As you might have noticed, I’ve recently begun using “Storify”, and I like it a lot.
From the About page on
Storify helps making sense of what people post on social media. Our users curate the most important voices and turn them into stories
A common use case would be to “Storify” all tweets tagged with a specific tag, or all tweets from a given user, creating a macro blogentry out of micro blogentires in a blink of an eye.
I’d like to describe another use case, which is how to enhance an article, by extending it using” Storify”.
This week VisitCopenhagen published a nice article about the famous philosopher Søren Kierkegaard’s Copenhagen, it was great, but as always, they only link to articles within their own portal, I felt that “something” was missing”.
This is the article on Søren Kierkegaard that VisitCopehagen has on their website. I’d like to “Storify” it by adding more “stories”, or what I’d like to call that micro-blog entries, to the article.
I used “Storify” for iPad, which is great, so I just selected the Globe icon and entered the URL for the Wikipedia article, now I could add the article.
Here’s a screenshot after I’ve added links to both the VisitCopenhagen and Wikipedia articles
I added links to Foursquare too, as well as my own comments.
I think this resulted in a nice macro-blog article, that adds significant value to the article from VisitCopenhagen, but I’d let you be the judge on that.
For convenience nothing really beats “Storify”, my main concern is that you buy into their file-format.
You can choose to save your story to your blog though, and it looks like Storify exports everything to HTML.
This was just one example of a workflow that enhances articles written by others, another example is knowledge sharing, a good example of that would be my article on #postPC, my experiences trying to replace my laptop with an iPad and a mobile.
Wishlist and a warning
The only thing I really miss with “Storify”, is the ability to collaborate on stories online, and I discovered a major problem with this. Since “Storify” doesn’t really support collaboration, I experienced that I, after finishing editing a story on my Mac lost that version because I had the story open on the iPad too, so auto-save replaced my final copy.
Best practice is not to leave a story open in the iPad editor, by always selecting “My Stories” before editing on another computer.
“Storify” is fun and makes it easier to create blog-posts, which is good, I’m not sure if the readers agree 4.5/5 stars!