Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English)

ART Day Out – In Real Life

ART Day Out – In Real Life

Henriette Weber Andersen of Toothless Tiger has been at it again – once she starts there ain’t no stoppin’.

So I’ve signed up for the first Art Day Out, I hope that that fact, will not discourage any of you 😉

Ses vi? Det tror jeg NOK vi gør!

The first ART Day Out is taking place on sunday the 29nd of April 2007.

ART day out is for anyone who thinks that culture is cool *s* – and can basically evolve around anything anyway the first Art Day Out is going something like this:

we are meeting at nørreport station in Copenhagen 10.00 and heading north to find a place to brunch ( depends of the number of people signing up where the place is going to be) – around 13.00 we are going to Louisiana, Humlebæk to see the Cindy Sherman” and “made in China” exhibition.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Historier/Stories

Julens 12te dag

Julen slutter som bekendt den 6-1, på Hellig Tre Kongers Dag, Julens 12te dag.

På julens første dag giver elskeren en agerhøne i et pæretræ, på den anden er det to turtelduer, men hvad er det nu det er på den 12te,

Jo det er 12 trommespillere….trommespillende trommespillere none the less!

Og i følge denne side, referer det til apostlenes 12 gerninger/løfter.

Det er jo dybt, dybt! spirituelt det der…Det SJOVE er at det er Anders And bladet der har givet mig det klareste billede af den “julesalme” (det der hedder en “Christmas Carol” på Engelsk).

Appropos Julen:
Hvert år foreslår jeg til jul at vi synger “Dejlig er den himmelblå”, det er den salme jeg ELSKER højst i hele verdenen, i år ytrede jeg ikke det ønske – selv om jeg BRÆNDENDE ønskede det.

Jeg er nødt til at afsøge mit sind for et svar…Hmm…Google og sindet i forening valgte dette link…, det var selvfølgelig det der havde musik, og nu har jeg tårer i øjnene – og jeg kende godt svaret:

Julen betyder også uendeligt meget for mig, men lige nu er det dag 2 og 3, sådan i “Sinatra domænet”, der optager mig, og der var jeg ikke komplet i år.

Kære Gud hvorfor sender du nu så klare signaler igen, og hvem tog det billede?

Elle existe Dieu?

ps. Fatter du ikke et muk? “Hellig Tre Kongers dag er min Dåbsdag”, hjalp det lidt? Nok ikke!

pps. Og da jeg trykker på send link på denne artikel…så vælger FrontRow: “Den Himmelblå”? Stop stop stop…Jeg VED det er TILFÆDIGT! Jeg VED det!

Blogs Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English)

Am I doing what I’m doing because of 911?

Well the world didn’t end yesterday, the terrorists are holding their breath, the world shouldn’t however, something will happen again. ’nuff said.

Last week I asked myself a question. Would I be doing what I’m doing today if 911 hadn’t happened? It’s possible, but I think that it made me curious to learn more about the reasons behind, and since ignorance is the order of the day, I’ve been trying to swim against the tide.

Mjølnerparken neonsignI now have several Muslim friends, but that wasn’t the reason I started doing volunteer work in a predominately Muslim neighbourhood. It simply felt like the right thing to do, and I also wanted to come to terms with my limitless tolerance, that my friends criticised me of having, calling me naïve and even worse names.

One of the most important things that has happened as a result of my work as a tutor in Mjølnerparken, is that my friends no longer can claim that I don’t know what I’m talking about.

A few weeks after I started as a tutor in Mjølnerparken, I went on a trip to New York. In 2004 I travelled a lot, and most of the times I had a mission. The actual reason I went to New York, was to attend one of the Ladies First Tour dates, but on the night I arrived, I first went to a great musical, and even though it was late, I immediately decided to head downtown.

After a 30 minute walk, I’m obviously not scared – this being after midnight, and I’ve never been to New York before – was standing at Ground Zero at around 1 am, being the only human being around, but probably the most surveilled person on Earth, just looking around saying: “Det er så WTC sitet…Et stort hul i jorden som man kan se” “So that’s the WTC site…A huge hole in the ground”.

It was immediately clear to me that my trip to New York, was much more a pilgrimage to visit the place where it all started, than it was about attending the Ladies First concert (which was great with performances from Missy Elliott, Beyoncé and an impressive Alicia Keys).

Like I wrote several years ago, I find it amazing that there was so little damage. Yes the hole is huge, but the WTC towers were so immense that it’s really a miracle, that a huge part of lower Manhattan wasn’t destroyed, when the towers collapsed. This fact is part of the fuel for several conspiracy theories, and that’s understandable.

One of the most important lessons I learned during my visit to New York, was that the New Yorkers wasn’t exactly suffering, like I wrote yesterday. Another thing I felt on my body was the fact that the war on terror is also about revenge, and that New Yorkers seem quite paranoid.

I felt the paranoia when I went far out in the suburbs to attend the Ladies First concert, basically being the only white person in a venue with something like 5.000 people of colour, might not have been the smartest thing in the world to do, walking home through projects, picket-fenced homes and deserted shopping mall parking lots, was down-right stupid. There are no pedestrians nor street signs in a New York suburb, and I though that locating a train station would be easy, it wasn’t. Working back and forth on the outskirts of the city, I felt the eyes watching everywhere. You know, I even tried to hitch a ride when I was trying to reach the venue an ice-rink..No I was definitely not in Kansas anymore.

So am I doing what I’m doing because of 911? I’m not sure, but it most likely came into play on the subconscious level, because my work in Mjølnerparken wasn’t something that I was shopping actively for. I actually didn’t really grasp the concept of volunteer work until I was actually doing it.

Blogs Manic Panic


Tak for rådene. Mht. mit liv så er det at bringe lejligheden i orden IKKE øverst på listen.

Jeg vil ikke bare fare ud og købe møbler etc. Det vigtigste for mig ved at have et sted at bo er at jeg så kan invitere folk hjem, jeg har IKKE brug for en base, mit kontor kan jeg ALTID have med mig. I en af mine yndlingsfilm udtager hovedpersonen at han kun skal have een nøgle, og det den til bilen – det er mig!

Bortset fra det så har jeg mistet et halv hegn, heldigvis har jeg kælderen fyldt med reservedele som jeg nævnte i juledagene.

Prioriteret liste over ting jeg skal prøve at få “orden” på:
1. Kvinder
2. Min erhvervskarriere
3. Min base (lejlighed)

Implementeringsplan (de 3 s’er):
Spontanitet (lækkert hår har jeg allerede)

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs

Betragtninger efter tur til Egypten Oktober 2004

Og nu til noget helt andet. Jeg vil lige gøre opmærksom på at jeg tog mere end 300 billeder fra vores tur til Egypten i oktober 2004. De har tidligere været på nettet, men jeg er på udkig efter en ny hosting løsning til mine media filer.

Det var en fantastisk tur, selv om jeg følte mig lidt utilpas ved at være så rig. En månedsløn for en lærer er ca. EGP 200-250, svarende til ca. DKK 200-250.

Blogs Kim Blog (English)

I sacrificed my ball to R*A*W

Missing 1 (one) ball lost at the R*A*W party in Silo, Islands Brygge, actually it *was* a sacrifice, so please keep it whoever has it now.

Blogs Kim Blog (English)



My first rave for what seems an eternity. Actually it was! 12 years.

I guess the Baker man also went to the KRAFTWERK! concert and decided that he needed to dust off the good old 1210’s and his KRAFTWERK! biscuits.


Blogs Kim Blog (English)

Last week has been an amazing rolercoster ride

The last week has been an amazing roller coster ride – I see so clearly now, my life is being redefined – thank you MEX. The children at Mjølnerparken – check my Lektiehjælp blog; in Danish without subtitles – has changed my life so profoundly that it’s unbelieveable. The children are wonderful, and the things some of the children come up with is so crazy and off the wall – I had no idea that children were that wonderful – even though I have two nieces. I hope to be able to publish some pictures, pending the permission of the children/parents etc.