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Kære Mathilde Walter Clark – Du har nu en blog

Kære Mathilde Walter Clark:

Du har nu en blog, øeh jeg mener en personlig Internet tilstedeværelse med kommentar muligheder, men den er tom…klik her for at ændre på det…

Blogs Education/Undervisning Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English)

Marmorkirken was co-created!

I’ve just realised one of the many reasons I love Marmorkirken is:

It was sort of co-created – a work of the collective, and a great example of co-creation in Denmark, at least in “recent time”, that didn’t involve the labour movement, before that I think it was the Viking occupation of Britain! LOL!

Now you can co-create the next phase of the Marmorkirke by suggesting candidates for a female statue outside the Church!

I nominate:

Anne Palle
Maren Spliids
Agnes Bach

More inspiration (not too Danish nor “Christian”).

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Historier/Stories

Kære Mathilde Walter Clark, DET skal du med en “blog”!

Kære Mathilde Walter Clark,

Du spørger i din Klumme i MetroXpress fredag den 13-oktober 2006, om hvad du skal med en blog?

Svaret er INTET!

Men det du har brug for er en “personlig Internet tilstedeværelse” – bedre kendt som en “hjemmeside”, og den har du allerede, du skal bare google dig selv, et voila!

Kunne have været interessant hvis du havde en “personlig Internet tilstedeværelse med kommentar muligheder” (det er det en blog er, det er overhovedet IKKE en dagbog – eller rettere det er det OGSÅ), for så kunne jeg have sendt dig et “trackback” til “denne” side – det absolut ENESTE nørdede ved blogging – men nu har du jo så googlet den i stedet, og det er FINT med mig og resten af verdenen.

Jeg går udfra at det også er ret let at finde din mail adresse, selv om den ikke fremgik af din klumme, jeg har nemlig set på TV at du har en computer, og der var ingen elastik om den så vidt jeg kunne se, men jeg syntes jeg ville bruge dette medie i stedet, det er så dejligt når folk selv “trækker” den information timer, dage, måneder eller sågar år senere – jeg slipper for at sige “undskyld at jeg forstyrede”!

ps. At flertallet af bloggere, incl. disse, så ikke helt har fattet hvad “det” (altså blogs) er, det trækker jeg så kun på skuldrene, og af og til smilebåndet over – men jeg ønsker dem da held og lykke med at ride på den nye Internet bølge, og jeg under dem da også at “score kassen”, selv om det er tvivlsomt at de gør det, teknologi leverandører tjener sjældent på indhold.

pps. Du skulle have været med her, “ikke-bloggere” – hmm…check Blog-lingo for ideer til hvad “den slags” kaldes – er, efter min mening, også MERE end velkomne.

ppps. Jeg forstår din skepsis over for “blogospheren” efter at have checket hvordan du bliver svinet til “derude”.

Blogs Design Education/Undervisning Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English) Manic Panic Music Technology Videnskab

Review: The Science of Sleep – Michel Gondry, le mec est genial!

Yesterday I went to see the movie The Science of Sleep, directed and written by Michel Gondry, the fantastic French director, and my expectations were quite elevated!

For those who’ve never heard of Michel Gondry, just dig in your memory for the GREATEST music videos EVER made, and the top 10 will be dominated by his works.

He is best know for his works with Björk, Chemical Brothers, Foo Fighters, Kylie Minouge(!) and of course: The White Stripes.

Just one comment to the movie: “MICHEL GONDRY VOUS ETES GENIAL”. This is the greatest movie of creative vision since Brazil, I simply love it. It’s such a tribute to the creative mind and life in general – and I ended up with a tear in my eye because of the beautiful ending, that was a dream or was it?

I will go see it again and again and can’t wait until it is released on DVD.

It also made me realise how much I miss Paris, the scene where they’re dumping a TV in Canal St. Martin, my favorite spot on the planet, is priceless, and I also miss the love of my life (so far)! Now the tears are turning into a river! Quote: Once a woman has decided to dump you, she CAN’T change her mind! Unquote. I NEED TO GET OVER HER, and HER as well! Isis where are you?

10 stars out of 6 possible!

BTW! I’m in love – should I go seek out my love consultant, or maybe hire a new one (I already know who that should be!)?

Blogs Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English)

Am I doing what I’m doing because of 911?

Well the world didn’t end yesterday, the terrorists are holding their breath, the world shouldn’t however, something will happen again. ’nuff said.

Last week I asked myself a question. Would I be doing what I’m doing today if 911 hadn’t happened? It’s possible, but I think that it made me curious to learn more about the reasons behind, and since ignorance is the order of the day, I’ve been trying to swim against the tide.

Mjølnerparken neonsignI now have several Muslim friends, but that wasn’t the reason I started doing volunteer work in a predominately Muslim neighbourhood. It simply felt like the right thing to do, and I also wanted to come to terms with my limitless tolerance, that my friends criticised me of having, calling me naïve and even worse names.

One of the most important things that has happened as a result of my work as a tutor in Mjølnerparken, is that my friends no longer can claim that I don’t know what I’m talking about.

A few weeks after I started as a tutor in Mjølnerparken, I went on a trip to New York. In 2004 I travelled a lot, and most of the times I had a mission. The actual reason I went to New York, was to attend one of the Ladies First Tour dates, but on the night I arrived, I first went to a great musical, and even though it was late, I immediately decided to head downtown.

After a 30 minute walk, I’m obviously not scared – this being after midnight, and I’ve never been to New York before – was standing at Ground Zero at around 1 am, being the only human being around, but probably the most surveilled person on Earth, just looking around saying: “Det er så WTC sitet…Et stort hul i jorden som man kan se” “So that’s the WTC site…A huge hole in the ground”.

It was immediately clear to me that my trip to New York, was much more a pilgrimage to visit the place where it all started, than it was about attending the Ladies First concert (which was great with performances from Missy Elliott, Beyoncé and an impressive Alicia Keys).

Like I wrote several years ago, I find it amazing that there was so little damage. Yes the hole is huge, but the WTC towers were so immense that it’s really a miracle, that a huge part of lower Manhattan wasn’t destroyed, when the towers collapsed. This fact is part of the fuel for several conspiracy theories, and that’s understandable.

One of the most important lessons I learned during my visit to New York, was that the New Yorkers wasn’t exactly suffering, like I wrote yesterday. Another thing I felt on my body was the fact that the war on terror is also about revenge, and that New Yorkers seem quite paranoid.

I felt the paranoia when I went far out in the suburbs to attend the Ladies First concert, basically being the only white person in a venue with something like 5.000 people of colour, might not have been the smartest thing in the world to do, walking home through projects, picket-fenced homes and deserted shopping mall parking lots, was down-right stupid. There are no pedestrians nor street signs in a New York suburb, and I though that locating a train station would be easy, it wasn’t. Working back and forth on the outskirts of the city, I felt the eyes watching everywhere. You know, I even tried to hitch a ride when I was trying to reach the venue an ice-rink..No I was definitely not in Kansas anymore.

So am I doing what I’m doing because of 911? I’m not sure, but it most likely came into play on the subconscious level, because my work in Mjølnerparken wasn’t something that I was shopping actively for. I actually didn’t really grasp the concept of volunteer work until I was actually doing it.

Blogs Education/Undervisning Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Manic Panic Music Open Source Technology WordPress

The Church doesn’t have Wi-Fi

The Church Doesn't Have Wi-Fi15 minutes to go…5 years since Mohammad Atta shouted Allah Akhbar and slammed into the WTC, focused on Jannah and the waiting virgins, and the Church doesn’t have Wi-Fi.

A selection of today’s headlines:

  • The Internet is evil because the terrorists are using it to co-create terrorism manuals.
  • The problems of the Middle East are bigger than ever, but who cares about the people of Lebanon.
  • Danish forces are engaged in Afghanistan and Irak, we’re good at killing people
  • Anders Fogh thinks that Denmark is weak when it comes to foreign policy…We need to do more! OMG!!! Denmark is the 51st State!
  • Documents with lab results from the police investigation regarding the terrorism case from Odense has been found laying around in the open!
  • RFID tags, great Big Brother is watching!
  • Oh it’s so sad for the poor New Yorkers that lost their business! Well others lost their lifes! As far as I could tell when I was in New York in 2004, the New Yorkers aren’t exactly suffering.

Who do you believe? Our media? Their media? Your media!

It’s time to take back what’s rightfully ours, our constitutionally guaranteed freedom of expression.

Forgive me I have to pray, pray for humanity, the jury is still out, but are we going to make it? Only if we wake up!


And my keyboard switched to Arabic!



And because the Church doesn’t have WiFi, I can’t access the Sacred Texts Library, to meditate on Surat 2.112, I’ll have to write it down in my own words:

“He who worships his Lord and is a doer of good shall fear nothing!”

Alahu Akhbar…SLAM!!!!

Hey my cell-phone and Google to the rescue…Surat 2.112 al quran…Yielded this page:

The Birth of Islam

It started out with quotes from Al-Quran most of them hinting a violent side of Islam, with quotes like this:

Surat 9, Al Taouba, “Repentance; The Immunity-Dispensation,” verse 29:

[9.29] Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.

This means that Islam must conquer Jews and Christians, and if after being conquered they do not convert to Islam, then they must pay a tribute (head tax). You would either have to convert, or pay an “infidel tax.”

I was quite sceptical, what was the point? But I actually found the correct Surat 2.112 (my all time favorite quote from Al-Quran):

[2.112] Yes! whoever submits himself entirely to Allah and he is the doer of good (to others) he has his reward from his Lord, and there is no fear for him nor shall he grieve. ‏بَلَىٰ مَنْ أَسْلَمَ وَجْهَهُۥ لِلَّهِ وَهُوَ مُحْسِنٌۭ فَلَهُۥٓ أَجْرُهُۥ عِندَ رَبِّهِۦ وَلَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ ‎
balay’ man ‘Ê”aslama wajhahuw lil:ahi wahuwa muḥsinunm falahuwÊ” ‘Ê”ajruhuw Ê•inda rab:ihiy wala’ xawfun Ê•alayhim wala’ hum yaḥzanuwna (I hope this was correct, I’m not proficient in Arabic).

Surat 2.112 is as far from fundamentalism as you can possible get.

Then the text suddenly become much more interesting, and turns into a rather full historical account of the “Birth of Islam”. Very interesting indeed sitting in a Danish Church reading this historical account of the “Birth of Islam” on the 5th anniversary of 911 on a cell-phone using Google, including sentences rendered perfectly in Arabic script. This was not possible to do 5 years ago, there’s still hope for humanity.

BTW the bible quote of the day was from the Letter to the Galatians. Paulus basically says “remember: the ‘books’ aren’t written by men!”…Hmm…I don’t agree – the ‘books’ are inspired, spiritual and ‘eternal’, but they are indeed written by men.

LysglobeI lit all the candles in the “globe” in the Church and prayed some more for humanity. Too bad that the “bowl” with Bible quotes for contemplation were nowhere to be seen! But I welcome that this tradition has reached Denmark, I saw it in Lund 2 years ago, and actually I prayed for it to be adopted in Denmark. My prayers were heard it seems.

Blogs Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English) Lektiehjælpen (Danish)

History 101 (or 911): Connections!

Today was my regular day in Hjemmelektiehjælpen – private tutoring.

The 13 year old boy had an assignment where he was supposed to put into context World-war 2, The Battle for Dybbøl Mølle, Christian the 4th and 9-11 none the less. Phew! THAT triggered me!

The context was “what can you learn from history, and how do you avoid history from repeating it self” (or “man bliver klog af skade – great to hear such a phrase from a 13-year old), so “past in relation to future”. The boy was interested in the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI, Star Wars or Ronald Raygun’s wet dream), that’s the future! Well that wouldn’t have stopped Mohammad Atta was my point. And I also remembered the words (not literal) of Mikhail Gorbachew, “if they build it we’ll just throw a stone at it!”.

It actually turned out that the 4 historic event are more closely connected than you might expect. I didn’t discover this until I had made a history 101 (or 911) lecture, of history as I see it.

The US entered World-war 2 after Pearl Harbour, 9-11 was a new Pearl Harbour. 9-11 triggered the “war on terror” and that is somewhat akin to World-war 2, since it keeps provoking images of the “next Hitler”, learning from history eh’? Peace in our time?

Denmark lost Schleswig-Holstein after Dybbøl Mølle and it was the final nail in the coffin for the dreams of a Danish Empire, that Christian the 4 had.

Denmark regained some of the land lost after Dybbøl Mølle, as an indirect result of the peace treaty of Versailles, that eventually was a pivotal point in triggering World-war 2, since it left the German economy in shambles, resulting in the likes of Hitler coming out of the woodwork, some see the same happening today.

Everything is connected, as James Burke, one of my favourite authors, always points out.

Poor kid, he didn’t really get any homework done, but I ended up having a fantastic discussion with his mother. The view Muslims has of 9-11 is “somewhat different” from mine. They do seem to see a huge conspiracy, which is not as far fetched as it might seem. The truth has been a major casualty of the war on terror.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Historier/Stories

Så kan de lære det…

Blev lige ringet op af en af de plageånder der plager selvstændige erhvervsdrivende med at sælge hjemmesider etc.

Plageånd: Du taler med…Har du en hjemmeside?
Mig: Næh hvad er det?
Mig: Jeg aner slet ikke hvad det der Internet er for noget
Plageånd: Gør du ikke?
Mig: Nej kan du ikke forklare mig det?
Plageånd: Nej det kan jeg ikke…DUT DUT DUT

Tippet hermed givet videre!

ps. Pokkers også havde ellers set frem til at høre om det!

pps. Har også sendt min historie til, der samler på den slags.

ppps. Det minder mig om den værste af den slags plageånder jeg hidtil har haft den ubehagelige oplevelse af at have i røret…

Kvindemenneske: Du har vundet en flaske champagne!
Kvindemenneske: Jeg vil komme forbi for at give den til dig
Mig: Lyder godt
Kvindemenneske: Nå ok, hvor mange Laser tonere køber du så, “tar’ du en får du to” (ikke hendes ord, men ændret for dramatisk effekt)
Mig: Farvel!

Men det ærgede mig bagefter at jeg ikke fik spurgt hende om hvordan hun selv syntes det gik?

Blogs Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English) Open Source

I hate it when it does that…

Charlie: So lieutenant, where exactly were you?
Maverick: Well, we…
Goose: Thank you.
Maverick: Started up on a 6, when he pulled from the clouds, and then I moved in above him.
Charlie: Well, if you were directly above him, how could you see him?
Maverick: Because I was inverted.
Iceman: [coughs whilst saying] Bullshit.
Goose: No he was man, it was a really great move. He was inverted.
Charlie: You were in a 4g inverted dive with a MiG28?
Maverick: Yes ma’am.
Charlie: At what range?
Maverick: Um, about 2 meters.
Goose: It was actually about 1 and a half I think. It was 1 and a half, I’ve got a great Polaroid of it, and he’s right there, must be 1 and a half.
Maverick: Was a nice picture.
Goose: Thanks.
Charlie: Eh lieutenant, what were you doing there?
Goose: Communicating.
Maverick: Communicating. Keeping up foriegn relations. You know, giving him the bird!
Goose: [Charlie looks puzzled, so Goose clarifies] You know, the finger
[gestures apprpriately]
Charlie: Yes, I know the finger, Goose.
Goose: I-I’m sorry, I hate it when it does that, I’m sorry. Excuse me.

F.AY!!! Big up to Masta Ace, Alan Kay, Tim Berners-Lee, Richard Stallman, Ben Hammersley, R.V.B, H.H.B, E.T, D.M, M.E, G.L, M.J, O.H N.O, J.T.R, P.P, N.T.F, P.L.R.T, K.H.A.Y, N.B, J.H, T.C.N and all the revolutionaries I haven’t meet yet (well I haven’t actually met P.P., Alan Kay, Tim Berners-Lee and Richard Stallman…).