Dear Friends,
Hi! My name is Kim Bach, and I’m a tweetaholic.
Yes, it seems that I’m a tweetaholic, and it really took a wakeup call from my good friend Rasmus Lückow for me to realise that something had to be done about it.
What he did was that he developed a small app, I’d go as far as calling it a “self help app”, that can display the daily number of tweets by me! YES the page IS called kim.php, and it defaults to show tweets by me ;-). It seems that I yesterday averaged close to 1 tweet every 5 minutes, that is just a little over the top.
Rasmus also asked me if I didn’t have more important things to do? Well of course I have, for one I have a job to do, but I also needed a break from it for highly personal reasons, that the people close to me are aware of, and I’ll tell you if you ask me, my e-mail address is, you can also use that to hook up using Google Waves.
Not sure what happened, but it could be related to me being high on the Ordskælv! project, but you know, I’ve actually gained some really interesting contacts on Twitter over the last week, so despite being in “twehab” now, I’d recommend annyone to step out of their usually predictable, avoiding the word boring here ;-), self once in a while and do a tweetathon, like I did – I was in a total state of flow – now I need some more Zen!
Kind regards
Kim Bach in #twehab
ps. I’ll keep tweeting links to my pictures, blog-posts and what have you, and I will engage in dialogue on twitter, but I’d really prefer the dialogue to take place on the blog, Google Wave, Chat, IRC or Mail.
8 replies on “From #twehab: Hi! My name Is Kim Bach and I’m a tweetaholic”
Kim you are the best!
Happy twehab & catch you on the wave
Thanks! And no, I’m second you’ll ALWAYS be first!
What a coming out here 🙂 Keep going mate
Thanks mate, but I thank Rasmus Lückow too, what a guy!
Hehe, du er velkommen 😉 God #twehab 🙂
Tak, jeg har bestemt vigtigere ting at foretage mig, og er i gang med det, twitter havde suget min tilstedeværelse ind, men jeg fik fat i nogle vigtige kontakter, ved at koble mig på crowdsourcede hashtags, som #COP15 og #swoop, ja @unic begyndte at følge mig, det var jeg lidt “Barack Obama humbled” over
Jeg har lige læst din blog, og fandt den interessant. Mit Twitter-problem er ikke så meget antallet af tweets, jeg skriver. Men mere tiden jeg bruger på at tjekke; timelines ( jeg har 3 off. lister + et par lukkede), hvem skal jeg følge, talentefulde visuelle kunstnere og især den der med lige at tjekke, når jeg har 5 min. 🙂
Tak, da jeg skrev dette var lister vist ikke introduceret endnu, lister har bestemt gjort det lettere, men jeg ved også at jeg går glip af en masse, specielt twitter-style retweets, som listerne filtrerer fra.
Jeg har begrænset min brug af twitter meget, men jeg checker trods alt også når jeg lige har 5 minutter, og det har jeg alt for tit 😉