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Computerworld – Google klar med danske vejkort

Computerworld – Google klar med danske vejkort

Google Maps has added Danish roadmaps, this is great news.

Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work with the API yet.

But this is what we’ve been waiting for. Now let’s go build something!

UPDATE 26-Apr-2006@16:48!

Danish roadmaps actually works fine with the API, you just have to update your code to version 2. Here’s my first Google Maps 2.0 test.

Blogs Kim Blog (English) Technology

Surf’s up at the Damhus lake: Wi-Fi everywhere

While biking home from Copenhagen city tonight, I made a short pit-stop, mostly to enjoy the scenery by the Damhus lake, but also to recharge my iPod shuffle, that possibility existed because my PowerBook was fully charged. I flipped the screen open, logged on to Mac OS X: lo- and behold, much to my surprise, an open Wi-Fi network announced itself. Surf’s up in the normally quiet Damhus lake. The open network is called rulykke and it can be accessed from the path that trails the south eastern shore of the Damhus lake.

Experiences like this really makes me consider removing the encryption from my network, it’s a nice way to protest against the monopoly like status of the TelCos. Network access wants to be free. Tak rulykke network – du er bare alletiders!!!

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Open Source Technology

Format Wars: OpenXML Developer

OpenXML Developer

OpenXML Developer is a web-site dedicated to developers of OpenXML applications. The OpenXML format is Microsoft’s proposed open document format standard. OpenXML will become the default file-format for the next version of Microsoft Office, Office 12 or Office 2007.

OpenXML, or “Office 2003 reference schemas” is often seen as a strategic move by Microsoft to try to take attention away from another proposed document standard, the OpenDocument Format (ODF), that is backed by the ODFAlliance.

Like I’ve mentioned before, I really fail to see the need for more than one standard, and I really hope that Microsoft decide to support OpenDocument. For now Microsoft has said that they will leave implementation of ODF to 3rd parties.

One thing I find interesting is that OpenOffice.Org, most likely will have support for OpenXML, as well as ODF…Just another reason to switch.

Looking at the content of the OpenXML Developer site, I can see that sections dedicated to Linux and Mac OS developers has been added, but the samples that are present right now is limited to Java and .NET, and it looks like Microsoft will be adding special APIs to .NET that aims to simplify creation of binary content, e.g. attachments, and the source code for this will (I’m willing to take a wager), most likely, be closed.

Where OpenOffice.Org shines, is that it’s implementation of ODF is Open Source, and having an open reference implementation makes it relatively simple to write ODF applications that will remain compatible.

Microsoft is claiming that OpenXML will ensure backwards compatibility with the old DOC format(s), this sounds quite strange, Microsoft could have decided to build on ODF, and then make their own extensions.

So what is Microsoft’s motives. I believe that they have several:

  • Keep undocumented binary information in the documents that only Office 2007 will support.
  • New lock-in strategy, OpenXML will replace DOC as the default format, history shows that the users that have upgraded quite quickly will start sending documents in the new format, forcing the reciepients to upgrade.

It will be interesting to see that happens in the format wars. A good resource, somewhat biased towards ODF though, is the excellent Groklaw site.

For now ODF has a huge lead over OpenXML. Office 2007 has been delayed, and by the time it ships, it’s likely that ODF has been ratified by ISO. OpenXML is using the ECMA organisation to gain a fast track to ISO, and Microsoft has recently joined the ISO subcommittee that works with the ratification of document formats. It is estimated that OpenXML is at least 18 months behind ODF in the ratification process. According to C|NET, the ODFAlliance is optimistic that ODF can be certified as early as next month.

Personally I don’t think that Microsoft should be allowed to change the default format in Office, and remain a supplier of software to the Danish public sector.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Technology

David Weiss: A Tour of Microsoft’s Mac Lab

David Weiss: A Tour of Microsoft’s Mac Lab

Drool…Mactopia! has been located!

A rack with 150 Mac minis, controlled from a 30″ Apple display that “rotates like butter” :-D…OMG times 150!!!

Guess Redmond, Washington, 1 Microsoft Way can be a very pleasant place.

Now I want to go work for Microsoft.

Blogs Bookmarks Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Technology › DR1 › Michelles mission › Programmerne › Michelles mission (4) › DR1 › Michelles mission › Programmerne › Michelles mission (4)

Macspot: Mine!!!A link to the TV show that featured yours truly is up now, stay tuned for the streamed media. You have to watch for something like 15 minuttes to catch a glimpse of me, and later, me and my trusty companion, my beloved Apple PowerBook G4 12″ aka. K.Job.

Yes, KB-Hallen features a free and fast Wi-Fi connection 8-). “You are using a mobile phone to get a connection right?” “No, it’s Wi-Fi!” “It’s what?” “It’s wireless Internet! It’s build right in. And guess what it’s free”.

The future is now, Wi-Fi is becoming pervasive, much like running water. When I went to Vingsted Center in Vejle for the “Yearly Gathering” (årsmøde) of Dansk Flygtningehjælp (The Danish Refugee Council) last week, they had Wi-Fi as well, and once again I was the only user. But 3G is dead like ahem 3G, long live Wi-Fi.

You can also catch the re-runs of show 4.

Michelles mission
DR1, Thursday the 20-Apr-2006 @ 14:20
DR1, Monday the 24-Apr-2006 @ 09:05

Blogs Bookmarks Design Kim Blog (English) Technology

Vejle Kunstmuseum – architecture and technology

I just visited the newly reopened Vejle Kunstmuseum (Vejle Museum of Art), and it was a very nice experience. The museum has been modernised and has had a new wing added. The new wing has been designed by the Utzon architects, and the way the entrance has been wedged between the old building and the new wing with an open spacious and very light colonnade is very successful, it extends the perspective towards infinity, now I’m dreaming of a “historic Vejle axis” flanked by trees on both sides, that would extend towards the beautiful Ådal. Unfortunately that isn’t going to happen, because the view soon will be blocked, I hope only partially, by a new housing complex.

Notable items from the collection includes one of the largest compilations of Rembrant sketches and a large collage style painting with faces of famous, and not so famous, Danes, you can really spend a lot of time just looking at this picture trying to identify the people.

Digital "guides" from Vejle KunstmuseumMore surprisingly, the museum is making good use of new technology by providing the visitors with the possibility to take a guided tour using a type of portable digital player, that resembles an iPod shuffle. The device is called PICKUP and it is produced by the Swedish Company dataton. The PICKUP device is extremely rugged, I suspect that it’s quite expensive.

This is how it works. Some of the exhibited items has a small infrared receiver “eye”, called a hotspot or transponder, located next to them, if you point the player towards one of the electronic eyes, and press play, it will load a spoken interview where the item is being discussed. Very clever indeed, I didn’t discover the devices until I was about to exit the museum, since admission currently, and for the remainder of 2006, is free, so I went back and revisited the exhibits walking away from the item being discussed, listing to the discussion “in transit”. I expect this to become a mainstream feature in museums, and as music players evolve I expect that the information will be streamed over Bluetooth to your iPod.

Being a geek I’ve spend too much time discussing the technology, the museum is it self worthwhile paying a visit, the number of artworks owned by the museum is limited, but the selection and quality of the art is quite high. Recommended, if you’re going to LEGOLAND consider making a pit-stop at the Vejle Kunstmuseum, as I mentioned admission is free for the duration of 2006, so you can’t use that you can’t afford it as an excuse.

Highly recommended. And great to be able to tag a museum review with technology, I think that it’s deserved. Now why didn’t I come up with this idea (well actually I did – last year – remember that I’m from the future ;-))

Related links
Vejle Kunstmuseum
dataton PICKUP fact sheet (1.6 MB PDF)

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Technology

User:Kim Bach – Reboot

User:Kim Bach – Reboot
Just signed up for the reboot8.0 event, #130 on the list of participants. Yay! A Wiki? What a 21st century idea!

The list of participants and keynote speakers is shaping up, and it sounds great that there are so many female speakers and participants.

Let there be light…The computer WILL be the network…It’s the dawn of the participation age…

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Open Source Technology

YAWN – Yet Another Wiki Nuisance: Introducing WiKim

So did I, or the world for that matter, really need another Wiki? Introducing WiKim (sry, couldn’t resist that)

I’ve decided to take the why-not, or because I can, approach.

Hmm…I think I’ll start out wikifying my seriously outdated IT-Ordliste Anno 2000 seems like a potiential driver of trafic? For proof that I’m a “media-ho”, look no further.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Open Source Technology

Status over Linuxforum 2006 – teknik dagen

Som lovet, en noget – OK OK MEGET – forsinket, rapport fra Linuxforum 2006 – teknik dagen.

Jeg fulgte følgende sessioner:

Google Maps — Organizing the World’s Information, Geographically
Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger på Intel Macintosh
Webapplikations udvikling med TurboGears
Digital Video Recording with VDR
Evolution by committee: The changing face of PC storage
“Something funny happened on the way to 2006”

Jeg må indrømme at jeg ikke var helt så meget oppe på mærkerne på teknik dagen, jeg er nok mere interesseret i aspekterne ved brugen af Open Source i det offentlige, end nørderi, men det er da dejligt at se hvor mange deltagere Linuxforum tiltrækker.

Lidt af et scoop at høre om Google Maps fra “manden selv”, Lars Eilstrup Rasmussen, og successen med at lave avancerede netbaserede APIer og de såkaldte AJAX teknologier. Det er imponerende hvad folk bruger Google Maps til, lige fra det seriøse til det kuriøse, som “If I dig a very deep hole, where I go to stop? Another stupid application for Google Maps…. Google Maps er seriøst kewl, og jeg har anskaffet mig en API nøgle og har leget lidt med det.

Det var også interessant at høre hvor skeptisk Lars Eilstrup Rasmussen havde været overfor om det var muligt at få Google Maps til at fungere i en browser hvor al klientkoden er JavaScript. Produktet Google Maps er baseret på, er en traditionel C++ applikation. Det bedste Google Maps har gjort for AJAX er at vise hvor meget der kan lade sig gøre med teknologien.

Apples Henrik Rye brillierede med en demo af Mac OS X Tiger, jeg var specielt imponeret over Spotlight, og den integration der er mellem Spotlight og f.eks. Safaris RSS feed manager. Det var da også interessant at høre Apples repræsentant sige at Apple ønskede at være “de bedste til Open Source”, det lyder ikke helt troværdigt, og direkte forespurgt på hvorfor visse ting der havde været Open Source ikke længere var det, blev der henvist til Cupertino. Apple er mest med på Linuxforum for at vise flaget, men jeg er nu meget glad for at de er der, jeg håber at de også er der i 2007. Jeg er dog ikke uenig i Groklaws udsendte kommentator der bemærkede at Apple er “freeloaders”. Jeg har dog siden erfaret at Apple faktisk arbejder aktivt for at optimere GCC, og at Apple har givet noget tilbage til Open Source communitiet. Ellers kunne man nyde performance på de nye Intel Macs, de “hamrer deruda'”.

Den mest spændende session var nok gennemgangen af TurboGears, det lyder rigtig smart og velegenet til at udvikle well-engineered webbaserede database applikationer. Og husk at Google hyrer Python folk.

Gennemgangen af VDR var hæmmet lidt af at taleren ikke var særlig karismatisk, men det er et imponerende produkt, der dog ser ud til at være et work in progress.

Alan Cox stod for en gennemgang af optimering af low-level optimering af disk adgang, det har nok aldrig interesseret mig ret meget, men Alan Cox er en autoritet, og han gjorde det lidt tunge emne noget mere forståeligt.

Den sidste session jeg fulgte handlede om det skudsekund der blev indsat ved årskiftet til 2006, det betyd faktisk at uret den 31-12 talte: 23:59:59 23:59:60 00:00:00. Sessionen blev givet af en yderst veloplagt Poul-Henning Kamp, det var en velkommen kontrast til de noget tungere tekniske sessioner – ægte nørderi på den “fede måde”.

Herefter var jeg voldsomt træt, og orkede desværre ikke at deltage i de mere sociale arrangementer senere på dagen.

Jeg er mest ked af at jeg gik glip af IBM vs OpenSource, friend or foe, det lød til at der kom nogle meget interessant udmeldinger fra IBM, bla. at de ikke planlægger at skifte deres desktoppe internt til Windows Vista. Tænk hvis dette smittede af på de store danske banker? Det ville være en ændring der ikke er set siden bankerne besluttede at skifte fra OS/2 til Windows NT.

Alt i alt var Linuxforum 2006 et fantastisk arrangement, og jeg glæder mig allerede til næste år. I år savnede jeg noget om Ruby on Rails, men det kommer jo nok til næste år.

Blogs Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Technology

BBC NEWS | Technology | Windows on Macs provokes a stir

BBC NEWS | Technology | Windows on Macs provokes a stir

Windows on the Mac? Is it really a Mac then?

The announcement by Apple that they will officially support dual booting Windows and Mac OS on the MacTel boxes with the introduction of a beta of the Boot Camp tool, and that it will be even tighter integrated in the next version of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, has the Macintosh related web-sites buzzing.

I think it’s a natural step by Apple, especially considering that the hackers already had accomplished the dual-boot challenge. I must admit that I’m surprised, but it only shows how pragmatic a company Apple is these days, and the shareholders are celebrating the revived interest in APPL.

Being a regular frequenter of Macintosh related web-sites, I can tell you that this was a feature that was requested by a lot of people.

What do I think about it? Well, choice is great for customers, and the Apple hardware is the only one on the market that supports all three mainstream operating systems, Linux, Windows and Mac OS.

Apple really have a lot of options these days:

  • Stop developing Mac OS, and still have two choices of Operating System
  • Selling off the computer division must be a lot easier now
  • Making Mac OS available as a commercial alternative to Windows

And there’s many more that I just can’t think of right now.

It will, as always, be interesting to see what Apple will do, it’s quite clear that they’re hedging their bets. For now it sounds like support for Mac OS from Apple is as strong as ever, and that the next version, 10.5 Leopard is on track, and according to the rumours it will be impressive, including a complete rewrite of Finder. 10.4 Tiger already delivers on many of the features Microsoft has been promising for Vista, even the ones that has been de-scoped for the first release.