Bookmarks Open Source Rumforskning Technology Videnskab

NASA World Wind

NASA World Wind

I just became aware of NASA’s World Wind software. World Wind is, in many respects, similar to Google Earth, the difference between the two being more in philosophy, than anything else.

Bookmarks Open Source Technology

Doc Searls’ IT Garage

Doc Searls’ IT Garage

Found this after listening to a Podcast on ITConversations. Looks interesting.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Open Source Technology

MIT Media Lab: $100 Laptop

MIT Media Lab: $100 Laptop

The MIT Media Lab has launched a new research initiative to develop a $100 laptop—a technology that could revolutionize how we educate the world’s children.

Mactopia Open Source Technology 2.0 font problems on Mac OS-X

I’ve been running 2.0 on Mac OS-X/X11 for a couple of days now, and the major complaint I had, was that the quality of the OOo standard fonts was too low.

The problem was most annoying with Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, so finally I decided to do something about it.

Mactopia Open Source Technology 2.0 has arrived

I’ve just downloaded and installed 2.0 for Mac OS-X/X11, and I’m happy to report that the issues that plagued the previous version, so far, seems to have been addressed.

Blogs Manic Panic Open Source Technology

OpenSource Evangeliet

Hvad med at blive ASPere, der er faktisk ikke ret mange mennesker der har brug for en computer…Intelligente terminaler det ER da fremtiden.