Category: Bookmarks
Assorted bookmarks from my web-travels
Clinton Forbes: will answer your questions: 10 Pros & Cons of switching from Windows to Mac OS X
This is a PRETTY good list of the pros and cons of switching from Windows to Mac OS X.
Quote from Clinton Forbes weblog:
Overall I couldn’t be happier with my Mac Mini purchase. I’m not misty-eyed enough to think that it is completely angelic and perfect, but it is a major step above using Windows XP. And unless you are a rabid freedom-fighter it is a step above any Linux distribution out there. KDE and GNOME are still a long way away from achieving the polish that Apple has delivered with Mac OS X. And the next release, with lots of nice improvements, is only a couple of months away…
I totally agree…Get a Mac mini cheapest model to get your feet wet…It’s the PERFECT entertainment centre.
I have also invested in a Elgato eyeTV, and I’m ditching my old CRT in favour of a projector, FrontRow is aboslutely WONDERFUL, I usually stream music from my PowerBook, I used to use an AirPort Express to do that, but using FrontRow is SO much better, I love the remote. And now I’m investing in a mStation Tower, so my NAD amplifier and my speakers are being relegated to the back room.
So that I can watch, and record analog and Digitral Terestial TV, especially DR2.
Mac mini the cheapest COOL computer on the market!
The fastest 5 piece (foot number one, foot number two, “monkey hand”, “beer drinking hand” and voice) band in the world, Bob Log III came (didn’t see a a G.. D… thing) and CONQUERED Stengade 30 on fridag the 20th-2006.
I was very lucky…I was in the bar, and suddenly you hear this amazing fast blues slide, and I see a man in black and a helmet brandishing a guitar walking towards the stage from the back of the room, I followed in his footsteps, making it all the way “ringside”, like another hype-man, you could have me mistaken for being just that on that night, read my closing comment re. the mosh-pit.
What a performance, I haven’t had that much fun since I saw Mojo Nixon ca. 1991.
Not much to say about the performance – SORRY GUYS YOU MISSED IT! Check the web-site and see for yourself that you should have turned off the TV and come to Stengade 30 on that night.
Thank you eT for dragging me out yesterday.
ps. People can’t dance, and regarding the pogo/mosh-pit…In the eternal words of Steven Seagal THIS I’m trained for, people are just a little too uncontrolled and anti-social these days, I think I thought them a less(i)on or two…
Jean Michel Billaut: Connaissez-vous Haladjian ?
Non je ne connais pas Haladijan, but I’d like to. I’ll est le papa de Nabaztag, le Lapin Communicant.
Nabaztag is Minitel 2.0, and we’re talking Web 2.0 how 90ies – we’re left in the dust!
Paris is getting “Ozoné” – love that term, citywide open Wi-Fi.
When you use “Des Lapins Communicant” you don’t really need security! Brilliant.
This comment gives me the chills:
“le début de l’internet a été une aimable kermesse… Maintenant les choses sérieuses commencent” – (translation: “the beginning of the Internet has been a friendly festival…Now the serious stuff begins”.
::Frank Margerin::
J’ai oublie tous de Frank Margerin, il est vraiment genial. I miss Paris SO much!
Merci Y!, je suis en course a faire augementé mon Français, et recuperais mes passions ancienne (des Bandes Desinees).
Som en hyldest til en af de få interessante Danske Podcasts, der desværre er afgået ved døden, The Evil Bird Show aka. Böse Vogel, der nu er så meget nede at man skal ty til Googles cache, så offentliggør jeg hermed en mystisk Podcast som jeg fandt på gulvet.
Det tog ca. 30 minutter at lave det hele. iLife (GarageBand og iWeb) gør det NEMT du gør det LÆKKERT!
Tippet hermed givet videre til dem der kæmper med teknikken…SKIFT!
Kom nu, jeg savner den onde fugl, og netop som I skulle til at blive berømte! Jeg ved ikke hvor mange gange jeg desperat har refreshet Jeres side, hvor er den næste episode – snif?
Den onde fugl blev 1,5 år, æret være dens minde.
På billedet ses den normalt MEGET BLIDE og SØDE fugl L. Men den søde fugl kan blive MEGET MEGET OND, i sin fritid er den nemlig Danmarks mester i Judo, og jeg sender den forbi og hakker i Jer med dens skarpe næb hvis i ikke starter op igen!
ps. Jeg tilbyder hermed min assistance, lad os i det mindste få domænet åbnet igen så vi kan få de fantatiske 11 episoder det blev til online igen. Jeg kan se at domænet udløb i Juli, og derfor er blevet deaktiveret, hosten er vel også lukket?
frisky R a d i o | friskyPodcast
I really need to promote this fantastic Podcast.
“Music is the soul of all life – rythm is the basis of all soul – Music is the soul of all life – and its rythm feeds your soul“.
Lee Coombs ROCKS!