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Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub:men MIN SEO er bedre end DIN SEO #copSKEP

Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub – Lone Frank: Når Naturen bliver Gud

Mr. Natural (comics)

Time: 10 August · 19:00 – 22:00
Location: Ørsted Ølbar – Nørre Farimagsgade 13, 1364 København K
Created by: Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub

Drik mindst otte glas vand om dagen. Forebyg forkølelse med naturligt echinacea, og reparer dine hårdt prøvede celler med naturlige antioxidanter.
Naturligt er godt. Eller er det? Hvordan kan det være, at medicinalfirmaernes oprensede, statskontrollerede og efterprøvede produkter vækker mistillid, mens selvbestaltet “naturmedicin” uden dokumentation anses for sikkert?

#Ohøj:@Universe #define #title:”Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub – Lone Frank: Når Naturen bliver Gud” #copSKEP #GRL: (twitter)

#Ohøj:@Universe #define #title:”Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub” #copSKEP #GRL: (twitter)

Myten om hvor meget (vand) man skal drikke #copSKEP (twitter) #copSKEP (twitter)

Antioxydanter #copSKEP (twitter)

Vitaminer #copSKEP (twitter)

Multivitaminer – lad være siger Lone Frank – men tag D-vitaminer når der er mangel – ellers ikke #copSKEP (twitter)

echinacea solhat #copSKEP (twitter)

ayurvedic medicine #copSKEP (twitter)

hømeopati #copSKEP

men MIN SEO er bedre end DIN SEO #copSKEP (twitter)

The #Weddar in Ørsted Ølbar is…surprisingly mild #copSKEP (twitter)

Q:Hvad med B-vitaminer? er det også noget man skal passe på med? #copSKEP (twitter)

@Mi_Islay Broccoli? Jow god idé, men er det ikke for “naturligt”? (twitter)

Sry…There’s no s in community 🙂 (twitter)

Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub – Lone Frank: Når Naturen bliver Gud var rigtig fint – I found God ♥ (facebook)

IKKE det femte element/den femte gradbøjning: God Bedre Bedst Ornli’ Naturli’

.@kmdk @Palnatoke @peterbrodersen tak i lige måde – efterlod d’herrer og damer i en “røgfyldt brun pose”, og dansede videre <3 #copSKEP (twitter)

twitter-søgninger dør efter et par uger #copSKEP – må se at få sat noget aggregering op 😉

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Historier/Stories Resources Videnskab


Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub - logo

Næste arrangement i “Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub” (facebook link) – “Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub – Lone Frank: Når Naturen bliver Gud” (facebook link) lyder jo spændende, men jeg har jo ry for at være religiøs…OK, Kristjan siger jeg godt må “lege” med alligevel 🙂

Ateister har det jo med at sætte lighedstegn mellem tro og Gud 😉 – det har ikke-ateister jo også…hmm godt man er en slags Buddhist

Der ER jo også mange lighedspunkter mellem sjælesørger og “psyk*-protokollen” – etymologien er i hvertfald ikke til at tage fejl af –​ki/Psychology#Etymology.

Tror vi har fundet et diskussionsemne til arrangementet, selv om det nok er for oplagt, og betændt. Altså “psyk*-protokollen” er jo nok det felt hvor den moderne videnskab har den største formidlings-udfordring efter “sjælen” har holdt “flyttedag” væk fra hjertet, i de flestes vestlige menneskers bevidsthed.

Min egen erfaring er at psykofarmaka da virker, og det mest potente jeg har været bruger af, Li+, virker skam, ingen ved dog tilsyneladende hvorfor.

Kan leve med at vi finder Gud, og at jeg, modsat ham her:

stadig er her.

Antager i øvrigt at det er videnskabens synspunkt at det vores kultur hidtil har kaldt “sjælen” kan forklares med “kemi” eller i hvertfald “videnskab” – igen sikkert et for oplagt og betændt emne.

Nå, mange af de “religiøse” er i mellemtiden flyttet andre steder hen, såsom CERN, der kan de jo finde fælles fodslag: “OH DEEP THOUGHT WHAT IS THE ANSWER…” – det kunne jeg godt tænke mig at høre Lone Franks tanker om.

Blogs Bookmarks Computere og Internet Kim Blog (English)

The first time

Kim Bach . Org: Kim Bach . Org Colophon

Kim Bach . Org >> Blog Archive >> Danish Survival Guide kimbach

EnAnden Bruger:Kim Bach

Karnak – Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi User:Kim Bach

Picture of a statue of the Egyptian goddess Hathor from the Luxor Museeum, Luxor, Egypt. The statue is from the period of the XVIIIth Dynasty and was found at the Luxor temple. The statue is about human size. The picture was taken by Kim Bach, Copenhagen, Denmark on the 17th of October 2004 User:Kim Bach

Pyramide du Louvre – Wikipedia, the free encyklopedia

Jaiku: @kimbach

kimbach posted to #reboot: finally arrived…

X twitter: @kim_bach

Still looking for my first tweet – I’m sure it’s out there somewhere, but twitter doesn’t really give you access to your full history

Google+: kim.bach

Jeg er ikke alene, der er folk der følger mig//Har det helt på det René//Jeg har det ligesom mig

Facebook: About @kim.bach

is BeerCamp Copenhagen Presentation will be titled “The Cathedral of Learning”
Aug 29, 2008 1:14:01 pm

Blogs Computere og Internet Hackers Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English) Technology

Take the “Pepsi-challenge” Google+

With all the talk about g00g+ (Google+), and the comparision with facebook, I came to think about a regular usecase on facebook, can I do that on g00g+ – today?

  1. Create a page for an organisation
  2. Create an event for that organisation
  3. Invite people to the event
  4. Update the people of the organisation
  5. Update the attendees of the event
  6. Create a campaign to promote the event and/or the organisation

All of the above, is possible to with facebook in approx. 15 minutes.

So take the Pepsi-challenge g00g+

Crossposted to | g00g+ | twitter | facebook | Illustration from the brilliant comic XKCD – Fanø you Mr. Randall Munroe for luring me to Google+, guess I made a splash though 😉


I’ve included a link to a discussion about the challenges businesses are facing with g00g+ from Advice Digital (in Danish) advice digital: Google+ udfordrer virksomheders digitale position by René Clausen Nielsen and Birgitte Raben. They have answered my questions: “you can’t do this – yet”. I really doubt g00g can top facebook on this – but we should all embrace, and welcome, the competion, and g00g are good at “stealing” ideas.

Update: July 19th 2011

I’ve included a link to a discussion from “digitale tanker: Thoughts on Google+ and links to great reviews” – someday I might “get” “circles” – I’ve focused on a business oriented use-case here.

Update: July 25th 2011

I’ve included a link to an article by Henriette Weber “The social network on steroids – my first thoughts on Google +” – she’s also talking about “circles” – which I still don’t get. BTW, the only reason I noticed this article was because she shared it on…Google+ 😉

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Historier/Stories

En løve på savannen

Den geniale blogger wysiwit “kommer fra fremtiden”, hun har fået en genial idé. Med et snuptag ændrer man bare et enkelt bogstav i et ord, og vupti så har vi det ideelle parforholdseksperiment, fra kæreste til næreste.

Men læs hvad er det wysiwit skriver, det er så dejligt enkelt, og befriende, jeg vil sige så skyder han, nej! han venter! DET ER GENIALT DET DER!

Der er lidt Da Harry Mødte Sally over det, og det er en film jeg elsker, selv om hun sikkert ikke kan lide sammenligningen, eller næh det kan hun sikkert.

Den første regel er at der ingen regler er, så længe de er aftalt, klare og enkle, det er så også den anden, tredie, fjerde osv. osv.

Har jeg en næreste? Ja det har jeg! Jeg har MANGE, RIGTIG MANGE, men der er naturligvis en nummer et, to osv. Jeg tror i ved hvem i er, i gemmer jer som regel her #mixpack/#pigesurefeminister/#twedagsbar/#fraekfredag men sjovt nok så er nummer et OG to slet ikke på nogle af de lister, ja de er knap nok på twitter.

Og skal vi SÅ komme i gang, for de kunne sagtens være ENDNU mere Nære, lige nu er de faktisk Kære, og det er da ironisk 🙂

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Manic Panic Uncategorized

الآن! خدمة الحوار المباشر للدخول في الإسلام بالإنجليزية

Blogs Computere og Internet Hackers Historier/Stories Humor Kim Blog (English) Technology Uncategorized

Today is #talkhttpday

Yes, today I’m going to talk HTTP instead of shit.

This post will be updated throughout the day

HTTP/1.1 200

The fun thing is that this little game started on Facebook, right now I’m using a combination of Facebook and Twitter to co-create the revolution of the mellemrumssingularitet .

ps. it’s unfortunate that I have to use twitter and facebook, because Jaiku can do it all…

Blogs Bookmarks Computere og Internet Kim Blog (English) Resources

DrupalCamp Copenhagen 2008 – Drupal Danmark: You’ve come a long way, baby

Drupal.OrgRegular readers might know that I’m a big fan of the Content Managment System Drupal. I’ve been actively promoting this system for 3 years, and I was active when Drupal Danmark, the Danish Drupal community, was established in the spring of 2006.

Despite this, I’ve never really managed to build anything useful using Drupal!

It’s not that I haven’t tried, actually I’ve ventured into a number of projects where I’ve tried to use Drupal as an application framework, because I, strongly, believe that Drupal is so much more than a CMS.

The projects haven’t failed completely, and I’ve learned valuable lessons, but I never really managed to finish them.

As a developer trying to work with a CMS for development is rather frustrating, since you get to spend most of your time configuring the system, and you constantly run into limitations, that mostly are related to the fact that developers and non-developers alike, has to be able to configure the system.

Why did the projects fail? Was it due to lacking skills on my part, or is Drupal not suited to use as an application framework or are there additional factors?

I’d like to explore this, so I’ve signed-up for the very first DrupalCamp Copenhagen, that will be held November 15th and 16th 2008 in Copenhagen.

I’ve also proposed a session: Using Drupal as a Web Application Framework, let’s see if that is accepted, but for sure I’m not going to be a tourist, and I’m going to actively pursue an answer to my questions.

You’ve come a long way baby
Like I mentioned, I was present when we took the first steps trying to establish the community back in spring of 2006, but since late 2006 I’ve been mostly absent from the community.

Since then Drupal, and Drupal Danmark, has grown stronger and stronger, and if you take a look at the sign-ups for DrupalCamp Copenhagen 2008, you can see how strong the community has grown.

The fact that there’s a significant number of international attendees is impressive. This has a lot to do with Drupal Danmark and evangelists like Morten DK’s and Mikkel Høgh’s very active participation in the international community.

So thank you all for growing the community, and having the guts to go ahead with DrupalCamp Copenhagen 2008. YOU ROCK!

Drupal Danmark: You’ve come a long way baby.

Hope to see you at DrupalCamp Copenhagen.

See also:

Blogs Kim Blog (English)

I sacrificed my ball to R*A*W

Missing 1 (one) ball lost at the R*A*W party in Silo, Islands Brygge, actually it *was* a sacrifice, so please keep it whoever has it now.

Blogs Kim Blog (English)



My first rave for what seems an eternity. Actually it was! 12 years.

I guess the Baker man also went to the KRAFTWERK! concert and decided that he needed to dust off the good old 1210’s and his KRAFTWERK! biscuits.