OK så er det i dag kl. 15:00 (06:00 lokal tid) på Mojave Civilian Flight Test Center det er planlagt at SpaceShipOne skal foretage sin første del (X1) af X-Prize forsøget for at tage prisen skal flyvningen (X2) gentages inden 14 dage, planlagt til at ske allerede den 4-Okt-2004. Held og lykke – Godspeeed – IDAG ER EN HISTORISK DAG – FAT DET DOG! Klik her for at linke til web-casten. Som en konsekvens af dette annoncerede Richard Branson den 27-Sep-2004 Virgin Galactic det første kommercielle rumfartsselskab, og et joint venture med Scaled Composites , der skal udvikle en launch vehicle baseret på SpaceShipOne. “Blast off!” om 2½ til 3 år!
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Category: Blogs
My blogs some in danish some in english
I sacrificed my ball to R*A*W
Missing 1 (one) ball lost at the R*A*W party in Silo, Islands Brygge, actually it *was* a sacrifice, so please keep it whoever has it now.
I meet Santa Claus, and his stand-in, in the mens-room, they asked me what I wanted for Christmas, “a date with Beyoncé”, I told them. They asked, puzzled, “but most people ask for world peace?”, “I’m the one responsible for world peace, so making me happy could help create world peace, and since getting a date with Beyoncé would make me very happy, this could really create world peace”, I explained. They promptly granted me my wish; so now I’m looking forward to Christmas.
My first rave for what seems an eternity. Actually it was! 12 years.
I guess the Baker man also went to the KRAFTWERK! concert and decided that he needed to dust off the good old 1210’s and his KRAFTWERK! biscuits.
Lad os bare aftale remis! Efter regeringen har udlignet kan vi så ikke, indtil videre, enes om at den “hårde” rumforskning tager det offentlige sig af og kommercialiseringen af rummet tager de private sig af – kom til lommerne Helge Sander og andre – som Bill Rutan eller Mike Melville udtalte “If God meant us to explore space he would have given us more money”. Jo det lyder som “No bucks No Buck Rogers” citatet fra “The Right Stuff”, det burde have været Chuck Yeager der var test pilot!
GovernmentOne – “regeringen” har udlignet! Saturn har nu fået en ny, menneskeskabt, måne. SOI (Saturn Orbit Insertion) manøvren lykkedes og Cassini-Huygens er nu på en 4 år lang mission der bliver ufattelig spændende. De første nærbilleder af ringene er helt utrolige og overraskende. Klik her for at se de nyeste billeder.
Yes, det står 1-0 til de private!!! SpaceShipOne-GovernmentZero. Den 21/22-Jun-2004 kan gå over i historien på linie med Lindbergs Atlant flyvning. 10 år senere var Atlant flyvninger rutine – vi er måske tættere på “the final frontier” end jeg troede.
Cassini-Huygens har nu passeret Saturn månen Phoebe og billederne er FANTASTISKE. Min kæbe skal samles op fra gulvet – jeg glæder mig så utroligt meget til den 1-Juli. Jeg forudseer at Cassini-Huygens bliver den største videnskabelige landvinding indenfor rumforskning siden månelandingerne, der er SÅ meget at lære derude
Another top list
Another top list – Mio my friend (I wish) you’re the coolest I miss you, did you ever finish your book?
Kims top 10 male role models/coolest dudes ever!
1. Ole Mio Nielsen
2. Marrot (last name, spelling – not sure?) my woodshop teacher from primary school. I was hopeless in woodshop but my parents still have the bread “basket” I made so I guess it was quality made after all. He has influenced me more than most, including myself, realises. The “shooting for the basket” fancy I have – basket being the dustbin – was something I picked up from him. The lunchbreak always ended with Marrot asking for attention so that he could try to sink the aluwrap from his lunchpack (and he ate like 5 slices of danish ryebread so it was serious piece of aluwrap we’re talking basketball size – “overdrivelse fremmer forståelsen”) into the dustbin
3. Humphrey Bogart
4. Sean Connery
5. Malmcolm McDowel
6. James Woods
7. Jimmy Cagney
The rest of the list is made up of current friends and they appear in no particuliar order – my God am I happy having such cool frieds – they could easily make any top 10 list
*Ole Hansen (http://www.ole-hansen.dk)
*Jes Rasmussen – the LoTek dude – thnx Jes we all need a reality check once in a while
*Henrik Hammer (http://www.hammer.dk)
Missed the Alicia Keys concert, bummer – oh well it was strictly a-list so I didn’t really qualify. Sitting in front of the National Theatre was very strange, the paparazzi were out, and I was in the line of fire because Hanne Boel and her daughter was sitting next to me, right on the base of the statue of Adam Oehlenschlaeger – Hanne was looking very hot (shame on you Casper Christensen for that horse pun – even though it was SO funny). Hanne actually looked hotter than her very attractive daughter. From the reactions of the papparazzi, it was obvious that it was very rare to see Hanne on the town. To be fair, the danish papparazzi are quite well behaved, it’s the first time of my life I’ve seen them in action, never been that close to the a-list before.