Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Technology

Aperture – all-in-one post-production tool for photographers

The Aperture – all-in-one post-production tool for photographers

Apperture looks like an incredibly powerful piece of software for post production of still-images. Aperture targets professional photographers, who want to work directly with RAW formats.

Blogs Bookmarks Education/Undervisning Kim Blog (English)

German Courses | Deutsche Welle

German Courses | Deutsche Welle

Deutsche Welle offers some great and, best of all, free German language courses.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Technology

PocketMac. PocketPC – Not only for Windows anymore

PocketMac. PocketPC – Not only for Windows anymore

Using the PocketMac application you can sync your PocketPC and your Mac. So all you switchers can dust off your PocketPC device, while we’re waiting for Steve to bring back the Newton – or something even cooler.

Unfortunately there are major problems with foreign character sets, like my native language, Danish.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English)

An interview with William Gibson (by Dan Josefsson)

An interview with William Gibson (by Dan Josefsson)

Great interview with William Gibson from 1994, where he gives his early take on the Internet.

Here’s a quote, regarding the use of computers in the ghetto:

No, they have no access to computers. I was watching CNN during the riots of Los Angeles a couple of years ago and they were showing video footage of a mob looting a Radio Shack. Running out of the Radio Shack was hi-fis, video cameras and everything they could pick up. But the Radio Shack was right next to a Macintosh dealership which had powerbooks in the window. And it was untouched. So here these incredible valuable portable very, very powerful computers was sitting untouched behind an unbroken shop-window while the poor people steal Sony Walkmans. I felt that was so sad, and so indicative of our real problem.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Videnskab

BBC NEWS | Health | Doctors urge research on HIV man

BBC NEWS | Health | Doctors urge research on HIV man

This could be the breakthrough we’ve been looking for. I’ve heard earlier reports of some African prostitutes that seemed to be imune. According to the BBC article this is anecdotal.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks – Ordbog over det danske Sprog

Citat fra er det første projekt i DSL’s Afdeling for Digitale Ordbøger og Tekstkorpora. Det er et projekt hvormed DSL ønsker at udforske de muligheder der ligger i de digitale medier. Projektets mål er i løbet af en seksårig periode (2004-2010) at udvikle et sprogligt værktøj der knytter flere af DSL’s ordbøger sammen og forbinder dem med tekstkorpora så der skabes helt nye muligheder for opslag og effektive søgninger i et meget stort materiale. Samtidig skal det være muligt – via knapper og links – at bevæge sig mellem de enkelte dele.

En af opgaverne i projektet er at tilvejebringe en digital version af Ordbog over det danske Sprog . Dette monument i dansk ordbogshistorie kan dermed se frem til at få et nyt liv når det præsenteres i en ny og tidssvarende form – til glæde også for de kommende generationer. Første fase i processen er nu afsluttet, og en første version vil derfor snart være tilgængelig. Siden vil der ske løbende forbedringer af siden, ligesom der arbejdes med en sammenfletning af supplementsbindene.

NYT: Den 15. november åbner Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab for en online-version af Ordbog over det danske Sprog fra denne hjemmeside.

Godt initiativ. Ordbogen er ikke blevet skannet, men indtastet af nogle kinesere. Grunden til at der er blevet brugt indtastning istedet for OCR skanning, er at det simpelthen ikke fungerer godt nok.

Ordbogen er blevet indtastet to gange af forskellige hold, og derefter har man sammenlignet de to versioner, da det er meget usandsynligt at den samme fejl bliver begået to gange, derfor sparer man at korrekturlæse.

Det er faktisk en fordel at få udlændinge til at indtaste værker på dansk, som de slet ikke kan forstå, fordi de ikke “fortolker”.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks

ArBiMus – Danmarks kulturhistoriske søgebase

ArBiMus – Danmarks kulturhistoriske søgebase

Et lovende initiativ. Her et citat fra deres website:

Søg på tværs af arkiver, biblioteker og museer
Her kan du søge i mere end 300.000 kulturhistoriske registreringer af arkivalier, billeder, bøger, museumsgenstande, udklip m.m.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English)

Art Mobs – to Remix MoMA (With Your Help)

Art Mobs

This is a really cool idea…Not to be taken too seriously.

Here’s a quote from their weblog:

Art Mobs to Remix MoMA (With Your Help)
Art Mobs returns with a new project. Last year we hosted a gallery event at Marymount Manhattan College. Now we’re focusing our attention on the Museum of Modern Art. We’ve produced (unofficial) audio guides for MoMA, and we’re making them available as podcasts. We’d love for you to join in by sending us your own MoMA audio guides, which we’ll gladly add to our podcast feed. Why should audio guides be proprietary? Help us hack the gallery experience, help us remix MoMA!

Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Rumforskning Technology Videnskab

New Horizons Web Site – Mission to Pluto

New Horizons Web Site

I just found out that NASA is planning a mission to Pluto – the last planet in the solar system that hasn’t been explored by a robotic mission – at least if you exlude the newly discovered 10th planet.

The mission is to be managed, among others, by the The Applied Physics Laboratory (JHUAPL) at John Hopkins University and The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the Caltech institute, that manages most of the US robotic missions to the planets.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Technology | bill thompson on the web | bill thompson on the web

Bill Thompson is the commentator on the BBC technology radioshow “GoDigital”, his weekly “column” is available on the BBC website, and on Bill Thompson’s weblog.

I highly recommends “GoDigital”, and the best of all, it’s also Podcasted.