Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Open Source Technology

Group Based Access Control Extension – MediaWiki

Group Based Access Control Extension – MediaWiki

I’m going to experiment with this MediaWiki extension, it sounds like something that will make it easier to manage access control to pages and groups of pages for specific users.

I would have prefered if this was core functionallity, and I fear, that use of this extension, will make it more difficult to upgrade to newer versions of MediaWiki.

But I really need this.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Technology

‘La Fonera Promise’ | FON Blog

Join the FON movement!“La Fonera Promise” | FON Blog

Som det vil være faste læsere bekendt, så er jeg allerede FONero, dvs. at jeg har en trådløs router fra FON der anvender FONs software til at håndtere adgangen til, og delingen af, min Internet forbindelse.

FON kører lige nu en kampagne hvor de giver deres nye smarte router “La Fonera” væk.

Jeg kan tilføje at tilbudet også gælder eksisterende “kunder”, der ikke allerede har en “La Fonera”.

“La Fonera Promise”

Gratis FON-router til alle i Danmark, Sverige og Finland.

FON’s grundlægger Martin Varsavsky offentliggjorde i Stockholm i dag, at FON vil dele gratis routere ud til en værdi af cirka 360 kroner stykket i Danmark, Sverige og Finland de kommende uger. Tilbudet er tidsbegrænset og er efter ”først-til-mølle” princippet. Med routeren kan alle med bredbånd gøre internetforbindelsen trådløs, og få gratis adgang til internettet når de forlader hjemmet.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English)

Kim and ArseneLapin

Kim and ArseneLapinKim and Arsenelapin

Originally uploaded by redsoda747.

Henriette Weber has published some pictures from BarCamp Copenhagen November 2006. This one shows me and my Nabaztag, ArseneLapin.

Blogs Bookmarks Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English)

Nabazta(blo)g fr: L’histoire de Nabazbelle et Nabazbel, une fantaisie interprétée par Marvel

Nabazta(blo)g fr: L’histoire de Nabazbelle et Nabazbel, une fantaisie interprétée par Marvel

Ohhh Marvel a fait une aventure Merveillieux. Merci Marvel, c’est beau ça!

ArseneLapin might appear in a video of his own real soon, I know that some footage was shot at the D3 Expo in Copenhagen, I have to secure it, even though it’s not so poetic.

BTW I’m trying to build a Danish Nabaztag community site:, so that we can have more Danish friends.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English)

ArseneLapin@D3 – Rabbits are currious animals

ArseneLapin@D3 - Rabbits are currious animalsArseneLapin@D3 – Rabbits are currious animals

Originally uploaded by K.Job.

ArseneLapin – my Nabaztag – took a peek out of his hiding in the PlayStadium T@B camper @D3 2006. Rabbits are shy but currious.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Technology

Only the real is unreal » Blog Archive » BarCamp Copenhagen Video no. 2

Only the real is unreal » Blog Archive » BarCamp Copenhagen Video no. 2

Henriette is getting nervous. Come on! When organising ANYTHING, the biggest problem is setting the date and the venue, then things happen (almost) by magic.

I’ve offered to bring my projector, now I wonder it there’s any electricity at the venue?

Anyway, if there’s anything further I can do to help, give me a shout-out!

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Music

.:: Kalash ::.


.:: Kalash ::.

I’ve said it before, but it bares repeating…

Sometimes French hip-hop seems to be the future of hip-hop, Kalash is no exception to that rule.

I’d love to see them live.

And WOW what a cool logo!

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Education/Undervisning Lektiehjælpen (Danish) Mactopia Technology

Bilal Ameen . Info – Jeg vil have en Mac

Bilal Ameen . Info
Bilal fra Bilal Ameen . Info vil gerne have en Mac, jeg syntes faktisk han har fortjent en…

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Historier/Stories

Hypertextet Ariadnetråd – Emmes weblog – November står i ordets tegn


Hypertextet Ariadnetråd – Emmes weblog – November står i ordets tegn

Fra Emmes weblog – Hypertextet Ariadnetråd:

I dag starter nemlig NaNoWriMo, der i al sin enkelhed går ud på at skrive en bog på 50.000 ord i løbet af november måned. Jeg var også med sidste år og det kom der en halvbagt roman ud af, der helt sikkert ikke tåler dagens lys. Nå ja, og så mangler den lige en slutning, men 50.000 ord er den da.

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) er en ret inspirerende idé…

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Technology

BarCamp / BarCampCopenhagen

BarCamp / BarCampCopenhagen

I just signed up for the first BarCampCopenhagen.

Might prove interesting for a co-creationist – hey is that a new word – like myself…I’m considering bringing some rabbits…YES! I mean it…A physical rabbit!

The very first BarCampCopenhagen will take place on November 17 at 17 o’clock.

The basis of BarCamp is sharing – which means that you have to bring a demo or do a talk about something you are interested in. Maybe show off your newest idea? Anything is possible as long as you contribute.

* Maybe people, who are going to do a talk could put a quick note at this page, writing what they’re going to talk about? Even if it’s not completely settled.

NB: BarCamp Copenhagen is going to be held in English, because we have foreign guests *s*

BarCampCopenhagen is initiated by Toothless Tiger aka. Henriette Weber Andersen and Thomas Kristiansen.