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Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub:men MIN SEO er bedre end DIN SEO #copSKEP

Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub – Lone Frank: Når Naturen bliver Gud

Mr. Natural (comics)

Time: 10 August · 19:00 – 22:00
Location: Ørsted Ølbar – Nørre Farimagsgade 13, 1364 København K
Created by: Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub

Drik mindst otte glas vand om dagen. Forebyg forkølelse med naturligt echinacea, og reparer dine hårdt prøvede celler med naturlige antioxidanter.
Naturligt er godt. Eller er det? Hvordan kan det være, at medicinalfirmaernes oprensede, statskontrollerede og efterprøvede produkter vækker mistillid, mens selvbestaltet “naturmedicin” uden dokumentation anses for sikkert?

#Ohøj:@Universe #define #title:”Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub – Lone Frank: Når Naturen bliver Gud” #copSKEP #GRL: (twitter)

#Ohøj:@Universe #define #title:”Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub” #copSKEP #GRL: (twitter)

Myten om hvor meget (vand) man skal drikke #copSKEP (twitter) #copSKEP (twitter)

Antioxydanter #copSKEP (twitter)

Vitaminer #copSKEP (twitter)

Multivitaminer – lad være siger Lone Frank – men tag D-vitaminer når der er mangel – ellers ikke #copSKEP (twitter)

echinacea solhat #copSKEP (twitter)

ayurvedic medicine #copSKEP (twitter)

hømeopati #copSKEP

men MIN SEO er bedre end DIN SEO #copSKEP (twitter)

The #Weddar in Ørsted Ølbar is…surprisingly mild #copSKEP (twitter)

Q:Hvad med B-vitaminer? er det også noget man skal passe på med? #copSKEP (twitter)

@Mi_Islay Broccoli? Jow god idé, men er det ikke for “naturligt”? (twitter)

Sry…There’s no s in community 🙂 (twitter)

Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub – Lone Frank: Når Naturen bliver Gud var rigtig fint – I found God ♥ (facebook)

IKKE det femte element/den femte gradbøjning: God Bedre Bedst Ornli’ Naturli’

.@kmdk @Palnatoke @peterbrodersen tak i lige måde – efterlod d’herrer og damer i en “røgfyldt brun pose”, og dansede videre <3 #copSKEP (twitter)

twitter-søgninger dør efter et par uger #copSKEP – må se at få sat noget aggregering op 😉

Blogs Computere og Internet Design Education/Undervisning Kim Blog (English)

Amazon Kindle – Vision og forretning

Who's afraid of Virginia WoolfHvad er en Amazon Kindle
Amazon Kindle er en kompakt enhed der minder om en computer, men er beregnet til at vise tekst, f.eks. digitale bøger – eBøger/eBooks, på en skærm der bruger en teknologi der hedder eInk. Denne teknologi adskiller sig fra traditionelle computerskærme, ved at den danner billedet med magnetisk blæk, og at skærmen virker med reflekteret lys, som papir, oplevelsen minder derfor meget om papir, og i øvrigt gør det at enheden bruger meget mindre strøm, da det kun er når billedet dannes på skærmen at der bruges strøm, den relativt langsomme opdateringshastighed skærmen arbejder med, gør at man ikke kan vise ting som video.

Kindle har en 6″ skærm med en opløsning på 800×600 punkter, dette giver en meget tydeligt skærm, som skal ses før man tror det. Teknikken gør dog at skærmen ikke kan vise farver, men det er noget der bliver arbejdet på det, og netop i dag afholdes der en konference i Frankrig, hvor der efter sigende er rigtig mange brugere af de nye eBogs læsere.

I denne artikel, som nok bliver en artikelserie, vil jeg fokusere mere på visionen bag, så der er ikke rigtig tale om en anmeldelse, og alle de steder der står Amazon Kindle, kunne der lige så godt stå noget andet, f.eks. “Tölva” – som en fremtidig enhed kunne hedde – “tilfældigvis” er det netop det jeg har kaldt min Kindle 😉

Så hvorfor købte jeg en Kindle? Først og fremmest så var jeg så heldig at få en i hænderne til reboot11, og jeg ønskede mig straks en, så da Amazon annoncerede at Kindle ville bliver lanceret internationalt, trak jeg straks et nummer. Den officielle lanceringsdato var den 18-oktober, den blev sendt den 19-oktober og jeg havde den den 22-oktober, hvilket inkluderede en nat på DHLs lager – den moderne internationale handels evner til levere imponerer mig altid.

Den virkelige grund til at jeg anskaffede en Kindle, var nu også at jeg længe har haft et erklæret ønske om at læse noget mere, og her synes jeg Kindle giver os et glimt af fremtiden. Bøger og aviser er utroligt “upraktiske”, jeg glemmer dem, synes de er uhandy og tunge, og dette gælder også paperbacks – jeg føler at det er en af grundende til at jeg ikke læser så meget som jeg selv ønsker. Nå ja, jeg er jo glad for dimser, og da Nikolaj Sonne fra “So Ein Ding” så min Kindle til Copenhagen Cocoa Development Camp et par dage efter jeg havde fået den, stoppede han helt op midt i sin “procedure”, jeg havde en Kindle før Mr. Ding himself.

Når jeg ser en Kindle tænker jeg i øvrigt iPod anno 2001. Kindle er ikke rigtig en dims (gadget – savner dansk ord), det er en platform. Som iTunes og iPod, udnytter Kindle en eksisterende infrastruktur, nemlig Amazons, og husk at iTunes Music Store ikke var i nærheden af at være klar da iPod blev introduceret, Amazon er klar, og har allerede 360,000 titler tilgængelige, og Amazons vision er rent faktisk at samtlige (skrevne) værker der er udgivet i menneskehedens historie, skal være tilgængelige på Kindle. Jeg synes dette er en smuk vision, som det undrer mig at man skal høre fra en privat, kommerciel virksomhed fra USA.

Det første jeg bemærkede, da jeg pakkede min Kindle ud, var at den viste nogle instruktioner på skærmen, jeg prøvede at fjerne den plastik jeg antog var placeret på skærmen, sådan plejer det jo at være, ude af stand til at finde plastikkens kanter, gik det op for mig at Kindle viste et billede på skærmen! eInk skærme er virkelig anderledes, sammenlignet med traditionelle computerskærme – når skærmbilledet først er dannet har det ikke brug for strøm, så selv om enheden var slukket viste den et billede.

Whispernet, trådløs adgang der bare virker!
Jeg var godt klar over at Kindle var en opkoblet dims (wireless device), så jeg var meget overrasket da jeg ikke var i stand til at finde en eneste reference til opsætning, det værende sig SIM-kort, WiFi eller lignende, i den korte dokumentation der følger med – underligt – hvordan kommer den så på nettet?

Så jeg var yderst overrasket da jeg, efter at have været en tur forbi MyKindle websitet på min computer for at ændre navnet og e-mail adressen for min Kindle, og efter en kort lur, opdagede at Kindle havde opdateret sig selv, og at der nu stod “Tölva” i stedet for “Kim Bach’s Kindle” på skærmen.

At se en opkoblet dims der bare virker så snart man har pakket den ud, burde ikke føles som en fantastisk ting, det er sådan teknologi burde virke, men vi er anderledes vant – knockout sejr til Kindle her!

24-November-2009 sendte Amazon i øvrigt en opdatering til version 2.3 af Kindle softwaren, og den virkede perfekt, og blev sendt automatisk – endnu et eksempel på hvordan teknologi burde virke – ingen iTunes og computer nødvendig – tak og lov!

Jeg er dybt imponeret over den aftale Amazon har fået med AT&T, der er nemlig tale om intet mindre end en gratis, global, mobil data-roaming aftale.

Passioneret fællesskab
Naturligvis skrev jeg om Kindle på twitter, og der gik ikke lang tid før jeg fik et svar. Det kom fordi jeg undrede mig over hvor jeg ville finde åbent og frit indhold – det andre kalder gratis – altså bøger der allerede findes på Internettet – f.eks. gennem Gutenberg projektet.

Disse bøger findes som regel i nogle standard formater der hedder .mobi, og dem kan Kindle læse direkte.

Svaret jeg fik på twitter, og jeg havde ikke formuleret et spørgsmål, bare luftet en undren, var at jeg skulle få fat i softwaren calibre. calibre og det er et must hvis du har en eBogs læser. Der er tale om et open source program som fungerer lidt som iTunes til eBogs læsere, det kan konvertere mellem mange formater, og sidst men ikke mindst, importere RSS feeds og overføre dem til Kindle og andre eBogs læsere.

Der er iøvrigt flere muligheder for at overføre data til Kindle, man kan enten gøre det via. Whispernet (e-mail), men det koster så $1/megabyte, så det er bedre at bruge det medfølgende USB kabel, som er standard mikro-USB.

PDF – ikke en eBogs standard
Mange er nysgerrige for at høre om Kindle understøtter PDF. Det korte svar er ja, det lange er noget mere kompliceret. De fleste PDFer er sat op til at blive udskrevet på A4 papir, og det passer ikke ret godt til Kindles 6″ skærm. Et af problemerne er at PDF er mange ting, skannede sider f.eks.

Dette skuffer sikkert mange, men problemet er altså PDF, ikke Kindle, man er simpelthen nød til at omformatere sin tekst så den understøtter variable “papir” størrelser, og der bliver nødvendigt at “teste” sine udgivelser på mange enheder.

En lidt sjov ting jeg har brugt PDF visning på Kindle til, er at jeg har lagt billetter på den, og brugte min Kindle som billet to gange under CPH:DOX – desværre havde de ikke stregkode skannere til nogle af arrangementerne, men jeg synes det ser sandsynligt ud at det ville fungere.

Amazon Kindle Store – impulskøbsalarm
Amazon Kindle Store virker som det skal, gå til forretningen, søg efter den titel du er intereseret i – her er det smart at Kindle har et tastatur, køb og titlen er klar på din startside i løbet af 30 sekunder – imponerende. Kindle bruger din Amazon konto, så hvis du har one-click slået til, så er din Kindle, effektivt, et kreditkort. Samtlige bøger kan i øvrigt hentes i en prøveudgave med adgang til udvalgt indhold, så man kan se om det er den rigtige titel, dette fungerer virkelig godt, men det er lidt for let bagefter at komme til at trykke køb, da det er standardknappen – derfor har jeg nu en kopi af “Pigen der legede med ilden” på engelsk. Det skal dog tilføjes at man straks får muligheden for at fortryde sit køb.

Der er også mulighed for at abonnere på en lang række aviser og tidsskrifter, jeg valgte straks International Herald Tribune og Asimovs Science Fiction. Det smarte, og farlige, ved aviser og tidsskrifter er at man får den 14-dage gratis.

Kindle som browser
Selv om Kindle umiddelbart er en “iPod for bøger”, altså har sin egen hukommelse hvor indkøbte bøger bliver downloadet til, så er Kindle også en computer der kører en speciel version af Linux. Der er også indbygget en browser, som tilgås gennem Kindles menupunkt “Experimental features” – her finder man “Basic Web”, og her får man adgang til en webbrowser, der, i den internationale version, ser ud til kun at give adgang til Wikipedia, men det er da heller ikke så tosset, gratis adgang til Wikipedia uanset hvor man er i verden.

Jeg har testet hvordan sider med f.eks. matematiske formler viser, og det ser virkelig godt ud.

Kindle er bestemt ikke verdens hurtigste browser, men det virker, og er gratis.

One Kindle Per Student (and Teacher)
En vision jeg får når jeg ser en dims som Kindle er at en dims som denne burde være tilgængelig for hvert eneste barn, eller rettere hver eneste “studerende” og lærere, og hvorfor nu det?

Kindle er enkel, virker robust, og kan allerede i dag, indeholde en kopi af alle de skolebøger man har brugt i hele sit aktive studieliv, det er lige fra Folkeskole til Universitetet.

Kindle eller Dynabook?Jeg synes at Kindle ser meget bekendt ud, og den minder mig om Alan Kays vision – Dynabook – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. “A Personal Computer For Children Of All Ages.”

Hvis samtlige børn (“studerende”) havde en platform som Kindle, ville det også skabe et nyt marked for skolebøger, hvilket burde være med til at forbedre kvaliteten – hvis man ellers tror på markedsøkonomi.

I dag bliver innovationen indenfor uddannelse bremset af ophavsretsloven, det er, f.eks., meget svært at hjælpe børn med ting som matematikopgaver over Internettet, fordi det ikke er muligt at dele skolebøgerne online, eller som downloads til en eBogs læser.

Lærer er i øvrigt i den brede definition, fordi vi alle vil blive, potientielle, lærere hvis denne teknologi blev gjort tilgængeligt for alle.

Rent faktisk er vi også alle studerende, nutidens samfund kræver af os at vi fortsætter med at uddanne os hele livet, er det ikke vidunderligt, og det er også sundt! Få din hjerne til at “pumpe jern”.

Hvor er verdens førende IT land?
HVORFOR kan jeg ikke få lov til at betale for min avis (og heller ikke BØLGEN ;-)) – der er nemlig ikke en eneste dansk avis der synes det var umagen værd at levere aviser gennem Amazon? Tilgengæld kan jeg, via. RSS og den uundværlige calibre software, hente Information, og det koster helt gratis.

At ingen danske forlag har fundet det nødvendigt at kunne distribuere via. Amazon var mere forventet.

Rygtet om litteraturens død er stærkt overdrevet
Kindle kombinerer vision og forretning, Amazon har leveret en dims der er så let at bruge som jeg mener det er muligt med nutidens teknologi, og der er en klar forretningsmodel. Amazon har en vinder her.

Hvordan går det så med at læse noget mere. Jeg er f.eks. nu halvvejs gennem min første bog, “The Raw Shark Texts”, som blev indkøbt til mig af min veninde @anetq fra den fine Undr! blog – tusinde tak for “gaven”.

Igen virkede twitter på mystisk vis. Da jeg roste bogen på twitter, og skrev forfatterens navn, gik der ikke mange minutter før jeg fik et “thanks” fra @steveha11 – forfatteren af the “Raw Shark Texts” – en bog jeg nyder meget. Det er fantastisk at forfatterne nu kun er et tweet væk. Så vidt jeg kan forstå, så arbejder Steve Hall på en filmatisering af “The Raw Shark Texts” – noget der ikke bliver helt let.

Jeg tror virkelig at Amazons vision kan få os til at læse mere, hvilket også vil få os til at skrive mere, så rygtet om litteraturens død (Information 2059: Amatørerne har gjort en ende på litteraturhistorien) er stærkt overdrevet. Hvordan det kommer til at gå med “bogen” – jeg tror personligt at bogen, som vi kender den, forsvinder, men at vores enheder vil blive så gode at vi slet ikke kan se forskel.

Her er et tip til hvordan Danmark kan blive nummer 1 på rigtig mange af de lister Statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen snakker om – sats på åben og fri digital distribution af alle skolebøger, og vi kan få en renaisance for læsningen og viden.

Bogen er død, længe leve bogen!

Tidligere dækning:

Eksterne henvisninger:

Her kan du hente gratis eBøger

  • – et bredt udvalg af eBøger i ePub formatet. Skal konverteres, f.eks. med calibre, før de virker på Kindle, noget calibre gør automatisk
  • Project Gutenberg – her er der over 30.000 gratis eBøger
  • Planet Free eBooks – en række klassikere i PDF format


Blogs Kim Blog (English) Music

As high as it gets: Method Man and Redman in Store VEGA the 14th of April 2008

Redman and Method Man - How High SoundtrackMonday the Copenhagen Hip-Hop community was served a defer than def jam (pardon my “old-skool”), when Redman and Method Man tried to bring down a sold out Store VEGA venue, and sometimes it felt like they might succeed, because the bass and the stumpin’ made the floor bounce.

The wires were heated by a local act, that I missed the name of. The Danish Hip-Hop scene seems to be experimenting with mixing of genres, I must admit that I like the more European approach to Hip-Hop, which means that we have live musicians on stage, this is not a problem for seasoned acts from the States, but few European acts can pull off only having a DJ and 3-4 MCs as the only instruments. The Europeans are bringing some degree of renewal into the genre, and I welcome that, IMHO French acts like Clotaire K and Kalash are the trailblazers, on the tailcoats of MC Solaar, but we can be quite proud of our local acts.

I refuse to complain about the delay in the starting of the concert, it was worth waiting for, and they need to “prepare”, which they supposedly did at “Staden” ;-), well when they finally arrived in a big black van, they went directly on stage, and almost from the get-go, the joint was jumpin’.

I was quite tired, having just arrived from Lisboa, Portugal, and at one point, before the jam kicked off, I was sitting in a corner sleeping, and one of the guards told me to try to keep my eyes open, really I don’t see why, he obviously thought it was Friday night at 5AM…That being said, the guards at VEGA are very professional, and the few times I saw them go into action, they managed the situation.

Well I was so tired, that I wanted to leave early, but when I was about to leave, I looked directly at the stage, and I could feel the energy radiating from the stage and the room, as Red and Method told us CONSTANCE: you have to work as hard as us, we feed on your energy, and they did, and I stayed, I didn’t regret that.

Store VEGA is the perfect size for a act like this, packed, and the lighting crew did a great job, a trick that is common in Hip-Hop is that you, quite often, shine lights on the audience, this was used to great effect, and when they did that the house was jumping, with the exception of the lame mid-section of the balcony, you s*ck! But it gave me a flashback to the time I went to the Ladies First Jam in New York’s Nassau Coliseum, where the crowd was 4-5 times bigger (and 99,9% blacker ;-)), where the DJ tore it up with the floodlights on the audience – that made a lasting impact crater in my cortex.

And the energy on the stage was nothing short of amazing, I love the cool, cool moves, especially when they did “the march” routine, that was so cool!

It’s been a while since I went to a Hip-Hop Jam, and the previous one was the disappointing Busta Rhymes concert in K.B. Hallen in 2006 (hey I didn’t even bother with a review 🙁 hmm seems that I did). Busta is returning this year, but I’m not going to see that. Red and Method delivered what Busta, unfortunately couldn’t, it might have been the venue, but his DJ was wack, and WAY too many hype-men. Red and Method keeps that to an absolute minimum, hey they even engaged in some of the most crazy crowd-surfing I’ve ever seen! Almost as real as it gets

This ranks in the top 3-4 of Hip-Hop Jams I’ve been to, competing closely with Masta Ace and Clotaire K, but I really prefer the hard accented flow of Red and Method to Masta and Clotaire, so I’ve decided that this is number 2 on my list, I doubt that Queen Latifah (<3) will ever loose that crown

Now I’m tempted to will go see can’t go see the Wu-Tang Clan, because they’ve rescheduled from June 7th to July 23rd 2008, I’d like to have attended, not just to feed on the energy, but to share it, because Redman and Method Man were 100% proof, seems like they’re the real deal!

Jeg er ude! Fred! Og ses vi til Wu-Tang? Det tror jeg nok vi gør…

The picture is the cover from the Soundtrack of the movie How High. It was copied from Wikipedia, it’s most likely Copyright Def Jam Records, but I consider my use of it here as being fair use.

Blogs Computere og Internet Design Education/Undervisning Hackers Kim Blog (English) Music Technology Undervisning Videnskab

Show your love for science – Science After Dark @ City Hall Square

Researchers Night LogoFriday I went to the Science Fair – dubbed Science After Dark – that was held at Copenhagen City Hall Square (Københavns Rådhusplads), and I enjoyed it very much. I didn’t really know what to expect, but when I read that there would be live electronic music, I knew that I was going.

The first thing i noticed was that attendance, despite the location, was disappointingly low. I feel that it was because the venue looked quite uninviting, due to the fence, and the rather closed looking pavilions.

I also got the feeling that the PR for the Science Fair had been less than satisfactory.

ConDio – Controlling Audio

ConDio - Controlling Audio at RådhuspladsenAnyway, the first thing that grasped my eye was the ConDio, Controlling Audio. The ConDio is a device with which you can control the playback of sound, simply by moving physical bricks around on a table surface. The ConDio uses pattern recognition to determine the position of the different blocks, which translates into a specific function, for instance one brick changes the track that is being played, others applies filters.

It’s remarkably simple, efficient and intuitive to control a computer in this fashion, and it was a real crowd puller.

The ConDio has been developed by the medialogy branch of the University of Aalborg, and It was really great talking to the students that were responsible for the project. They were really feeding from the enthusiasm of the people that were looking at it.

I’m really envious that the students of today get to play with technology like this, to quote Haladjjan, the founder of Violet (manufacturer of the Nabaztag intelligent WiFi bunny):

“le début de l’internet a été une aimable kermesse… Maintenant les choses sérieuses commencent” – (translation: “the beginning of the Internet has been a friendly festival…Now the serious stuff begins”.

What a great time in history to be alive in.

Kim Bach – The failed scientist

I also enjoyed visiting the Bio Chemistry tent, where I had a discussion about how to bring science to the public (“videnskabs formidling”). The scientist in charge asked me it I’ve heard about Jens Martin Knudsen – and the regular reader would know that I just posted a tribute to him – we need more like him – since he was able to bring across complicated matters in lay-mans terms – we also discussed the great Richard Dawkins.

What I really hope is that someone could take up the reins from Jens Martin Knudsen, because we need those positive role-models from the scientific community to teach us the importance of understanding our world.

I also had a chance to redeem myself. I label my self a “failed scientist”. I’m really a product of the inspiration of the space program and the lunar missions, and when I was a kid, I desperately wanted to become a scientist – but “something” happened along the way – and it’s too complicated to talk about here – but I basically got fed up with boring educational system.

But it does seem like I have some basic scientific intuition, and I got some high marks from “the teacher” for thinking like a scientist, when I was observing the strange creature the Daphnia.

It was also interesting talking to the students from the Nano technology line. They’re looking into how to produce solar arrays that are less harsh on the environment, it turns out that you can use fruit juice from black berries as the base of a solar cell, instead of silicon – amazing.

Bend my circuits

But what I really enjoyed the most, was the tent dedicated to audio, which also included live performances from Dødskuglen, Rumpistol and Bjørn Svin (who I missed).

In the tent some interesting and simple demonstrators were set up, one was a Theremin that was controlled by a plant. You could actually play music by touching the leaves of the plant – very entertaining. Another was a tube with a number of nozzles from which gas could escape, and be lit, if you then played music, the sound-waves would modulate the flames – Daft Punk’s Robot Rock looked quite good “going up in flames”.

Dødskuglen plays with circuit bending, and they had gutted a lot of electronics with audio capabilities, for instance a couple of Furbys, that now looked – and sounded – like mean birds, and when you hooked them up to a keyboard, they were capable of making some wonderful noise.

Dødskuglen has their name from a dome shaped device, that is the center-piece of their show. According to them it’s filled with gutted electronics from Happy Meals and the like – I’m not surprised.

We also got a live demonstration of how to circuit bend – don’t try this at home – you might hit the AC power-supply and die – but if you’re careful, just take a cheap electronic keyboard apart, and try to apply some wire patches live – it was amazing to hear how the standard drum-machine suddenly went into a completely different state, and sounded completely different, only to return to it’s standard loop after being reset.

Kim Bach – The failed musician

After Dødskuglen, Rumpistol took the stage, and he’s using his computer in combination with analogue synthesisers to produce great electronica.

Besides being a failed scientist, I also consider myself a failed musician, but with the simple technology being showcased here, that is so much more fun and intuitive to control than a traditional instrument, I might be able to express myself – I know that I have some music in my head – maybe I can finally make some music – I know that I want a copy of the guitar simulator for the Nintendo DS called Jam Sessions.

A child’s mind

There’s a strange unifying synergy between science and music. When doing science and music, you really need to have a child’s mind, and like to play. That’s something I still, I’d say increasingly, possess – so I might still become a scientist/musician. It’s also noteworthy that a number of my heroes for instance RMS (Richard Stallman) and N (Peter Naur), actually play music themselves.

I went home after having had a great time, with renewed faith in our educational system, it seems to be producing playful scientists – I wished someone had told me that science was about playing, when I was a student.

I hope that Science After Dark will become a recurring event.

Show your <3 for science – make some NOIIIIISSSSSEEEEE!!!

I did, however, hear some rumours the Science After Dark has been frowned upon from the established scientific community. Come down from your ivory towers, Science is FUN and NOISY. Show your <3 for Science – make some NOIIIIISSSSSEEEEE!!!

Blogs Computere og Internet Kim Blog (English) Technology

“Weapon of choice”: “Tölva” friendly public hotspots

HUMAN? Tölva and Kim Bach @ SjakketAs you might remember, I just found a surprising winner in the contest to find the device best suited for basic Internet access – like Jaiku presence checking – at a public hotspot: the Nintendo DS, with the Opera browser. Since all my “computers” have “names” – a practice I learned from Jerry Pournelle @ Chaos Manor – my DS is now officially baptised “Tölva”.

For the last week I’ve been carrying my “weapon of choice”,”Tölva”, around town, and I’ll be maintaining a list of “Tölva” friendly hotspots on my web-site (most likely the wiki).


I’m still amazed at the battery-life of the Nintendo DS. I hope to be able to compare it to other highly mobile Wi-Fi capable devices like the Nokia N95, in the future.

Blogs Kim Blog (English) Music

Review: The Sandmen in Tivoli Copenhagen

The SandmenFredagsrock – The Sandmen, København – on the 25th of May 2007, I attended the performance by The Sandmen in Tivoli, Copenhagen.

Tivoli has, for a number of years now, had gigs featuring local and international acts every Friday during the opening season, and it’s been quite a success, reviving the old gardens. But I hope that the tour guides advise their older tourists, not to choose a Friday, where a big international act visits Tivoli, for their only visit to the gardens, this Friday would have been OK though, since the crowd was modest.

Back to the gig…

Amazingly enough this was the first time I attended a “The Sandmen” gig, so I really didn’t have any expectations, it’s obvious that the band has suffered from the passing of guitarist Sam Mitchell, who took the band to a higher level musically.

At first the sound was quite bad, mostly the drums seemed to be produced down, but gradually it improved, and for Tivoli this was really rock’n’roll.

I find the guitarist to be the weakest link, but what he does, he does well. Allan Veggenfeldt is as great a singer as ever, and the rhythm section is very tight .

I think The Sandmen would benefit from the addition of a new lead guitarist, even though Sam Mitchell can’t be replaced, and the comparisons would be inevitable, I think it would be a good idea.

The highlights of the gig was the psychedelic set finisher, that sent me into a trancelike state, that I enjoyed very much.

But what I enjoyed the most, was that I had a great, quiet – without being low-key, night out with “the boys” – are we growing up? – and an audience of (other) 40-somethings, that seemed to know the lyrics, and had a wonderful time.

Thank you to “the boys”, it was great!

Blogs Kim Blog (English) Music

Review: Woman power – Beyoncé gave the “Green Light” and other “coincidences”

Commemoration plaque for one of the freedom fighters, decorated with the ribbon of the freedomfightersOn the day that Denmark commemorates the Liberation after WWII, a major international act gave an exclusive concert, outside Copenhagen, and, for once, in a place other than Horsens. And since it was Miss KittyKat, Giselle herself, that grazed the city of Aalborg, in the North of Jutland, with her presence, you might have guessed that I bought a ticket right after it went on sale – no surprise there.

Miss KittyKat - BeyoncéI consider Miss Giselle Knowles, better know as Beyoncé, to be a very talented woman, but my expectations, before the concert, were not that high. The reason being, that I saw her in New York in april of 2004 at the “Women First” tour, and her performance back then, was nowhere near the level of the performance by Alicia Keys, but one thing I knew for sure, was that we would be given a show of some proportions, and that I was looking forward to.

I’m of the opinion that Beyoncé owes a lot to Tina Turner, and she is, to great extend, inspired by Tina Turner in her show.

The first thing I noticed was, to my great surprise, that the band had an all-woman line up. And that was a pleasant, and welcome surprise, and my oh my what great musicians. The line-up was two drummers, a percussionist, a guitarist, a bass-player, I believe that I counted three keyboard-players and a horn section of three.

All the musicians were really accomplished, and the real highlights of the concert, were the solo performances, especially a tour-de-force by the bass-player, where the entire band joined in performing Michael Jacksons “Can’t stop till I get enough”.

Beyoncé also brought with her three great backing singers, and we’re talking certified quality here, I noticed that they occasionally, especially at the end of the show, took over from Beyoncé.

The dancers were great, and the only men on stage were dancers – way to go – another highlight of the show, was a ballet like sequence by two of the dancers. Beyoncé is herself, a great dancer, and it is in her dancing, which is very energetic, that I find some of the strongest parallels to Tina Turner.

Beyoncé CAN sing, and a few times she gave me the chills. If I have to pick highlights from the show, I’d pick the version of “Crazy In Love”, that got mixed with the great track “Crazy” by “Gnarls Barkley”, the surprise act of 2006. I especially enjoyed the occasions when the arrangements were altered the most, “Babyboy” that turned into a long belly-dancing act. Since Beyoncé has had such a short solo-career, the middle of the gig was filled with a medley of Destiny’s Child songs, the strongest being “Bug-a-boo”, “Survivor” and “Independent Women”.

Two of my favourite tracks from the new album “Suga Mama”, which seems to be the theme of the tour, and especially “Green Light” I think were highlights of the show. From the first album, I really liked the version of “Me Myself and I”, it’s great track, and I really enjoyed this altered, slow version, mostly performed a-cappella. The version of “Ring The Alarm” was great as well, I’d think twice even considering straying form the “thin and narrow” if I ever got involved with women like that – “I stamped his passport! With a KNIFE! To his CHEST! Destination – HELL” – ouch!

All in all we were treated to an almost 2 hour show, with encores, and I think most of us left the venue with a smile on our face, hey I even think I “believe” that I made her wave when she was thanking “our” section. She thanks the audience in a rather strong way, by trying to establish eye-contact with the audience, spending something like 15-30 seconds just looking at one section of the audience, before proceeding to the next section.

I love her for pushing the idea of the confident, strong and independent woman, and in that respect she’s actually a great role-model for women, and I consider Beyoncé to be some sort of goddess…She’s sexy, but she can carry it, it’s never vulgar. I have no idea what it is she does so differently than most of her colleges, but that alone is not a small feat.

But…And there is at least one but…Beyoncé, her undisputed talent aside, is mostly a “product”, and this is becoming clearer and clearer, and I’ve bought into it. Yes she’s gorgeous, but her music is so-so. I think that the new album is quite a lot better than the first, and it’s much better than most other RnB offerings, but I think she could do so much better. For now I think I’m done buying this product, even though I enjoyed the concert very much.

And I would have liked a performance of the track “Kitty Kat” :-(. I know it’s not that strong a track – but I like it – and it has some special meaning to me.

P5050020 - Detail from one of the fountains in AalborgSince Aalborg is at the opposite end of the country, I decided to make the most of the day, by combining the concert, with a mini-vacation. Aalborg is a city I know very little, and my trip was unexpectedly prolonged, when I missed the last train, so I also had a glimpse of the legendary Aalborg nightlife, and I must say that it lives up to it’s reputation, even though it wasn’t to my taste. Aalborg is a very “young” city, and Aalborg has a very international and trendy atmosphere – comparing the way the young people in Aalborg dresses, to Copenhagen, it looks like Copenhagen is behind in trendiness and fashion awareness.

The centre of the city has been restored with great respect to the old medieval town layout, it’s all very clean, and it looks like a major restoration of the harbour area is in it’s early stages – and that looks promising. One thing I really like is that all the street-signs in the centre of town, has an explanation of the history and etymology of the street names. The history of Aalborg is very interesting, for instance Aalborg was the centre of one of the only real rebellions by danes, when Skipper Clement lead a rising of the farmers in 1534, during the civil-war know as Grevens Fejde (The Count’s Feud).

Besides walking around the town, I also managed to cover two of the main tourist attractions: “The Art Museum – Nordjyllands Kunstmuseeum” and I got to enjoy the spectacular view from the “Aalborg Tower”, but mostly I just enjoyed spending such a wonderful spring-day in Aalborg, and I want to go back.

"Shrine" and bird in flight at Nordjyllands KuntsmuseeumFinally: If I didn’t know that things happen by chance, and that life is random, I would really ponder the fact that the Art Museum was selling jewellery made by Mikala Mortensen, and that the sales clerk told me that he owns some cuff-links from the “green” series – you know two years ago I asked her if she made jewellery for men? Obviously she does now! I know it’s just a coincidence. It’s also a coincidence that I found myself in front of a store called Isis, that the choreography at the Beyoncé show, at one point made it look like she had wings, making the scene, from my vantage point, look just like my favourite carving at Philae, and finally I once again captured a bird in flight, that I didn’t notice, this happens at the strangest places, like the Valley of the Kings, Amagertorv and something that looked like a shrine to Tibet and humanity at the Art Museum in Aalborg. I know that it’s also a coincidence that I stumbled upon a trekking offer in Nepal and Thailand at a travel-agency my good friend Jes has worked at, and that we discussed friday. I need to be careful not to over-interpret these “signs”.

Other links: To be or not to Beyoncé – 5/6 stared review (in Danish)

Blogs Kim Blog (English) Music

Review: Bring the noise – Ghostigital and Snake and Jet’s Amazing Bullit Band at Loppen Copenhagen

Friday the 30th of March 2007 I attended the performance by Ghostigital at the Loppen venue in Copenhagen. I have little to say, it was pretty amazing, but way way too loud, so I followed the lead of others and went outside, OMG they REALLY tried to tear down the house, it felt like the bricks were moving, but again it was WAY WAY too loud! We only have two ears! I hate to write this review, because the volume made it impossible to enjoy the music. This is only the second time in my life I’ve left a concert early because it was too loud – the first time was when The Nomads played BarBue ca. 1988! Closing note: Ghostigital has collaborated with Bob Log III – sounds “interesting” – unfortunately they didn’t bring him (at least while I was at the venue – otoh it could be that Bob Log III really is a member of Ghostigital.

Luckily the evening had already been saved: we were treated to great music from the DJ and the fantastic opening act Snake and Jet’s Amazing Bullit Band. S&J’sABB is a two piece act, one drummer and a keyboard/guitar/vocalist. If I have to label the music, I’d say sixties, with references to surf, sci-fi and The Doors. Highly recommended. Fantastic musicians.

Check Snake and Jet’s MySpace profile.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Music

Rør den! Fætter BR gæstede K.B. Hallen

Mandag den 4-December-2006, gæstede Busta Rhymes K.B Hallen på Frederiksberg. Det var momentvis en god oplevelse, hvor Busta Rhymes viste sit store talent, og her mener jeg som rapper, desværre var det som sagt kun momentvist, men det var som forventet.

Jeg fatter ikke hvorfor et så stort internationalt navn tropper op med så tynd en besætning, vi blev spist af med et 2 MC+1 DJ sæt, ingen gæste artister udover Spliff, som var med hele vejen. Jeg havde da forventet et par gæster fra det store Flip Mode Squad, men det er måske ikke money in the bank.

KB Hallen var måske også lidt for stor til showet, jeg syntes ikke om den alt for kraftige publikums belysning, og hardcore hip-hop folket fyldte heller ikke så meget. Busta Rhymes vil gerne være mainstream og det smitter åbenbart af på publikums sammensætningen.

Til DJens (D-Jens…LOL) sidste kommentar! Nej! Det er bestemt ikke den bedste hip-hop koncert jeg har være til, alene i år slår Masta Ace og specielt Clotaire K fætter BR med flere længder…Come on…KEEP IT REAL! Det kunne have været SÅ meget federe.

Men det var BESTEMT ikke spild af tid, og jeg fik da hoppet og bobbet et par minutter, og det er jo altid rart, og når Busta tager sin rap “low and fast” så kører han cirkler om de fleste, KRÆS for KENDERE!

Blogs Kim Blog (English)

I sacrificed my ball to R*A*W

Missing 1 (one) ball lost at the R*A*W party in Silo, Islands Brygge, actually it *was* a sacrifice, so please keep it whoever has it now.