The PowerBook, and especially the newest version from January 2005, looks like an altar to the Mighty Apple. When you shine a strong light from behind the screen – the Sun is an excellent candidate – the Apple logo shines very clearly, as shown in the picture. And what happens when the screen isn’t backlit, and you shine light from behind? Well it gets downright eerie, with the Apple logo oscillating in a fuzzy haze – it looks really cool. This MUST be by design, or am I seeing things?
Author: Kim
Ramadanen slut
I den seneste måned har der ikke været ret mange børn i Lektiehjælpen, det skyldes nok primært Ramadanen, og i denne uge Eid ul-Fitr festen. Pga. af Ramadanen har vi også haft svingende åbningstider i Lektiehjælpen. Personlig mener jeg nok at det er udtryk for en bestemt fortolkning af al-Qur’an, at børn også skal faste. Men rettroende Muslimer vil nok bare ryste på hovedet af mig, og sige “det er jo din fortolkning”.
Faldt over denne rapport:
Hverdagsliv & byplanlægning i Mjølnerparken – RUCs digitale arkiv: Item 1800/905
[Nielsen, Lea Allingham; Fischer-Nielsen, Julie; Hansen, Brian; Matikainen, Sara Loisa; Hansen, Jesper Minor; Ploug, Louise Overgaard: Hverdagsliv & byplanlægning i Mjølnerparken (2005)].
Der er mange interessante betragtninger, bla. at integrations kravene har ændret sig voldsomt på meget kort tid, hvilket – naturligt nok – er meget svært for indvandrerne at forstå. Det konstateres også at der er store problemer med at få beboerne til at deltage i de politiske beslutningsprocesser, konkret her i forhold til opstartsfasen af områdefornyelsen af Mimersgadekvarteret. Der tales om barrierer.
Mjølnerparken – – Website for Ritt Bjerregaard
Ritt vælger sine ord med omhu, og den eneste konkrete stillingtagen i ovenstående artikel er henvendt til nogle indvandrekvinder, der har været i Danmark 8-10-12 år: “…for en god integration, kræves der at man tilegner sig det danske sprog…” – det er der ikke megen vision i, og jeg tror ikke at Ritt, eller de fleste politikere helt har forstået hvor svært det er i praksis. Enten det, eller også er der ikke ret mange stemmer i at være visionær på integrations området.
BBC – History – Interactive Content
If you didn’t already know that The BBC is the world’s premier Public Service Network, then take a look at their interactive content on the history pages.
I just became aware of NASA’s World Wind software. World Wind is, in many respects, similar to Google Earth, the difference between the two being more in philosophy, than anything else.
Jerry Pournelle – Chaos Manor
In the 80ies and 90ies, I was an obsessive reader of BYTE magazine.
Even though BYTE was always filled with interesting articles of great insight, I always read Jerry Pournelle’s CHAOS MANOR column first.
Regarding BYTE, I really miss the print edition. A couple of years ago, I told a BYTE representative on CeBIT, that I learned so much from BYTE, that it was one of the reasons that I held my current position in IT.
Here is a list of subjects I first learned about from BYTE: xDSL, UNIX, OOP, Amiga, IBM PC RT (wow who remembers that?). Pretty amazing,
In humanity we trust
I’m such an idiot. After I had finished in Lektiehjælpen in Mjølnerparken yesterday, my bike was gone…Damn…Did I forget to lock it? YES!!! When I was parking my bike, I was distracted by Bjarne, who arrivied at the same time I did, and I did indeed forget to lock my bike.
IT Conversations: Wil Wheaton Part 1 – Gnomedex 4.0
IT Conversations: Wil Wheaton Part 2 – Gnomedex 4.0
Wil Wheaton, author, actor and self-proclaimed geek, is quite a funny guy. In this Podcast from Gnomedex 4.0 he reads from his books that are based on his weblog. A lot of it is, for obvious reasons, Star Trek related, but you don’t have to be a trekkie to find this interesting.
The story about the time, when he had to auction a Wesley Crusher action figure on eBay to pay the bills, is hilarious, but there are many other highs.
Doc Searls’ IT Garage
Found this after listening to a Podcast on ITConversations. Looks interesting.