre fra dig!

1000 flere hilsner!


Dansk Flygtningehjælps 1000 flere-kontaktperson:

Tanja Skov Carlsen


Dansk Flygtningehjælp

Direkte: 3373 5177
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