Blogs Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English) Lektiehjælpen (Danish)

History 101 (or 911): Connections!

Today was my regular day in Hjemmelektiehjælpen – private tutoring.

The 13 year old boy had an assignment where he was supposed to put into context World-war 2, The Battle for Dybbøl Mølle, Christian the 4th and 9-11 none the less. Phew! THAT triggered me!

The context was “what can you learn from history, and how do you avoid history from repeating it self” (or “man bliver klog af skade – great to hear such a phrase from a 13-year old), so “past in relation to future”. The boy was interested in the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI, Star Wars or Ronald Raygun’s wet dream), that’s the future! Well that wouldn’t have stopped Mohammad Atta was my point. And I also remembered the words (not literal) of Mikhail Gorbachew, “if they build it we’ll just throw a stone at it!”.

It actually turned out that the 4 historic event are more closely connected than you might expect. I didn’t discover this until I had made a history 101 (or 911) lecture, of history as I see it.

The US entered World-war 2 after Pearl Harbour, 9-11 was a new Pearl Harbour. 9-11 triggered the “war on terror” and that is somewhat akin to World-war 2, since it keeps provoking images of the “next Hitler”, learning from history eh’? Peace in our time?

Denmark lost Schleswig-Holstein after Dybbøl Mølle and it was the final nail in the coffin for the dreams of a Danish Empire, that Christian the 4 had.

Denmark regained some of the land lost after Dybbøl Mølle, as an indirect result of the peace treaty of Versailles, that eventually was a pivotal point in triggering World-war 2, since it left the German economy in shambles, resulting in the likes of Hitler coming out of the woodwork, some see the same happening today.

Everything is connected, as James Burke, one of my favourite authors, always points out.

Poor kid, he didn’t really get any homework done, but I ended up having a fantastic discussion with his mother. The view Muslims has of 9-11 is “somewhat different” from mine. They do seem to see a huge conspiracy, which is not as far fetched as it might seem. The truth has been a major casualty of the war on terror.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Historier/Stories

Så kan de lære det…

Blev lige ringet op af en af de plageånder der plager selvstændige erhvervsdrivende med at sælge hjemmesider etc.

Plageånd: Du taler med…Har du en hjemmeside?
Mig: Næh hvad er det?
Mig: Jeg aner slet ikke hvad det der Internet er for noget
Plageånd: Gør du ikke?
Mig: Nej kan du ikke forklare mig det?
Plageånd: Nej det kan jeg ikke…DUT DUT DUT

Tippet hermed givet videre!

ps. Pokkers også havde ellers set frem til at høre om det!

pps. Har også sendt min historie til, der samler på den slags.

ppps. Det minder mig om den værste af den slags plageånder jeg hidtil har haft den ubehagelige oplevelse af at have i røret…

Kvindemenneske: Du har vundet en flaske champagne!
Kvindemenneske: Jeg vil komme forbi for at give den til dig
Mig: Lyder godt
Kvindemenneske: Nå ok, hvor mange Laser tonere køber du så, “tar’ du en får du to” (ikke hendes ord, men ændret for dramatisk effekt)
Mig: Farvel!

Men det ærgede mig bagefter at jeg ikke fik spurgt hende om hvordan hun selv syntes det gik?

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English)

Reboot8: Co-Creation Rules Workshop

Co-Creation Rules – Reboot

You know it’s been three months since reboot8, my first reboot ever…

And it actually rebooted me, it just took some time, and it was such a taxing experience that I only attended day one! Opting to stay in bed on day 2.

What I experienced on day 1 was indeed inspiring, but I didn’t really grasp the concept of co-creation until maybe these last few weeks, or even the entire format of the reboot event. I hope to be able to co-create more fully next year.

The Co-Creation Rules workshop was great.

We played games, like the game of slow-motion samurai, where we all ended up laying on the floor, and despite low odds, I finished third, even though it wasn’t a competive game, it sort of provoked you to stay alive, since all the people in the room were brandishing tainted virtual samurai swords, and they were trying to kill you in slow motion.

Dead simple, and that is how you reboot people and get them to talk.

But I have a question…Do you actually need rules for co-creation…I’m reviewing them again…Since I’m finally “getting it” (I think).

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Technology

CrossOver Mac Danske Netbank – It actually works

CrossOver Mac Danske NetbankCrossOver Mac Danske Netbank

Originally uploaded by K.Job.

Danske Netbank running on a Mac under CrossOver Mac…It’s a small step for man but a quantum leap for Mac.

This alone justifies the purchase of CrossOver Mac

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Blogforum2 at Kulturhuset Islands Brygge (Sunday, October 8, 2006) Blogforum2 at Kulturhuset Islands Brygge (Sunday, October 8, 2006)

The Blogforum2 is now at Upcoming…

And you’re warned…I’m attending 😉

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Technology

AFP548 – Changing the world one server at a time. logo
AFP548 – Changing the world one server at a time.

I’m seriously considering experimenting with Mac OS X Server, and I was just pointed in the direction of this resource (I knew it already, wasn’t it run by Michael Bartosh (RIP) who tragically passed away earlier this year.

The guy who threw me the link, asked me if I could guess what AFP548 is hinting. Well the AFP is simple, Apple Filetransfer Protocol, but 548…The portnumber of the service maybe?

Unfortunately Mac OS X Server is rather pricey, and the upgrade price is too high. I might hold my horses and wait for Leopard Server, that will introduce many new technologies, including an open sourced Calendar Server and a Wiki Server.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Open Source Technology

CrossOver Mac – WiKim

Kim Bach . Org IconCrossOver Mac – WiKim

I’m maintaining a wiki page for CrossOver Mac, feel free to join in.

One of the hyped virtualisation technologies of Leopard, has quietly been delivered by CodeWeavers.

You can now run Windows applications without having to pay “Redmond tax”.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Open Source Technology

:: macnyt :: danmark :: OpenSource er en religion logo
:: macnyt :: danmark :: OpenSource er en religion

Godt Carsten Levin! Et debatoplæg! Skal blive spændende at følge det, forventer nogle “rygmarvs reaktioner” fra “visse” (ikke mindst undertegnede ;-)).

Blogs Education/Undervisning Lektiehjælpen (Danish)

Janteloven – You shall not believe that you can teach us anything!

Yesterday was one of the most rewarding days in Lektiehjælpen i Mjølnerparken, and that is saying a lot, since it’s the highlight of the week when I’m tutoring children in Mjølnerparken 36.

One of the children had to do an assignment on “Janteloven” (the “10 Commandments of Jante”), she’s attending a private school, and I’m not sure they’re using the same materials in public school.

She was asked to put the “Commandments” into a personal context, and also to formulate a list that is the opposite of the “Commandments”.

Like I wrote in a previous post (Missed the Alicia Keys concert), the “Commandments” are deeply rooted in Danish culture, and they’ve had a tremendous impact on my life. Basically “Jante” is stating that you’re “worthless” as an individual. It’s an extremely negative way of thinking.

The most impressive was that the child answered that she’d never personally experienced the Commandment #9: “You shall not believe that anyone cares about you!”. I told her, that if that’s true, please, please teach us! We can learn so much from You then. On the other hand: it was a bit “scary” that she actually had personal experiences with most of the commandments.

We also agreed that we could teach each other a lot. She taught me some Arabic, and told me that my Arabic sounded Egyptian, true true, I’m using “Dr. Pimsleurs: Egyptian Arabic” language lessons to learn Arabic. Shokoron anise.

BTW she started out by asking “do you know who formulated the “commandments” of Jante”. My comment was that everybody knows that, it’s common knowledge…Well obviously not, my co-tutor, she’s in her late 30ies, didn’t!

But I’m impressed by the quality of the teaching this child is receiving, makes my heart jump with joy. I’m, however, once again not impressed by the quality of some of the educational materials used in the lower grades in public school, some of the children had to do “iconic” cross-words, and some of the pictures were of such a low quality that even I couldn’t make out what it was. And some of the pictures are of things no one hardly uses anymore, like suspenders!

But what a rewarding day!

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English)

The Joy of Tech comic… laughter is the best tech support.

The Joy of Tech comic… laughter is the best tech support.

That's me...Or is it?