

This is a message about people and how sometimes they end up doing evil things.

This tale is about one young man and the monster he becomes.
This story begins 27 years ago.

His parents were drug addicts and they did not love him very much.
As a baby they let him cry for hours and hours.

He was born into this world alone.

When he entered school all the kids made fun of him.
He was different. They pushed him on the floor.
They spit on him, and kicked him, and called him a faggot.

Everyday in everyway… they took his soul away.

Years went by and he became imune to the pain
and nothing but hate did remain.

As a teenager no girls would ever date him…
he would just watch pornography all day he wanted to die…
and he just looked out the window and watched the world go by.

He began to take drugs and became addicted to drugs
and sold his body for drugs no one could stop him.

One morning he was leaving an after hours club
high on cocaine and he looked at the ludicris people walking to work
in the bright sunlight and he thought to himself
“I am going to destroy the world”.

“So many people how can I kill them all” he thought.
“A virus” came to his mind…
and he went home to small apartment to plan the end of mankind.

“I will do research on deadly viruses and I will how learn how to spread them”
he said to himself.
So he searched the internet and discovered exactly what he need to know…
his plan now was all ready to go.

One part hate, one part fear, one part queer, Oh lord bring me near!
And with a billion thoughts in his head
of all evil words people said He spread the virus to make them all dead.


For Thomas

To the Divine Body of Truth, the Incomprehensible, Bound-less Light;
To the Divine Body of Perfect Endowment, Who are the Lotus and the Peaceful and the Wrathful Deities;
To the Lotus-born Incarnation, Padma Sambhava, Who is the Protector of all sentient beings;
To the Gurus, the Three Bodies, obeisance.



Ist er nicht der Zimmermann, Marias Sohn, und der Bruder des Jakobus und Joses und Judas und Simon? Sind nicht auch seine Schwestern allhier bei uns? Und sie ärgerten sich an ihm.
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Kim Bach
Kim Bach
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Kim Bach
Kim Bach

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Kim Bach
Kim Bach 이 사람이 마리아의 아들 목수가 아니냐 야고보와 요셉과 유다와 시몬의 형제가 아니냐 그 누이들이 우리와 함께 여기 있지 아니하냐 하고 예수를 배척한지라
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Kim changed his profile picture.
Kim Bach
Kim Bach nonne iste est faber filius Mariae frater Iacobi et Ioseph et Iudae et Simonis nonne et sorores eius hic nobiscum sunt et scandalizabantur in illo
about an hour ago · Comment · LikeUnlike
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Kim Bach
Kim Bach Indi bala siya ang panday nga anak ni Maria kag utod nila ni Santiago, Jose, Judas kag Simon? Kag indi bala ang mga utod niya nga mga babayi diri man nagapauli?” Gani indi gid sila magtuo sa iya.
about an hour ago · Comment · LikeUnlike
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Kim Bach
Kim Bach Er þetta ekki smi?urinn, sonur Maríu, brö?ir þeirra Jakobs, Jöse, Júdasar og Símonar? Og eru ekki systur hans hér hjá oss?” Og þeir hneykslu?ust á honum.
about an hour ago · Comment · LikeUnlike
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Kim Bach
Kim Bach 這不 是 那 木 匠 麼 ? 不 是 馬 利 亞 的 兒 子 雅 各 、 約 西 、 猶 大 、 西 門 的 長 兄 麼 ? 他 妹 妹 們不也 是 在 我 們 這 裡 麼 ? 他 們 就 厭 棄 他 。 ( 厭 棄 他 : 原 文 是 因 他 跌 倒 
about an hour ago · Comment · LikeUnlike
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Kim Bach
Kim Bach Non è costui il carpentiere, il figlio di Maria, il fratello di Giacomo, di Ioses, di Giuda e di Simone? E le sue sorelle non stanno qui da noi?». E si scandalizzavano di lui.
about an hour ago · Comment · LikeUnlike
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Kim Bach
Kim Bach Huyu si yule seremala mtoto wa Mariamu? Na ndugu zake si Yakobo, Yose, Yuda na Simoni? Dada zake si tuko nao hapa?” Basi hawakumwamini.
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Kim Bach
Kim Bach أَلَيْسَ هَذَا هُوَ النَّجَّارَ ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ، وَأَخَا يَعْقُوبَ وَيُوسِي وَيَهُوذَا وَسِمْعَانَ؟ أَوَلَيْسَتْ أَخَوَاتُهُ عِنْدَنَا هُنَا؟» هكَذَا كَانُوا يَشُكُّونَ فِيهِ.
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Blogs Computere og Internet Kim Blog (English) Uncategorized

Solution to Visual Studio 2008 Error: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

This blog-post documents the process involved in solving a strange problem in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

Before I go on to describe the process, I’ll I give you the solution that worked for me, a system DLL called MSVCR71.DLL was missing from the computer that had the problem, copying MSVCR71.DLL from a computer that didn’t have the problem, solved it.

When I say “worked for me”, it means that it might not work for you, but the problem is likely to be caused by another missing DLL.

For days I was struggling with an error that meant that I couldn’t debug web-applications from Visual Studio 2008, if I tried to debug a web-application, it would simple show a stack-dump that stated:

The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

What made it even more strange, was that we had a completely identical computer, in terms of hardware and operating system (Windows 7 64-bit), that didn’t show this behaviour.

The most wonderful thing about the error was that it stated that a specified module could not be loaded, but it didn’t tell me which? Great!

Google to the rescue? Not really! Since this is a very generic error, and a lot of people seem to be experiencing it, and I couldn’t see any pattern in the answers people came up with.

First I tried to reinstall Visual Studio 2008, and, as I expected, that changed nothing.

From Google the evidence was piling up, some file(s) was missing, but why was it working on the other computer.

I clearly needed the help from some tool A tool called “Dependency Walker” ( was suggested, and it told me that I was missing the files GPSVC.dll and IEShims.dll, but both files were present on the system. GPSVC.dll in a 64-bit version though, IEShims.dll was present in both a 32-bit and a 64-bit version.

After strugling with this problem, looking for 32-bit version of the DLLs, I came to the conclusion that “Dependency Walker” was showing false positives, the two files seems to be hidden, at least when using the method of inspection that “Dependency Walker” uses. “Dependency Walker” might be useful to locate missing dependencies of other files, so I’ll keep it in my arsenal of tools, for this particular problem, it sent me looking in the wrong direction though.

Process Monitor
My next idea centered around the fact that a file was missing (DOH ;-)). I knew of a utility that can monitor file-system access, I just couldn’t remember the name, and Google wasn’t immediately helpful, eventually I found a mention of “Process Monitor” (, and that seemed to be what I was looking for.

“Process Monitor” shows that there’s a lot going on, so I started experimenting with the filters, the easiest way to configure a filter is to right click on a message that looks irelevant, and then select “Exclude”, the right click is context sensitive to the column you’re clicking on.

I quickly focused on the events with the Result: “PATH NOT FOUND” and since I was looking for file-system access, I excluded all events where the Operation was begining with “Reg”, meaning a Registry access.

I suggest that you look for attempts to load a file by traversing the “PATH” environment.

Solution found: MSCVR71.DLL was missing
There was a lot of activity going on, but ended up focusing on a particular file: MSCVR71.DLL, and it was indeed missing

This screen-shot from Process Monitor highlights the problem when the MSVCR71.DLL file is missing:

Processmonitor Partial Screenshot

After I copied the MSVCR71.DLL file to a location where it could be found by Visual Studio, the problem disappeared.

So why didn’t we see the error on other computers, with a seemingly similar configuration? It’s because the MSVCR71.DLL is distributed with several other software packages, and on the computer where Visual Studio 2008 worked, MSVCR71.DLL was installed with two packages: “Java Runtime Environment JRE6” and “DropBox”, and the installers had added these to the PATH environment variable. Since these packages might be found on many developer-machines, this could explain why this problem is not showing up more often.

BTW: Now that I know the solution, it is, of course, very easy to find a post that gives the solution DOTNET Spider: .NET Error: the specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E). Number one hit when Googling for “The specified module could not be found” msvcr71.dll.

External links



Sidste år var jeg overbevist om at det spøgte på twitter.

Den første indikation var at jeg, da jeg oprettede en konto på twitter i Januar 2009, automatisk blev tildelt to venner Det første forslag var @kimbach, der, som undertegnede, også er en af de “forkerte” Kim Bacher. Måske ikke så underligt, da jeg lige havde forsøgt at oprette mig med den adresse. Den anden, automatisk tildelte ven, var @hammerfar, og vi er jo gamle venner, så det gav, på en eller anden måde også mening, specielt da jeg lige havde lige kigget på hans twitter-profil før jeg tilmeldte mig, alligevel pænt mystisk…men…you ain’t heard nothing yet.

Den anden poltergeist åbenbarede sig nemlig da en jeg ikke kendte pludselig at følge mig på twitter – i sig selv ikke underligt 😉 – men dette var helt klart ikke en spam-konto, da navnet var pære-dansk og billedet ikke var af “Britney” typen, men hvem pokker var det? Navnet fik ingen klokker til at ringe.

Jeg gør det jeg altid gør i den slags situationer, nemlig at jeg checker min Gmail, og ganske rigtigt havde jeg sendt hende en e-mail for et år siden, da jeg mødte hende tilfældigt til et arrangement, men vi havde efterfølgende ikke haft kontakt med hende, jeg synes det var underligt, men vi begynder at skrive sammen og at følge hinanden på facebook, og da vi endelig mødes siger jeg til hende: “det var da underligt at du begyndte at følge mig på twitter”, hvortil hun svarer: “det var da DIG der fulgte MIG”.

Så der er spøgelser i #twaskinen. Min teori var, naturligvis, at man bliver tildelt en skytsengel, og der er noget om snakken, vi (undertegnede og min ukendte twitter-veninde) er lidt som hinandens skytsengle, og vi er i hvertfald bedste venner 🙂

Nu, da jeg har det “bedre”, ved jeg at det, NATURLIGVIS, ikke skyldtes overnaturlige fænomener, udover dem udviklerne og marketingsfolkene hælder i vores “harmløse” sociale tjenester, for at lave en Jens Vejmand på os, eg. “hvem sidder der bag skærmen”.

Undertegnede er yderst disponeret for den slags tegn, specielt på “undermedicinerede” tidspunkter af mit liv, som dette var, så jeg var HELT sikker på at twitter-mystikken, som jeg oplevede, var et bevis på Guds eksistens, det evige liv, reinkarnation, eksistensen af engle, at der er en højere mening, 42 osv. osv. ad infinitam…Øv, hvor er virkeligheden, og det “naturvidenskabelige verdensbillede” dog K-E-D-E-L-I-G…


Erfaren udvikler og formidler der elsker udfordringer

Jeg tror jeg kan alt, og indtil videre har det været rigtigt, så giv mig en udfordring der slår mig “ihjel”.

Mit lønkrav er 10.000/md, efter SKAT, præcis nok til at betale mine faste udgifter, men faste udgifter kan jo altid sænkes, f.eks. hvis jobbet er i udlandet, så bliver de faste udgifter jo reduceret til 0 hvis kost, logi og transport er dækket, man må da også gerne betale mig mere 😉

Arbejdstid, 25-30 timer om ugen, gerne mindre, gerne mere, dog under 24 timer i døgnet, selv om jeg da gerne tager et job på månen, hvor døgnet er 28 dage så vidt jeg husker.


From #twehab: I really, really want to become more than an amateur!

I promissed you a 24 hours of radio-silence, well that didn’t quite happen, but the level of tweeting was at a sustainable level.

So what exactly is the sweet spot, where tweeting isn’t an addiction, it turns out that Jyri Engeström of Jaiku-fame gave the answer during his Keynote Speech at Reboot 9 in 2007.

Jyri said that Microblogging (eg. tweeting) is a tool that you can use to discipline your writing/creativity, here’s Jyri’s three steps to how to become a more productive blogger:

1 microblogpost (Jaiku/Tweet/Whatever) an hour
1 photo a day (Flickr/23/Picassa/Whatever)
1 blogpost a week (Preferably from your own domain)

I’ve decided to try to follow Jyri’s “method” – again – I really, really want to become more than an amateur!

Related blogposts

ps. Since I received my Kindle I’ve begun reading again, this, too, is an old resolve of mine. Now where do I get hold of some of Kierkegaard’s writings in a format that my Kindle will serve me ;-)?


All Contemplate The Global Anthem

All Contemplate The Global Anthem

Originally uploaded by Kim Bach

The Global Anthem is Into the Trees (Serenetti, Pt 3) by Anders Trentemøller

Album version:

Great mix:


Der Er Malk I Køjen

Der er Malk I Køjen

Vi er en trop

en tro verdens snildeste klub

og lige siden vi var lille har vi gået på puub

jeg mener pub


vi suger snot op i vores kalot

og vi noler – hugger – nakker

frakker fra polakker

folk de spør’ om Tue T pakker

skaldet banan – nybarberet af babette

ikke lissom blæses med garn der er flettet

– Jeg æder fetten, fette

og kom så her me’ det

og Blæs B gør dig smød som en rødspætte

Jeg siger yeah – YEAH

mens jeg står på tæ’r – står på tæ’r

og alle folk i huset stikker deres hænder i vejr’t

til dette bop-bop-beat


ka’ du li’et?

Hvis ikke så’ du ude lissom politiet

Jeg ryger ren nol

og drikker brændevin

og jeg rimer som et svin

og der’ ingen der på nogen måde ligner

BLÆS – blæs – Geo og Tue

så find din pil og spænd din bue

og skyd et rim langt ind i næste uge

for Tue – Track – jeg ta’r over

overtager jeg ved hva jeg vil ha og jeg har flere rim på lager

Jeg drop-pop-per rim

du hopper – hopper ned

du gi’r mig prop-prop – og stopper du

så bli’r jeg ved – og ved og ved …

Ja, det sjovt som du blir ved men ved du hvad jeg mener når jeg sir jeg tar mit tredje ben og bener verdens allersmødeste langestrandskvinder

og de si’r “Vamo la Bega”

jeg lægger dem i lænker

jeg ved hvad du tænker

FOR – jeg’ lissom bowling

du ved at jeg ta’r kegler

jeg’ den sorte passager

gir dig bølgegang – når du sejler

på din forliste skude gir dig et båthorn op i røv’n og så må du stå der og tude!

For det går


Blæs B – et barn, man ikke ka nå


Tue T – et barn, man ikke ka nå


Geolo G – et barn, man ikke ka nå


Malk de Koijn er tre bananer du ikke ka nå

Slap af i dit sind og løsn spændetrøj’n

læn dig tilbage på briksen og lyt til malk de koijn

Slap af i dit sind og løsn spændetrøj’n

læn dig tilbage på briksen og lyt til malk de koijn


Du har stillet ind på


Det er stegende hedt på stranden og vandet er F-J-ong til brætsejlads,

sååh – gadebæster og badegæster – smid trøjen

og nyd et koldt glas malk på radio langestrand, ROCK!

Det’ et late night disco – fra hvor?

San Fransisco

Jeg er farfar Lars og spiser Frisko is

og sluger dit crew på grådig vis

du ka sige min stil er lådden som gorillaer i dis

men jeg er nede i nummer 5

hvordan ka du li mig nu

jeg blir rå, a-hej-hej

og hvasså der

er du ikke nede med de hårdeste vildeste sej’ste vedigste ting

jeg si’r jeg’ arbejdsløs, den lede sang


Garanteret til at knække en nød

gi dit øje Birgitte Begøje

så’ der gang i din hængekøje – HIURH

så check min trøje, der står MALK DE KOIJN

Geolo G er monster bossen dette track er en joint

blunt, fed, ryger snade, chillade,

mugger, du blir skæv af mine rim det ka jeg så på dine glugger

du blir høj og monsterboss for det er en gang støj

du får tårer i dine øjne som du skrælled’ et løg

for vi er syge lidt aparte

lidt for smarte


drikker, glas med hass og spiller RUSSISK ROULADE

og siger ting som ingen andre vil’ sig’ – lissom malk?

– som KUKABUKSILAH – og det er kun fordi at det går


Blæs B – et barn, man ikke ka nå


Tue T – et barn, man ikke ka nå


Geolo G – et barn, man ikke ka nå


Malk de Koijn er tre bananer du ikke ka nå

Der Er Malk I Køjen

Originally uploaded by Kim Bach




Originally uploaded by Kim Bach