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Reboot9 (un)conference “spinoff”: the conversation continues @ the “rebooters” mailing list

I just joined the new google groups (e.g. mailinglist), called rebooters. The purpose of the group, is to have a “permanent backchannel” for the reboot (un)conference, since backchannels, like the Jaiku backchannel from reboot9, has a tendency to “die”. The mailing list has the following description: Missing the brainshift experienced from talking to all the […]

Blogs Kim Blog (English) Technology

There’s an Opera in my laptop…

…and my PDA and and my gaming console and my cell phone and my… Besides Opera being one of the best cross-platform browsers for full-size computers, gaming consoles and PDAs, Opera also has the product Opera Mini, which is a world class HTML browser written in Java for mobile devices. I’ve been using Opera Mini […]