
White Noise

Rastus is a nigger. Thug mugger junkie.
Black golly gob. Big horny monkey.
Pimp pusher coon. Grinning piccaninnies.
Send him home soon. Back to the trees.

Black wogs. Black wogs. Your face don’t fit.
Black wogs. Black wogs. You ain’t no Brits.

Ahmed is a Paki. Curry coffee queer.
Ten to a bed. Flocking over here.
Tax-sponging canker. Smelly thieving kids.
Ponce greasy wanker. Worse than the yids.

Brown wogs. Brown wogs. Your face don’t fit.
Brown wogs. Brown wogs. You ain’t no Brits.

Stick together we’ll all be white me and you
The only colours we need are red, right and blue.

Paddy is a moron. Spud thick Mick.
Breeds like a rabbit. Thinks with his prick.
Anything floors him if he can’ fight or drink it.
Round them up in Ulster. Tow it out and sink it.

Green wogs. Green wogs. Our face don’t fit.
Green wogs. Green wogs. We ain’t no Brits.

If the victim ain’t a soldier why should we care?
Irish bodies don’t count. Life’s cheaper over there.

Green wogs. Green wogs. Face don’t fit.
Green wogs. Green wogs. We ain’t no Brits!
Green wogs. Green wogs. Grab ’em boys.
Green wogs. Green wogs. Turn up the white noise.
Turn up the white noise! Turn up the white noise!


Claim to fame

I created a monster…


Skål og vel-be-kommen her

2 meter afrikaner, denimtøj, “guld”-jakke og en traditionel hovedbeklædning fremstammede på usikkert dansk om jeg “kunne passe på hans ting”. “Naturligvis” svarede jeg, og han gik på toilettet

Da han kom tilbage spurgte jeg hvor han var fra, han svarede “South Sudan”. Til det kan man kun svare “welcome”.

10 minutter senere gik afrikaneren igen på toilettet, han returnerede med 3 plastikbægre, nu skulle vi drikke whisky, og mit krus blev fyldt til randen.

“Slainte, Na zdorövye, Skål og…Shokaran” svarede jeg.

Jeg er ret sikker på at vores afrikanske gæst var en engel, engle flyver helt sikkert på whisky…af mangel på “Janx Spirit”. Trist jeg skulle af i Høje Taastrup, og måtte sige farvel, og som indehaver af et rejsekort kunne jeg jo bare have fulgt ham, men jeg bemærkede at afrikaneren allerede havde højnet stemningen i togvognen betragteligt, det var smukt!





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Det ER Rock’n’Roll at stjæle plakater…

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Ignite your heart

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Trinitatis #Natkirke 8-jan-2013

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Helligtrekongersdag 2013 #hviledag


I want

I want

Walking down the street, I saw a little girl, by my estimate she was four years old, making typical, for small children, “I want gestures” (grapping in the air), in the direction of a billboard advertising the new iPad.

I seriously doubt that any child has made that kind of gestures toward a billboard advertising a traditional computer.

Congratulations Steve, mission accomplished