Blogs Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Technology

Apple Computer Inc R.I.P

Apple Computer Inc is no more.

Apple believes that the puck is moving, and Steve Jobs thinks that Apple is the Wayne Gretsky of the ICT industry – he might be right.

Quote from the MacWorld San Francisco 2007 keynote on the 9th of January 2007:

“There’s an old Wayne Gretsky quote I love — ‘I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it’s been.’ That’s what we try to do at Apple”

BTW…This is quote from what I wrote in September of 2006 after the special event presentation (from Kim Bach . Org: Apple Consumer Corporation – now commenting on unreleased products?:
The new products, and a Steve Jobs looking a little more enthusiastic than during the WWDC Keynote, made me wonder if Apple should change it’s name to Apple Consumer Corporation. Apple: I need a sub-note book with record breaking long battery life, PLEASE remain a Computer company.

And one more thing: The new Apple Inc. WILL be commenting on unreleased products, who’s copying who now?

Blogs Bookmarks Design Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Technology


Live from Macworld 2007: Steve Jobs keynote – Engadget
“People who are really serious about software should make their own hardware.”

Yes, Steve Jobs was quoting Alan Kay, my hero, when he announced the iPhone – the next generation mobile communications device.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Technology

WriteRoom | Hog Bay Software – WordPerfect déjà-vu

WriteRoom | Hog Bay Software

While browsing the weblog of Emme, I stumbled upon the minimalistic word processor WriteRoom.

From the description on the website:

For Mac users who enjoy the simplicity of a typewriter, but live in the digital world. WriteRoom is a full-screen, distraction-free writing environment. Unlike the cluttered word processors you’re used to, WriteRoom is just about you and your text. Requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

And it’s available for Windows as well. I think it’s a bit pricey at $24,95, and maybe it’s too minimalistic, but it sort of makes you miss WordPerfect 5.

Here’s an idea – I’d like a minimalistic word-processor like that, but it should understand wiki markup, parse it dynamically and have the ability to sync with wiki sites.

You know I fell partly responsible for the killing of WordPerfect. I remember clearly the first time I saw WordPerfect, it was version 3.3 and the company wasn’t called WordPerfect Corp. yet, but Satellite Software.

The uncluttered screen, showing only a line and column indicator, at that point in time the fashion was so called Lotus style menus, cascaded menus on the bottom, was so fresh, and I loved it, especially since you only had a screen that showed 80 characters and 25 lines.

But no, I wanted easy access to the advanced functions, and I loved WYSIWYG. But WYSIWYG has only brought us complicated UIs and mandatory education, in order to learn something as simple as writing on a computer, and since we’re no longer crating content, primarily for printing, we could do away with the paper metaphor when writing on a computer, at least if it’s creative writing.

But seriously, WordPerfect 5 running on a modern Mac, is complete overkill.

WordPerfect 5 ran PERFECTLY from one floppy under DOS 2.11 on the great sub-notebook Compaq/LTE in…1989!
So much for rapid progress…

ps. Hey…The One Laptop Per Child looks like the Compaq/LTE.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Technology WordPress

JOSBLOG Live! » Gallery Manager at last.

JOSBLOG Live! » Gallery Manager at last.

Cool tip from my old friend Jose C. of Orange/Telia fame.

He’s using a plug-in, called CoppermineSC, to integrate WordPress and Coppermine.

I use WordPress, I use Coppermine, but I’m switching to Flickr for my public photos, and I will continue to use .Mac and iWeb for private photos.

Blogs Kim Blog (English) Open Source Technology

Drupal – Incompatible environment

If you get this error from Drupal:

Incompatible environment

The following error must be resolved before you can continue the installation process:

Multibyte string input conversion in PHP is active and must be disabled. Check the php.ini mbstring.http_input setting. Please refer to the PHP mbstring documentation for more information. (Currently using Unicode library Error)

It can be fixed by adding the following lines to your settings.php file in the PHP settings section:

/* PHP.ini overrides */
ini_set('mbstring.http_input', 'pass');
ini_set('mbstring.http_output', 'pass');

Thank you to Henrik for fixing this for me, Surftown accounts need this setting in order for Drupal 5 to work.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Historier/Stories Mactopia Open Source Technology

:: macnyt :: danmark :: it’s MINE…MINE…MINE!!!

:: macnyt :: danmark ::

Hmm…Efter et par måneders pause fra Macnyt har jeg taget lidt revanche og konverteret den til min personlige blog – IGEN ;-).

Dette skyldtes at der faktisk var et par interessante tråde, som HELT sikkert irriterer nogle, og helt sikkert er HAMRENDE off-topic, men det er jo NETOP det jeg ELSKER ved Macnyt.

And on that note: We cue the music!!!!

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Historier/Stories

Julens 12te dag

Julen slutter som bekendt den 6-1, på Hellig Tre Kongers Dag, Julens 12te dag.

På julens første dag giver elskeren en agerhøne i et pæretræ, på den anden er det to turtelduer, men hvad er det nu det er på den 12te,

Jo det er 12 trommespillere….trommespillende trommespillere none the less!

Og i følge denne side, referer det til apostlenes 12 gerninger/løfter.

Det er jo dybt, dybt! spirituelt det der…Det SJOVE er at det er Anders And bladet der har givet mig det klareste billede af den “julesalme” (det der hedder en “Christmas Carol” på Engelsk).

Appropos Julen:
Hvert år foreslår jeg til jul at vi synger “Dejlig er den himmelblå”, det er den salme jeg ELSKER højst i hele verdenen, i år ytrede jeg ikke det ønske – selv om jeg BRÆNDENDE ønskede det.

Jeg er nødt til at afsøge mit sind for et svar…Hmm…Google og sindet i forening valgte dette link…, det var selvfølgelig det der havde musik, og nu har jeg tårer i øjnene – og jeg kende godt svaret:

Julen betyder også uendeligt meget for mig, men lige nu er det dag 2 og 3, sådan i “Sinatra domænet”, der optager mig, og der var jeg ikke komplet i år.

Kære Gud hvorfor sender du nu så klare signaler igen, og hvem tog det billede?

Elle existe Dieu?

ps. Fatter du ikke et muk? “Hellig Tre Kongers dag er min Dåbsdag”, hjalp det lidt? Nok ikke!

pps. Og da jeg trykker på send link på denne artikel…så vælger FrontRow: “Den Himmelblå”? Stop stop stop…Jeg VED det er TILFÆDIGT! Jeg VED det!

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks



Hurra, Charlotte er kommet videre med Blogfond projektet, og har fået en WordPress Blog, hmm. jeg havde vist lovet at hjælpe hende, ups.

Jeg er også kommet videre med en hel ting jeg fik startet i løbet af 2006…Man når faktisk noget i de dage der er mellem jul og nytår.

Mere senere, der “skal” jo gøres status når året er omme.

Blogs Kim Blog (English) Open Source Technology WordPress

Lussumo Documentation | vanilla:integration:wordpress

Lussumo Documentation | vanilla:integration:wordpress

It looks like it’s quite simple to integrate the Vanilla forum software with other tools, the link above is an example of how to integrate with WordPress.

I’m quite impressed by the user table mappings, I’ll investigate how to get it to work with MediaWiki.

Vanilla seems to be quite well engineered.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Design Technology

Karin Høgh mangler en hvid kanin

Kim Bach og Nabaztag kaninen ArseneLapinKarin Høgh blogger om podcasting: Jeg har Skype og Pamela nu mangler jeg bare en lille hvid kanin

Karin Høgh har skrevet en lille hvid kanin, bedre kendt som en Nabaztag, på sin ønskeseddel til jul.

Og hvad er det for en sælgertype på billedet?

Tjah…Undertegnede er faktisk blevet noget så usandsynligt som sælger på sine gamle dage, så du kan købe en Nabaztag gennem det danske Nabaztag fællesskab Nabz!, som jeg driver sammen med min gode ven Henrik Hammer, og vi hygger os voldsomt med det.

Det var faktisk Henrik der fik mig til at anskaffe en Nabaztag: “Vi skal have sådan en, og vi skal udvikle tjenester til den…”. Manden er gal! Og det var han, DEJLIGT gal, og endelig har vi gang i et fælles projekt, og et som rent faktisk er blevet til noget.

Tak Nabaztag, Violet og Henrik, I er bare alletiders!