How to contact me
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The BarCamp License (Revision 1):
< kim.bach@gmail.com > wrote this “code”. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff.
If we ever meet at a BarCamp, and you think this “code” is worth it, you can buy me some æbleflæsk in return.
-Kim Bach
Purpose – Why?
History – Was!
Facts – Who?
Hobbies – Likes!
Goals – Ambitions?
Technical note – Take back the web!
Purpose of my personal web-presence
I maintain a personal web-presence to provide some information about who I am. It is primarily of interest to yours truly, and is intended to help me understand myself, and to define personal goals. I suppose that it can be considered some kind of therapy.
I have, however, always been quite doubtful about how “wise” it is to have a personal web-presence, especially one that goes beyond a business card. My ex. business partner, for instance, thought that it was a very bad idea. I finally, after consulting with my family, decided on “Why? Because I can!”.
History of my personal web-presence
I have maintained a personal web-presence since 1999, this was sometime before weblogging became the phenomeon it is now. Until recently my web presence was part of bachnet.dk, but this site is now dedicated to my father, and the diary he wrote while he was being treated for cancer of the larynx.
Born at the Hospital of Saint Joseph, Nørrebro Copenhagen on the 30th of October 1962
Christened Kim Bach, in Copenhagen on the 6th of january 1963
I’m still a member of the Danish National Church (Folkekirken), but I consider myself a “seeker”, and I hope that Denmark will separate Church and State soon
Danish national, but I consider myself a world citizen
Moved to Hvidovre, a Copenhagen Suburb, in 1968
Started in primary school, Dansborg in Hvidovre, in 1969 – back then we went to school on saturdays!
Spend three weeks in England attending a language school, in 1977
Confirmed in the Christian faith in the “The Church of Friheden” (“friheden” literally means freedom, in danish), Hvidovre, in 1977
Graduated primary school in 1978
Started in senior high-school (gymnasium), Avedøre Amtsgymnasium, in 1978
Graduated senior high-school in 1981
Made an attempt at gaining a degree in civil engineering, from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), I didn’t give up until 1992
Moved to Vesterbro, a neigbourhood of Copenhagen, in 1984
Fell in love for the first time in 1986, if you exclude my primary school crush
Started my first IT-company, specialised in pre-calculation systems for switchgear equipment, in 1987
Became addicted to the world of online Builletin Board Systems (BBS) in 1989
Met Nancy in the Global conference on the RIME network in 1992
Nancy moved to Denmark in 1992
Moved to Boeslunde, a small city in the western part of Zeeland, the largest of the Danish islands, in 1993
Married Nancy on the 17th of june 1994
No children of “own blood”
Moved to Taastrup, a Copenhagen suburb, in 1994
Began working for a software company located in Taastrup, in 1994
Closed my first company in 1995
Became responsible for the R&D department of the Taastrup SW company, in 1995
Bought a three-room appartment in Taastrup, in March 1997
Attended a course in management of IT-projects, in 1997
Divorced Nancy in 1998
Started, together with a partner, a new IT company, specialised in software development, in 1998
Began working as a free-lance consultant, in 2000
After several short term contracts, I had a long term contract with a major Telco, from august 2001 to april 2005
Started doing volunteer work, helping inner-city Copenhagen kids with their homework (tutoring), in march 2004
Hospitalised for 2 months, and on sick-leave for 4 months, in 2005
Registered kimbach.org, installed the WordPress publishing platform, imported my blogger archives and revived my web-presence, with a vengence, in autumn 2005
Extended the amount of volunteer work I do, by taking on more of a coordination role, in 2006
Started working profesionally as a teacher at Sjakket in October 2006
Returned to ICT, working as a consultant for BridgeIT in September 2007
Stopped at BridgeIT in 2010
worked as a consultant for KMD from August 2010 to August 2011
Suffered from deteriorating mental health, and was hospitalised on several occasions in 2010-2012
Joined the campaign EN AF OS, that has as it’s purpose to stamp out taboo about mentl illness in 2012
Worked as a consultant for IT Kartellet in February of 2012
Joined the board of Wikimedia Denmark as an alternate
Photography – as a happy amateur
Music – as a consumer, but I’m learning GarageBand – so beware 😉
Gadgets – I’m a gadgetoman
The “Net” – the greatest invention since publishing itself
OpenSource and Switching Evangelism – spreading the knowledge of the alternatives to Wintel
Teaching (tutoring) inner city kids – as a happy amateur. Edit: as of October 2006 I’ve turned pro!
Personal goals
Better at writing – so I can write a novel or maybe become a journalist
Better at reading – so I can have the patience to read Kierkegaard
Better at photography – so I dare to publish a photography book
Better at teaching – so I can help the kids in Mjølnerparken and elsewhere even more
To sum up: I work towards being able to make a living doing some, or all, of these things.
Technical note
KimBach.Org is powered by LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP), and the WordPress publishing platform, utilising the default “Kubrick” theme.
I use a number of plug-ins and hacks. The ones I use for “production”, e.g. couldn’t live without, are:
- WP-Print by Lester Chan (aka. GaMerZ). For providing a print friendly version of a page and post. WP-Print isn’t really a plug-in, it requires theme-hacking, but is HIGHLY recommended. Check the GaMerZ forum, or ask me, for hints on changing the RewriteRules, this is the main hastle setting WP-Print up if you, like me, want a nice permalink URL to the print friendly version, like https://www.kimbach.org/colophon/print.
- WP-ContactForm by Ryan Duff and Firas Durri. Provides a nice feedback form.
- WP Audioscrobbler by Marc Hodges, for a list of most recent tracks listened to from the Audioscrobbler/Last.fm network.
This is my current, primary, user-agent string, e.g. browser flavour:
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; da; rv: Gecko/20070219 Firefox/
Translation: “I run Mozilla Firefox on Apple Macintosh OS X”.
For your information, it looks like you’re browser flavour is:
< ?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; ?>
I do the bulk of my testing and posting using this agent/client – or at least some version of Mozilla Firefox on the Mac or Windows. I feel confident enough that WordPress and the, slightly hacked, standard themes I use, have been tested to a degree with other agents, so that the wast majority of users shouldn’t experience any problems.
If you experience problems, I’d love to hear about it, but I suggest that you try it with Mozilla Firefox – since you’re probably not already using it 😉 – first, and THEN let me hear about it. LET’S TAKE BACK THE WEB.
4 replies on “Colophon”
[…] have a number of fuller bios available on the web, one in English right here, but it’s quite boring, I like this one better, but it’s in Danish so you have to pick […]
[…] 1000 flere, you’re all invited to join in, drop me a mail, send a mail to kim[dot]bach[at]gmail[dot]com or use the contact form on my Colophon page. […]
[…] Bach . Org: Kim Bach . Org Colophon Kim Bach . Org >> Blog Archive >> Danish Survival […]
[…] the colophon I’ve summarised my personal […]