The Universe has clicked “I Like” on me
You receive more that you give \o/
I clicked “I Like” on Her
And had my female metaphor thrown out by the publisher
It’s getting so old being 13
Tag: life
Den geniale blogger wysiwit “kommer fra fremtiden”, hun har fået en genial idé. Med et snuptag ændrer man bare et enkelt bogstav i et ord, og vupti så har vi det ideelle parforholdseksperiment, fra kæreste til næreste.
Men læs hvad er det wysiwit skriver, det er så dejligt enkelt, og befriende, jeg vil sige så skyder han, nej! han venter! DET ER GENIALT DET DER!
Der er lidt Da Harry Mødte Sally over det, og det er en film jeg elsker, selv om hun sikkert ikke kan lide sammenligningen, eller næh det kan hun sikkert.
Den første regel er at der ingen regler er, så længe de er aftalt, klare og enkle, det er så også den anden, tredie, fjerde osv. osv.
Har jeg en næreste? Ja det har jeg! Jeg har MANGE, RIGTIG MANGE, men der er naturligvis en nummer et, to osv. Jeg tror i ved hvem i er, i gemmer jer som regel her #mixpack/#pigesurefeminister/#twedagsbar/#fraekfredag men sjovt nok så er nummer et OG to slet ikke på nogle af de lister, ja de er knap nok på twitter.
Og skal vi SÅ komme i gang, for de kunne sagtens være ENDNU mere Nære, lige nu er de faktisk Kære, og det er da ironisk 🙂
This wonderful video captures the spirit of reboot11, and frankly it gives me the chills, this is what reboot is all about, BIG UP!
I’m looking SO much forward to the reboot11 reunion tonight!
Episode i Lufthaven i morges efterlod mig i choktilstand.
Jeg ville hjælpe en pyskisk syg, der havde prøvet af få hjælp længe, til bussen, det tog lang tid. 25 m fra busstoppestedet kommer en flok hjemmeværnswannabees rendede med walkietalkies, og vel også våben, og fører manden væk, 10 mand til at fcuke mit 45 minutters socialarbejde op, sikkert til politiet.
Himmelråbende amatører, få dog ansat nogle social-arbejdere.
Hvor mange fjolser har man ansat i Lufthavnen, til at lege røvere og soldater, og København skal være vært for, hvor mange, om en måned?
Manden ville for HELVEDE bare hjem til sin hund i Dragør.
Da jeg så går væk overhører jeg en samtale om at han OGSÅ havde generet dem. Jeg råbte efter dem at de får FOR meget i løn!!!
Jeg er RASENDE!!!!
Jeg skal tilføje at jeg rapporterede episoden til lufthavnens information, hvis civile personale, i øvrigt opførte sig eksemplarisk, empatisk og yderst korrekt og professionelt – de troede sørme jeg var fra politiet.
nå ja, også sendt til Kristeligt Dagblads Debat.mail
October 30th
WOW! I’m honored! October 30th is my Birthday, and now it’s also the title of an XKCD Comic! AND Back to the Future is on my shortlist of favourite flicks!
ps. A Doc Brown costume? Nice idea!
pps. Thank you to #mixpack and the #lastfriday possé for making my 47th Birthday one of the best Birthdays EVAH. Special mention to @HelloCopenhagen for the inspiration in selecting the venue!
I promissed you a 24 hours of radio-silence, well that didn’t quite happen, but the level of tweeting was at a sustainable level.
So what exactly is the sweet spot, where tweeting isn’t an addiction, it turns out that Jyri Engeström of Jaiku-fame gave the answer during his Keynote Speech at Reboot 9 in 2007.
Jyri said that Microblogging (eg. tweeting) is a tool that you can use to discipline your writing/creativity, here’s Jyri’s three steps to how to become a more productive blogger:
1 microblogpost (Jaiku/Tweet/Whatever) an hour
1 photo a day (Flickr/23/Picassa/Whatever)
1 blogpost a week (Preferably from your own domain)
I’ve decided to try to follow Jyri’s “method” – again – I really, really want to become more than an amateur!
Related blogposts
- Kim Bach . Org: A-synchronous “swimmingâ€: How I stopped worrying, and learned how to love “presenceâ€
- Æbletræet: Jaiku (in Danish)
ps. Since I received my Kindle I’ve begun reading again, this, too, is an old resolve of mine. Now where do I get hold of some of Kierkegaard’s writings in a format that my Kindle will serve me ;-)?
Still happy about my twitter selfhelp tool that Rasmus wrote, but hvordan synes jeg så selv det går? If the aim was to cut down on my tweeting, it’s not going well, the habit is under control, and I’m not just, mindlessly sharing, RTing etc. like I did on Saturday.
I’ve been focusing my tweeting, today the topics were #spc09 the SharePoint Conference 09 in Las Vegas, and it was wonderful to latch on the energy of that hastag, and #Kindle since I have one sitting right next to me right now.
Today will be different, there WILL be a 24 hour radiosilence starting no…ahem soon ;-), see you on the other side.
Kim “Cold Twurkey” Bach
There’s too much going on on twitter for me stop engaging in the conversation, I recommend that you unfollow me if you’re on a low bandwidth device, you can befriend me on Facebook instead.
Yeah I grabbed the cool URL!
Kind regards
Kim “Twinehouse” Bach
ps. My Amazon Kindle is waiting for me at the DHL Warehouse, it arrived yesterday, but it’s one expensive little number, an extra $150 in customs. OUCH!
I’ll spare you my dream then…Nah…Thugs were trying to kill me because they didn’t like that I tried to stop them from killing dogs, for fun, by wailing like a ghost. A kid in the supermarket wouldn’t stop his lift, just kept on going, sliding me through the aisle, eventually dropping the load. The he gave me two bananas that began morphing into a potted plastic flower that spewed some nasty stuff, I told him that I hoped he had to cover the damages from his allowance! BAD! BAD! Kid – ugly too, a nasty redheaded geek with glasses and pimples. That’s when I woke up – thank God!
The comic-stip is from the wonderful xkdc, this one really hit home, and I’ve been waiting for the chance to use it a blog post.
The Perfect Gentleman
OK, I need your advise.
An attractive, rather thrashed, woman walks up to me asking for directions to a bar, I find it using my tech-wizardry, she MUST have known where it was, she claimed that she had lived in that street, I wished her a pleasant night, and we went our seperate ways.
I now see that there were several other doors I could have choosen:
1. Showed her the way
2. Asked if I could join her
3. Suggested that we went somewhere else
Did I choose the right door, in post-cog I think that I should have tried door number 3, I was high on culture from last nights Kulturnat event, and there are several places that are better suited for spirtual encounters than Wessels Kro.
ps. I think that I should have, at least, tried door number 1, it would have let to the possibility of choosing the other two. Hey I might finally be getting the rules if this game, it is a very strange game, and I thought the only way to win is by not playing
pps. Suggesting that you go “somewhere else”, is much like saying you want to “park the car” – I should have picked door #1.
Cross posted to facebook: