'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Music

Rør den! Fætter BR gæstede K.B. Hallen

Mandag den 4-December-2006, gæstede Busta Rhymes K.B Hallen på Frederiksberg. Det var momentvis en god oplevelse, hvor Busta Rhymes viste sit store talent, og her mener jeg som rapper, desværre var det som sagt kun momentvist, men det var som forventet.

Jeg fatter ikke hvorfor et så stort internationalt navn tropper op med så tynd en besætning, vi blev spist af med et 2 MC+1 DJ sæt, ingen gæste artister udover Spliff, som var med hele vejen. Jeg havde da forventet et par gæster fra det store Flip Mode Squad, men det er måske ikke money in the bank.

KB Hallen var måske også lidt for stor til showet, jeg syntes ikke om den alt for kraftige publikums belysning, og hardcore hip-hop folket fyldte heller ikke så meget. Busta Rhymes vil gerne være mainstream og det smitter åbenbart af på publikums sammensætningen.

Til DJens (D-Jens…LOL) sidste kommentar! Nej! Det er bestemt ikke den bedste hip-hop koncert jeg har være til, alene i år slår Masta Ace og specielt Clotaire K fætter BR med flere længder…Come on…KEEP IT REAL! Det kunne have været SÅ meget federe.

Men det var BESTEMT ikke spild af tid, og jeg fik da hoppet og bobbet et par minutter, og det er jo altid rart, og når Busta tager sin rap “low and fast” så kører han cirkler om de fleste, KRÆS for KENDERE!

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Music

.:: Kalash ::.


.:: Kalash ::.

I’ve said it before, but it bares repeating…

Sometimes French hip-hop seems to be the future of hip-hop, Kalash is no exception to that rule.

I’d love to see them live.

And WOW what a cool logo!

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Music

Leo’s Lyrics Database – Bikstok Røgsystem – Unger lyrics

Leo’s Lyrics Database – Bikstok Røgsystem – Unger lyrics

Leo’s Lyrics…Hmm not quite as good as LyricsFreak, but I still found the lyrics to Bikstok Røgsystem’s fantastic song Unger (Kids) – we need to relay this to the troubled inner city kids, like the one’s that went joyriding this friday – SHEER luck no-one got hurt, a car is a leathal weapon!

Hvordan ka det være du si’r du nede med bling bling
Eaggermand sidder der på gaden han ser den sam’ting
For mange mennesker drøner rundt med deres blim blim
De burde vide de burde lære det er den forkerte ting
Hvordan ka det være du si’r du nede med sleng teng
Det er reggae og de kalder mig deh danceking
For meget snak men du si’r jo ik’ en damn ting
Du går med kniv men jeg holder mig til ginseng

Kujon går med kniv soldat med gevær
Det var det han sagde hvordan ka det være I ikke ka’ la’ vær’

Feeble (no that’s self depreciation – Janteloven in effect – I’m learning) attempt at a translation:

How come you say you’re down with bling-bling
Eaggermand sitting on the street watching the same thing
Too many people running round with their blim blim
They should know they should learn it’s the wrong thing
How come you say you’re down with bad things
This is regae and they call me the danceking
Too much talk but you don’t say a damn thing
You carry a knife but I’ll stick with ginseng

Coward carries knife soldier a gun
That’s what the man said how come you just can’t stop

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Music

LyricsFreak: Human League | The Sound Of The Crowd lyrics

Human League | The Sound Of The Crowd lyrics

Get around town
Get around town
Where the people look good
Where the music is loud
Get around town
No need to stand proud
Add your voice to the sound of the crowd

LyricsFreak…Didn’t know about this FANTASTIC site until now! Owned!

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Music

ardentepatience – @

ardentepatience – @

Ah mainteneant ça marche votre musique embede! Merci! C’est beau ça.

Hmm it seems that I’m in SERIOUS need of a French WordPress category now (I need to embed some English language in this post for it to qualify in the Kim Blog (English) category)!!!

Hmmx2 I suspect that the reason the stream didn’t work is because I stress my Mac by never closing anything leaving 20 applications and 70 Firefox tabs open at any time.

Have to check out Camino.

Blogs Bookmarks Design Kim Blog (English) Music

KAFFE&VINYL: Ethiopian Jazz ROCKS!

KAFFE&VINYL: Ethiopian Jazz ROCKS!KAFFE&VINYL: Ethiopian Jazz ROCKS! (Originally uploaded by K.Job).

KAFFE&VINYL is one of the coolest new places in Copenhagen, located in Skydebanegade 4, Vesterbro (my old hood).

KAFFE&VINYL is a coffeshop combined with a record store that predominatly sells vinyl records and EXELLENT coffe. When I was there somebody bought some Ethiopian Jazz, it’s obviously a BIG seller, and you can understand why, really groovy, to me it sounded a lot like the best hip-hop acts like Madlib.

KAFFE&VINYL is HIGHLY recommended, but could be addictive, but he carries almost no hip-hop, which is wise because the owner has no knowledge of the genre.

While I was there, and suggested that he should carry some, especially since it, along with punk and electronica, is the genre that has done most for the survival of the vinyl format, a woman in the store remarked that it should be banned! How IGNORANT, it’s like saying Jazz is bad just because bad Jazz exists.

Eventually it turned out that he did indeed have some hip-hop, the owner Christian, isn’t a fundamentalist, he also carries CDs.

RESPECTxtilted figure eight.

Blogs Bookmarks Design Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English) Music

Giselle was staring at me…

…and I bought a 12″ vinyl on the spot, now I need a 1210?

12″ vinyl records are also being bought by teenagers to decorate their rooms, because they think that they look cool. This reminds me of something I experienced a few years ago, where I overheard this conversation on the train…

Teenager inspecting a 12″: “This is really cool, but do you understand how music comes out of it?”.

Blogs Bookmarks Design Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Music Technology

YouTube – Royksopp – Eple

YouTube – Royksopp – Eple

This is ONE amazing music video, it captures the spirit of Scandinavia IMHO. I just love spotting the buildings from Copenhagen in it…

Installing Mac OS X Panther gave me the chills, and I didn’t realise/remember that the track was called Eple until last week…

ps. Panthers are SOOO much kewler than Tigers…But Leopards!!! Miaow!!!

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Music Technology

YouTube – iPod Shuffle commercial

YouTube – iPod Shuffle

This is my favorite Apple commerical of all time…

Blogs Bookmarks Design Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Music Technology

Green room – WiKim

Green room – WiKim