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ART Day Out – In Real Life

ART Day Out – In Real Life

Henriette Weber Andersen of Toothless Tiger has been at it again – once she starts there ain’t no stoppin’.

So I’ve signed up for the first Art Day Out, I hope that that fact, will not discourage any of you 😉

Ses vi? Det tror jeg NOK vi gør!

The first ART Day Out is taking place on sunday the 29nd of April 2007.

ART day out is for anyone who thinks that culture is cool *s* – and can basically evolve around anything anyway the first Art Day Out is going something like this:

we are meeting at nørreport station in Copenhagen 10.00 and heading north to find a place to brunch ( depends of the number of people signing up where the place is going to be) – around 13.00 we are going to Louisiana, Humlebæk to see the Cindy Sherman” and “made in China” exhibition.

Blogs Kim Blog (English)

Kulturnatten 2006: Is that a FireWire cable in your pocket or are you just happy to see me

On the 13th of October 2006 it was time for the great yearly Copenhagen event, Kulturnatten. Kulturnatten, means “night of culture”, and it keeps growing bigger and stronger with every year that passes.

This year I had. as last year, been quite ambitious in selecting the number of events that I would attend, “unfortunately” I started by visiting the “Frivillighus” on Nørrebrogade, and I stayed for almost 2 hours.

Well it was nice meeting some people that I keep running into, including the mother of my old friend Sporado – she’s serious KEWL.

Next stop was The Fredriks Church, better known as the “Marmor Kirken” (The Marble Church), the beautiful domed church in Copenhagen. They had engaged the vocal ensemble Ars Nova to do a mini concert. And it was fantastic, just listening to the voices “hanging in the air” after each part, the “hang time” seemed to be like minutes. It was a fantastic experince, and great to see a full church for once.

I also managed to talk a little about the history of the church with some people that were sitting next to me, they seemed to be impressed by my knowledge, “it sounds like it’s your passion” – “not at all”, I said, “it’s just due to my high age that I have such extensive common knowledge” – that being said I’m quite passionate about the Marmorkirke, it the most spiritual church in all of Copenhagen. Sunday, two days later, I made an observation:

Out side the church statues of the most important figures of the “Christian Peoples Church of Denmark”, are mounted, but there’s no women among them, that is a disgrace, but who should we nominate? I asked some girls outside the church, but they had no suggestions, I started thinking, and I came up with the Danish Jazz singer of African American heritage: “Etta Cameron”, not only a woman, but a good Christian, and she’s also an Immigrant of “colour”. But I’m open for nominations, Christianity is TOO important to leave to men.

Next stop was supposed to be “Orlovsmuseet”, but I falsely thought that it was located on Holmen, so instead I ended up at the School for Architects, and there something remarkably strange happened. In the main conference room was an art installation, but I missed the performance. I was lugging my camcorder, and a FireWire cable. The last fact was strange, because I didn’t bring my computer, anyhow, the performance had been controlled from two Apple laptops, and they had done a recording of it, that they now wanted to show, I overheard a conversation: “But I only have USB”, I immediately picked up on it: “Do you need a FireWire cable”, “YES we do”…”Wow that is really strange, you’re the only outsider around, and you have a FireWire cable!”, my answer: “Well that was the reason I was sent here”! I know this is just PURE coincidence, but it’s very strange, and makes you wonder if that was a sign from the divine providence. It was events like that , that made meloose mind last year…Hmm!!!

Now I was in a hurry, because I wanted to go the the concert in “Rundetaarn”, on the way there I checked out the light installation at “Thorvaldsens Musseum”, and the installation at the museum was very well executed, with beautiful shadows being cast. The most impressive was the central garden at the museum, I never noticed this before, but the museum is modelled on an Egyptian temple, and the light effect on the central statue of the Christ, was impressive, above in a window someone was playing the flute…It was just beautiful.

Reached Rundetaarn, only to be turned away, due to massive demand…Bummer! However: I’m not really regretting that I went see “the statues” instead.

That actually concluded my attendance at the official Kulturnat events.

Conclusion a great night, with lots of surprises and a number of GREAT events I missed, and some rather mind blowing experiences. And finally: I found out that I might be falling in love.

One more thing (LOL), Kulturnatten is becoming more and more like the old Copenhagen carnival, there seems to be a decreasing number of people that join the events, but more and more drunk teenagers.

Blogs Kim Blog (English)

Kulturnatten 2005

Friday october-14th was the day of the annual Kulturnat (night of culture) in Copenhagen.

Blogs Manic Panic


Tak for rådene. Mht. mit liv så er det at bringe lejligheden i orden IKKE øverst på listen.

Jeg vil ikke bare fare ud og købe møbler etc. Det vigtigste for mig ved at have et sted at bo er at jeg så kan invitere folk hjem, jeg har IKKE brug for en base, mit kontor kan jeg ALTID have med mig. I en af mine yndlingsfilm udtager hovedpersonen at han kun skal have een nøgle, og det den til bilen – det er mig!

Bortset fra det så har jeg mistet et halv hegn, heldigvis har jeg kælderen fyldt med reservedele som jeg nævnte i juledagene.

Prioriteret liste over ting jeg skal prøve at få “orden” på:
1. Kvinder
2. Min erhvervskarriere
3. Min base (lejlighed)

Implementeringsplan (de 3 s’er):
Spontanitet (lækkert hår har jeg allerede)

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs

Betragtninger efter tur til Egypten Oktober 2004

Og nu til noget helt andet. Jeg vil lige gøre opmærksom på at jeg tog mere end 300 billeder fra vores tur til Egypten i oktober 2004. De har tidligere været på nettet, men jeg er på udkig efter en ny hosting løsning til mine media filer.

Det var en fantastisk tur, selv om jeg følte mig lidt utilpas ved at være så rig. En månedsløn for en lærer er ca. EGP 200-250, svarende til ca. DKK 200-250.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs

Tsunamien i det Indiske Ocean

Jeg føler at det er nødvendigt at skrive noget om tsunami katastrofen i det Indiske Ocean.

Blogs Kim Blog (English)



My first rave for what seems an eternity. Actually it was! 12 years.

I guess the Baker man also went to the KRAFTWERK! concert and decided that he needed to dust off the good old 1210’s and his KRAFTWERK! biscuits.