#rainbowWASHING, regnbuemaling eller regnbuevask indebærer at den der udfører menneske-fjendtlig eller mindre menneske-venlig virksomhed forsøger at skabe et billede af sig selv som menneske-venlige gennem blandt andet markedsføring, f.eks. i forbindelse med “pride”-arrangementer”
Det kan ikke udelukkes at opfinderen af dette begreb, yours truly, blot er en gammel sur mand, der ikke kan nøjes med at glæde sig over den succes arrangementer som Copenhagen Pride er, og deres sponsorer er da ikke de værste og der er sikkert sorteret, men tendensen er klar ;-).
Roskilde Festival defines my culture, and when I, unexpectedly got the chance to go this year, I was a happy camper. My ticket only had one string attached: “YOU HAVE TO GO SEE SPIDS NØGENHAT”! Those terms were acceptable to me.
I decided to act as some sort of journalist during the festival, and I was very active on social media mostly deep undercover representing the 1980’ies Copenhagen punkzine “Alt For Meget“.
I shared some details on how I covered Roskilde Festival from the cell phone.
This post is focusing on the highlights, bt I have curated a “Storify” that includes most of my social media posts, and you can view that as a slideshow below. It probably requires “subtitles” and a lot of it only made sense “live”.
Get A Tent
The soul of Roskilde is in the camps, but I also find it a bit stressful, so I chose the luxury option for camping, “Get A Tent”. The concept is that your tent has already been pitched, so you’re ready to move in as soon as you have checked in.
After the festival you can choose to keep the tent, leave it behind or pack it up and drop it at “Camp Aid”, and the tents are sent to refugee camps.
Despite being boring you still have full access to the camping area, and I enjoyed checking out the most interesting ones. A lot of camps have their own massive sound systems, most of them blasting euro-techno-stompers, but my favourite camp was Camp TOSM (Tors Orange Soccer Mon) that had an insanely loud box that every morning blasted “morning Slayer” much to the dismay of the immediate neighbours.
Camp TOSM were very friendly, invited me in and shared music recommendations.
As always you stumble upon things if you follow your senses, I found Camp TOSM because of their loud music, but I was actually om my way to “Dream City”. I had no idea what Dream City was, but it sounded interesting. It turned out the Dream City is an experiment by the Roskilde Festival to have participants build unique camps and experiences.
There are four dogmas:
To be a part of Dream City you only need to follow the city’s dogmas:
Acquire a ticket to Roskilde Festival 2014 or become a volunteer.
Consider your project/camp as a gift to Dream City – something that can be shared with the rest of the ‘Dreamers’ and festival goers.
Think sustainable and socially responsible.
What you bring you must take with you again when you leave the city.
Dream City had a number of cool camps, I didn’t visit all of them, but I really liked the Dome, which acted as a signature.
It was also nice to see a makerlab/fablab where you for instance could get help building your own loudspeakers.
The Postoffice, #postkilde, was really nice, and they played hosts to a powerful morning workout session at 10 am, you might have seen it broadcast live at DR3 on the last day of the festival. Just what I needed.
Ungdommens Røde Kors (Danish Red Cross Youth Organisation) wanted you to make a flag, and I did that. When I explained what the flag represented they said that it was the most political statement they had heard so far 🙂
Dream City has the feel of the Burning Man festival, we’re not quite there yet, but if that is the direction Roskilde Festival is taking, I’m all for it.
THis year Roskilde Festival had an ArtZone located centrally in the festival area. It featured a number of installations for instance “The Forest” where you entered a room with strands of cloth suspended from the ceiling, you didn’t notice the other people in the room until they literally bumped into you.
There was also a game called Johann Sebastian Joust that seemed to be using hacked Sony Play conrtolleres.
It featured what looked like “hacked” Sony Play controllers (the game was controlled by standard computers, not a PlayStation).
The controllers were suspended from the ceiling and you have to grab two of your chosen colour.
The game sped up, and if you missed grabbing two controllers of your colour, you were eliminated.
The game was quite simple, fun and challenging.
Up to four players.
Food #rffood
Roskilde Festival really shines in the food department these days. We’ve come a long way from burgers, coke and fries. You can, of course, still get that, but in that case you’re missing out.
I remember just 6 years ago that you had to be lucky to find a small stall that sold sushi.
Not anymore. The flagship was the food court where they sold reasonably priced meals prepared by real chefs. My favorite was the Japanese street kitchen Yatai. They served an unlisted vegan stew that I lived on.
Finally I also caught some music, this was, after all a music festival :-), I might do a longer post on the music alone, but I’ll mention some highlights.
Best music (part of the show was delivered purely acoustic)
After the humiliating defeat by the brazilian association football team, I got this idea that what happened was a clash of culture and that it could be illustrated with differences in music and the way people in dance in different cultures.
The brazilian way of playing football is often compared to the dance of samba,so much so that the Danish National Broadcaster TV2 is using the hashtag #sambabold during the World Cup.
To illustrate the 1-7 defeat I turned to “hardstyle” an aggressive dance style that originated in europe, Belgium, but is popular in Germany.
HAAAARRRRDDDDDSTYYYYLLLEE! Willkommen nach Welthauptstadt Berlin
But I believe that Brazil will return, and thjs what happens when “Hardstyle” is given a “brazilian wax”, the style is called “Rebolation”, “Hardstyle” made sexy.
ps. Argentina is the clear winner in dance and music, and why don’t we just celebrate the World Cup, dance and music and all do the “Electro swing” <3
Ekstra Bladet fortsætter med at sætte psykiatri på forsiden, nu med en afstemning, med det forventelige resultat.
Personligt har jeg aldrig oplevet at blive tvangsmedicineret, men jeg har oplevet tvang i forbindelse med at jeg modsatte mig indlæggelse. Det var rent Kafka. Jeg ville udskrives fra den lukkede, lukkede – ja, ja, jeg antager at det var sådan et sted @fedeabe var på besøg – hvorefter jeg blev tvangsindlagt, i det øjeblik jeg sagde at jeg var der frivilligt, så blev tvangen ophævet.
I denne uge var der hele to udfordringer fra Udfordring.dk, den første var en videreførsel af sidste uges økonomi-udfordring samt en livsstils-udfordring.
Jeg vidste godt at jeg ikke kunne klare budgettet fra sidste uge pga. forventede udgifter i denne uge, men jeg prøvede alligevel at holde øje med udgifterne.
Livsstils-udfordringen gik ud på at dyrke mindst 30 minutters motion om dagen, det har jeg opfyldt gennem gang. Jeg vil tro at jeg har gået samlet 15-20 timer med en længde på ca. 50 km i løbet af ugen. Tirsdag var den længste enkelt strækning fra mit hjem i Taastrup til Avedøre Station, det tog 4-5 timer.
Alt i alt vil jeg sige at jeg har bestået livsstils-udfordringen.
Som det fremgår var det en dyr uge, men “you’re worth it”, her i den dobbelte betydning “du og i” ;-).
Der er indført en ny regel, og det er at “overskuddet” går til velgørenhed, i uge 7 var der indtægter fra flaskesamling på 61,70 kr., det blev rundet op til 62 kr. og doneret til #twitterindsamling på BetterNow.Org. Jeg er ambivalent mht. BetterNow.Org, de har omkostninger på 7,50% hvoraf de 1,5% er kreditkortgebyrer, så det lyder som en bedre idé at aflevere sine småpenge i kirkebøssen.
I uge 8 er velgørenhedsreglerne omdefineret til at de kontanter der er i lommen ved ugens udgang bliver doneret til velgørenhed, i uge 8 var der indtægter fra penge jeg fandt flydende omkring i min lejlighed samt indsamling af flasker, det giver 36,00 kr.
Mine transport udgifter steg i forhold til uge 7, hvilket skyldtes at jeg var i København 5 gange mod 4 gange i uge 7, vi landede på 241,70 kr..
Udgifterne til mad steg kraftigt til 337,85 kr., det skyldes bla. et besøg på et spisested.
Hvis vi ser bort fra ekstraordinære udgifter i løbet af ugen, så lander vi på 587,40 kr., så det betyder at jeg har holdt de normale udgifter i ro.
Økonomi-udfordringen fortsætter på ubestemt tid, det er en sund øvelse, og jeg vil begynde at registrere alle udgifter og indtægter i mit regneark.
“Friheden” er en hård test
Billedet ovenfor er taget ved bagindgangen til 7-11 på Friheden Station, det var målet for min lange gåtur til Avedøre. Turen var foranlediget af at en hjemløs mand var død ved Friheden Station udenfor 7-11. Personalet havde, forgæves, forsøgt at få myndighederne til at tage sig af manden dagen før. Det provokerede mig, ikke mindst fordi jeg er vokset op i kvarteret, og så hjælper det ikke at der findes en sang af “Malurt” der indeholder følgende tekstlinje:
På Friheden Station//Er Friheden kun en illusion
Så jeg tog derud, mest fordi jeg ville vise sympati med personalet, det må være uendeligt svært at leve med, og de havde jo gjort hvad de kunne. Det var en ganske nedslående oplevelse at tage derud, jeg skrev dette på Facebook
Det var makabert. Madrassen ligger der stadig…En søster har sat lys, en buket roser og en gave fra mig…That’s it…at Friheden Station.
Det mest syrede var at der lå en anden hjemløs indenfor på stationen, han sov tilsyneladende, antager at der er nogle der holder øje med ham, men antagelser er jo, som bekendt, the mother of all FUs…
(fra min egen tid som “hjemløs” kan jeg oplyse at danskere går forbi med bemærkninger som “den stakkels mand”, turister prøver at ruske liv i en…).
På trods af denne nedslående oplevelse, havde jeg en vidunderlig uge, flere af dem.
A common use case would be to “Storify” all tweets tagged with a specific tag, or all tweets from a given user, creating a macro blogentry out of micro blogentires in a blink of an eye.
I’d like to describe another use case, which is how to enhance an article, by extending it using” Storify”.
This week VisitCopenhagen published a nice article about the famous philosopher Søren Kierkegaard’s Copenhagen, it was great, but as always, they only link to articles within their own portal, I felt that “something” was missing”.
This is the article on Søren Kierkegaard that VisitCopehagen has on their website. I’d like to “Storify” it by adding more “stories”, or what I’d like to call that micro-blog entries, to the article.
I used “Storify” for iPad, which is great, so I just selected the Globe icon and entered the URL for the Wikipedia article, now I could add the article.
Here’s a screenshot after I’ve added links to both the VisitCopenhagen and Wikipedia articles
I added links to Foursquare too, as well as my own comments.
I think this resulted in a nice macro-blog article, that adds significant value to the article from VisitCopenhagen, but I’d let you be the judge on that.
For convenience nothing really beats “Storify”, my main concern is that you buy into their file-format.
You can choose to save your story to your blog though, and it looks like Storify exports everything to HTML.
This was just one example of a workflow that enhances articles written by others, another example is knowledge sharing, a good example of that would be my article on #postPC, my experiences trying to replace my laptop with an iPad and a mobile.
Wishlist and a warning
The only thing I really miss with “Storify”, is the ability to collaborate on stories online, and I discovered a major problem with this. Since “Storify” doesn’t really support collaboration, I experienced that I, after finishing editing a story on my Mac lost that version because I had the story open on the iPad too, so auto-save replaced my final copy.
Best practice is not to leave a story open in the iPad editor, by always selecting “My Stories” before editing on another computer.
“Storify” is fun and makes it easier to create blog-posts, which is good, I’m not sure if the readers agree 4.5/5 stars!
Søren Kierkegaard was born to an affluent family in Copenhagen. His mother, Ane Sørensdatter Lund Kierkegaard, had served as a maid in the household before marrying his father, Michael Pedersen Kierkegaard. She was an unassuming figure: quiet, plain, and not formally educated but Henriette Lund, her granddaughter, wrote that she “wielded the sceptre with joy and protected [Soren and Peter] like a hen protecting her children”.
The Danish Design Museum in Copenhagen offers displays of decorative art, crafts, and industrial designs from the Western world and Asia from the late Middle Ages and up to the present. Earlier, the museum was the first public hospital in Denmark; The Royal Frederik’s Hospital, where Søren Kierkegaard was admitted and died in 1855.
Helligaandskirken is a church on Strøget in Copenhagen. In 1813, the great Danish philosopher and theologian Søren Kierkegaard was christened in the church.
The Church of the Holy Ghost ( Danish: Helligåndskirken) in Copenhagen, Denmark, is one of the city’s oldest churches. The first abbey in Copenhagen was a Franciscan monastery founded in 1238, just 12 years after the death of Francis of Assisi. Prior to that, Archbishop Eskil had founded two Cistercian monasteries, Esrom Abbey and Herrevad Abbey.
Visit the Copenhagen Cathedral, a setting of many important functions and events such as the funeral of Søren Kierkegaard in 1855 and the wedding of the Crown Prince Couple in 2004. In 1807, the cathedral was hit by a incendiary rocket during the British bombardment led by Admiral James Gambier and General Lord Cathcart.
The Church of Our Lady ( Danish: Vor Frue Kirke) is the cathedral of Copenhagen and the National Cathedral of Denmark. It is situated on Vor Frue Plads and next to the main building of the University of Copenhagen.
Søren Kierkegaard is buried, alongside a number of famous people like H.C.Andersen at the Assistens Cemetary. Assisten Cemetary is a virtual oasis in a rough city neighbourhood, a stroll here is a must when visiting Copenhagen.
Assistens Cemetery ( Danish: Assistens Kirkegård) in Copenhagen, Denmark, is the burial site of a large number of Danish notables as well as an important greenspace in the Nørrebro district.
The Museum of Copenhagen provides a captivating and informative account of the city’s history. The museum also has a rare collection of Søren Kierkegaard’s personal belongings where furniture, portraits, purse and dedication copies of Kierkegaard’s works are exhibited.
The Black Diamond is an extension to the Royal Library in Copenhagen. The building also houses The National Museum of Photography, a bookshop, eateries and a concert and theatre hall. At the Black Diamond, you can see Søren Kierkegaard’s manuscripts which are kept safely in Royal Library’s Søren Kierkegaard Archive.
The Royal Theatre in Copenhagen has graced the Kongens Nytorv Square since 1748. The Royal Theatre’s has three main venues at its disposal: The Opera House, the Playhouse, and the Old Stage, the latter almost exclusively for ballet performances. Søren Kierkegaard was a frequent guest at The Royal Theatre, where he heard Mozart’s Don Juan.
The Trinity Church is part of the 17th century Trinitatis Complex, which includes the Round Tower astronomical observatory tower and the Copenhagen University Library, in addition to the church. In 1829, Søren Kierkegaard was confirmed in Trinity Church because Church of Our Lady was burned down.
Trinitatis Church is located in central Copenhagen, Denmark. It is part of the 17th century Trinitatis Complex, which includes the Rundetårn astronomical observatory tower and the Copenhagen University Library, in addition to the church. Built in the time of Christian IV, the church initially served the students of Copenhagen University.
Hannes værktøjer er mere mig, og alt i alt var jeg frustreret over processen – livet er for kort til webdesign – men så kom denne mail fra niecen:
“Tak for hjælpen kim! Sætter virkelig pris på din hjælp. Selvom det er svært, synes jeg alligevel at jeg kommer lidt tættere på at forstå noget af det, når jeg ser hvordan du arbejder med det. Iøvrigt, kiggede lige igen på min gamle wordpress og nu gav noget nyt mening. Har fundet ud af hvordan jeg fjerner overskrifterne og hvordan jeg kan lave gallerierne med next – previous funktion uden fancybox. Så nu er det tema jeg havde i forvejen faktisk også nærmest tomt på nær gallerierne. Jeg når nok ikke så meget mere for idag. Tak for links!
Godnat og sov godt.”
Noget tyder på jeg fik hende gjort flyvefærdig <3, display:none ;-), unge mennesker er fantastisk energiske og lærer hurtigt, hun havde altså kiggede min “theme-hacking” over skuldren.
Og så er det første gang jeg har set hvor dygtig en illustrator og kunstner min niece er, jeg er DYBT imponeret. Glæder mig til at se resultatet <3