Blogs Kim Blog (English)

Hors jeu – The day we tried to kill the game

Down and out after the Euro 2008 qualifer against SwedenI used to love sports…

– Muhamad Ali, George Forman, Kalule, Holyfield, Super Brian and even Iron Mike – one night ruined that – after sitting up all night – it was over before it started – Iron Mike had bit Holyfield.

Biking – in the 90ies Denmark finally had top-atheletes in a highly demanding sport – I woke up in 1998 – and it has never really been the same since then.

Association football – has always been my favourite sports – I remember the passion in 1984 – when Denmark finally qualified a major tournament, 1986 when the entire world admired the team that played the game so beautifully and 1992 when Denmark for the first, and most likely last, time won a major tournament.

During the entire period Denmark enjoyed a fairy-tale like status, and the fans – labelling themselves as roligans (a pun involving the Danish word “rolig” and “hooligan”, “rolig” literally means “quiet”.

All this has changed now – the only nice thing about it, is that we will now finally forget Jesper Olsen, because what happened yesterday is the most stupid singe act made on a soccer pitch by a Dane, and I’m not blaming Christian Poulsen – imagine the pressure the players are under – I’m talking about the idiot that charged the field.

The referee did the right thing, congratulations to Sweden for keeping it’s cool, and I’m feeling quite ashamed of being a Dane right now.

Until then, the “final” game had everything that I love in soccer, and it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a Danish team fight like that, coming back from three goals down. We have to go back to Euro 1984 game against Belgium, that had some of the same intensity, and the similarities between yesterday’s match and the 1984 match are numerous, at one time the 1984 game was turning as hostile as it did yesterday.

Enki Bilal - Hors jeuSeeing the behaviour of the hooligans after the game, and I’m including the police here, made me feel like we’re not far from the dystopian visions of the future of the game by Enki Bilal in his excellent book Hors-Jeu. The cover show how the referees no longer are allowed on the field, for their own protection.

The winners yesterday were the hooligans, what used to be the greatest game on Earth – and the rest of us – lost.

Will the game survive? Most likely! – but something has to change.

#1 Ban the selling of alcohol on the stadium
#2 Perform a sobriety test before granting anyone access to the stadium

Until something changes, the game has lost a fan!

Blogs Kim Blog (English)

reboot 9.0 – Day 1 got me pleasantly buzzed

Kim Bach - vi ses i...nåeh nej!reboot 9.0 – Kim Bach

Well, I had to attend reboot 9.0, but because of work, I didn’t really catch any of the (scheduled) talks/conversations/whatever, but who cares, it’s also about networking, renewing friendships etc.

What I did catch was great however, especially Human Lessons From Generative Art was really great, and the new technology that makes it possible to render in 3D, is awesome. I was a bit surprised that Marius Watz forgot to mention Mozart as a master of generative art, the myth – I believe confirmed – is that he used an algorithm to generate menuets, making it possible, still, to create original Mozart works.

I was also surprised that Marius, of Norwegian descend, hadn’t heard about the Norwegian digital artist Ann Lislegaard. Ann Lislegaard is currently (until august 7th 2007) displaying her great installation Crystal World at Statens Museum for Kunst – and it’s highly recommended.

The concept of generative art, made me imagine the next (several) level(s):
What if we could preserve the “sprit”, in the form of algorithms, of the creative geniuses for posterity.

Actually Marius also forgot to mention the “original” generative artist: Lady Ada Lovelace. I just love this quote, in reference to Babbage’s Analytical Engine:

“We may say most aptly that the Analytical Engine weaves algebraical patterns just as the Jacquard-loom weaves flowers and leaves”.

Just beautiful, she’s my hero!

I left the venue at 30 past midnight, pleasantly buzzed, now looking forward to day 2.

Blogs Kim Blog (English) Music

Review: Woman power – Beyoncé gave the “Green Light” and other “coincidences”

Commemoration plaque for one of the freedom fighters, decorated with the ribbon of the freedomfightersOn the day that Denmark commemorates the Liberation after WWII, a major international act gave an exclusive concert, outside Copenhagen, and, for once, in a place other than Horsens. And since it was Miss KittyKat, Giselle herself, that grazed the city of Aalborg, in the North of Jutland, with her presence, you might have guessed that I bought a ticket right after it went on sale – no surprise there.

Miss KittyKat - BeyoncéI consider Miss Giselle Knowles, better know as Beyoncé, to be a very talented woman, but my expectations, before the concert, were not that high. The reason being, that I saw her in New York in april of 2004 at the “Women First” tour, and her performance back then, was nowhere near the level of the performance by Alicia Keys, but one thing I knew for sure, was that we would be given a show of some proportions, and that I was looking forward to.

I’m of the opinion that Beyoncé owes a lot to Tina Turner, and she is, to great extend, inspired by Tina Turner in her show.

The first thing I noticed was, to my great surprise, that the band had an all-woman line up. And that was a pleasant, and welcome surprise, and my oh my what great musicians. The line-up was two drummers, a percussionist, a guitarist, a bass-player, I believe that I counted three keyboard-players and a horn section of three.

All the musicians were really accomplished, and the real highlights of the concert, were the solo performances, especially a tour-de-force by the bass-player, where the entire band joined in performing Michael Jacksons “Can’t stop till I get enough”.

Beyoncé also brought with her three great backing singers, and we’re talking certified quality here, I noticed that they occasionally, especially at the end of the show, took over from Beyoncé.

The dancers were great, and the only men on stage were dancers – way to go – another highlight of the show, was a ballet like sequence by two of the dancers. Beyoncé is herself, a great dancer, and it is in her dancing, which is very energetic, that I find some of the strongest parallels to Tina Turner.

Beyoncé CAN sing, and a few times she gave me the chills. If I have to pick highlights from the show, I’d pick the version of “Crazy In Love”, that got mixed with the great track “Crazy” by “Gnarls Barkley”, the surprise act of 2006. I especially enjoyed the occasions when the arrangements were altered the most, “Babyboy” that turned into a long belly-dancing act. Since Beyoncé has had such a short solo-career, the middle of the gig was filled with a medley of Destiny’s Child songs, the strongest being “Bug-a-boo”, “Survivor” and “Independent Women”.

Two of my favourite tracks from the new album “Suga Mama”, which seems to be the theme of the tour, and especially “Green Light” I think were highlights of the show. From the first album, I really liked the version of “Me Myself and I”, it’s great track, and I really enjoyed this altered, slow version, mostly performed a-cappella. The version of “Ring The Alarm” was great as well, I’d think twice even considering straying form the “thin and narrow” if I ever got involved with women like that – “I stamped his passport! With a KNIFE! To his CHEST! Destination – HELL” – ouch!

All in all we were treated to an almost 2 hour show, with encores, and I think most of us left the venue with a smile on our face, hey I even think I “believe” that I made her wave when she was thanking “our” section. She thanks the audience in a rather strong way, by trying to establish eye-contact with the audience, spending something like 15-30 seconds just looking at one section of the audience, before proceeding to the next section.

I love her for pushing the idea of the confident, strong and independent woman, and in that respect she’s actually a great role-model for women, and I consider Beyoncé to be some sort of goddess…She’s sexy, but she can carry it, it’s never vulgar. I have no idea what it is she does so differently than most of her colleges, but that alone is not a small feat.

But…And there is at least one but…Beyoncé, her undisputed talent aside, is mostly a “product”, and this is becoming clearer and clearer, and I’ve bought into it. Yes she’s gorgeous, but her music is so-so. I think that the new album is quite a lot better than the first, and it’s much better than most other RnB offerings, but I think she could do so much better. For now I think I’m done buying this product, even though I enjoyed the concert very much.

And I would have liked a performance of the track “Kitty Kat” :-(. I know it’s not that strong a track – but I like it – and it has some special meaning to me.

P5050020 - Detail from one of the fountains in AalborgSince Aalborg is at the opposite end of the country, I decided to make the most of the day, by combining the concert, with a mini-vacation. Aalborg is a city I know very little, and my trip was unexpectedly prolonged, when I missed the last train, so I also had a glimpse of the legendary Aalborg nightlife, and I must say that it lives up to it’s reputation, even though it wasn’t to my taste. Aalborg is a very “young” city, and Aalborg has a very international and trendy atmosphere – comparing the way the young people in Aalborg dresses, to Copenhagen, it looks like Copenhagen is behind in trendiness and fashion awareness.

The centre of the city has been restored with great respect to the old medieval town layout, it’s all very clean, and it looks like a major restoration of the harbour area is in it’s early stages – and that looks promising. One thing I really like is that all the street-signs in the centre of town, has an explanation of the history and etymology of the street names. The history of Aalborg is very interesting, for instance Aalborg was the centre of one of the only real rebellions by danes, when Skipper Clement lead a rising of the farmers in 1534, during the civil-war know as Grevens Fejde (The Count’s Feud).

Besides walking around the town, I also managed to cover two of the main tourist attractions: “The Art Museum – Nordjyllands Kunstmuseeum” and I got to enjoy the spectacular view from the “Aalborg Tower”, but mostly I just enjoyed spending such a wonderful spring-day in Aalborg, and I want to go back.

"Shrine" and bird in flight at Nordjyllands KuntsmuseeumFinally: If I didn’t know that things happen by chance, and that life is random, I would really ponder the fact that the Art Museum was selling jewellery made by Mikala Mortensen, and that the sales clerk told me that he owns some cuff-links from the “green” series – you know two years ago I asked her if she made jewellery for men? Obviously she does now! I know it’s just a coincidence. It’s also a coincidence that I found myself in front of a store called Isis, that the choreography at the Beyoncé show, at one point made it look like she had wings, making the scene, from my vantage point, look just like my favourite carving at Philae, and finally I once again captured a bird in flight, that I didn’t notice, this happens at the strangest places, like the Valley of the Kings, Amagertorv and something that looked like a shrine to Tibet and humanity at the Art Museum in Aalborg. I know that it’s also a coincidence that I stumbled upon a trekking offer in Nepal and Thailand at a travel-agency my good friend Jes has worked at, and that we discussed friday. I need to be careful not to over-interpret these “signs”.

Other links: To be or not to Beyoncé – 5/6 stared review (in Danish)

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks

ART Day Out – In Real Life – CANCELLED!!!

ART Day Out – In Real Life

Too bad, Art Day Out today has been cancelled – or rather postponed, so I’m available – the weather is nice – anyone tempted?

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks

Egg stacker (Third Eye DUMB!) – God Påske siger jeg bare

Egg stacker (Third Eye DUMB!)

I ønskes alle en God Påske – her er mit tip til hvordan man bruger sin tid konstruktivt i Påsken – og så er det “Påske Relevant”! Nu ved vi hvorfor det IKKE er til at opdrive æg i Påsken 😉

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks

Bloglæseren er en kvinde –

Bloglæseren er en kvinde – (via.

De danske medier, herunder Politiken, har fattet interesse for BlogTjek undersøgelsen, som bla. jeg har været med til at udarbejde.

Det har været fantastisk inspirerende at være med til at udarbejde denne rapport, og det har fløjet med mails og wiki-opdateringer de sidste 48 timer – FANTASTISK.

Jeg glæder mig allerede til de næste projekter i BlogForum regi.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Historier/Stories Music

Det er sådan det flyder

Spring, gør sjove ting med min krop
Kan ikke få nok, er en prop

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Education/Undervisning Historier/Stories Music Open Source

Automonotoni – ‘Ungeren’ er en idé

Der er oprør i Danmark. Det skyldes at en række unge – og “lidt” ældre – mener at de fortsat skal have adgang til en bygning der blev stillet til rådighed af Købehavns Kommune i begyndelsen af 80erne. Takken til politikerne var dengang BUKSEVAND (seriøst Egon Weidekamp fik BUKSEVAND).

Nu står politikerne og velmenende aldrende sympatisører med dybe lommer i kø for at skaffe et alternativt sted, fordi de har solgt huset til nogle mennesker der HADER ideer.

Kære automonotome:
‘Ungeren’…Er en idé! IKKE et hus!
Deltag dog i det “mindst dårlige” demokrati i verden – HEY DET ER “VORES” – lav frivilligt arbejde, start foreninger, “indfiltrer” forvaltningnen der er ret vindunderlige mennesker (ja’ ve’ d’ ja’ har set d’).

I får faktisk lov til at passe jer selv, og jeg glæder mig til at se FLERE af jer f.eks. i min frivilliggruppe, Netværksgruppen i Mjølnerparken, nogle af jer har faktisk allerede fundet vej.

Huse er KONTROL mekanismer! Og det mest tåbelige ville da være hvis Ruth og hendes fundamentalistiske slæng fik deres kamp mod fritænkning og ideer finansieret af “Halal hippier”.

Og så må vi ikke glemme at Jagtvej 69 var et af de steder en af de vigtigeste projekter i menneskeheden var med til at blive startet, “Kvindebevægelsen”. Men huset der står der, er ikke et værdigt monument for kvindebevægelsen. Så riv huset ned, hey det er “os selv” det har misligeholdt det så det er ved at falde sammen, og byg et passende monument til kvinden og kvindesagen i stedet!

Huse kan dog være nødvendige: Det var altså pænt syret at se Björk til Oscar festen for et par år siden, specielt når jeg tænker på hvor jeg så hende første gang: I ‘Ungeren’, da hun var 16 og med i KUKL!

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Historier/Stories Mactopia Open Source Technology

:: macnyt :: danmark :: it’s MINE…MINE…MINE!!!

:: macnyt :: danmark ::

Hmm…Efter et par måneders pause fra Macnyt har jeg taget lidt revanche og konverteret den til min personlige blog – IGEN ;-).

Dette skyldtes at der faktisk var et par interessante tråde, som HELT sikkert irriterer nogle, og helt sikkert er HAMRENDE off-topic, men det er jo NETOP det jeg ELSKER ved Macnyt.

And on that note: We cue the music!!!!

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Historier/Stories

Julens 12te dag

Julen slutter som bekendt den 6-1, på Hellig Tre Kongers Dag, Julens 12te dag.

På julens første dag giver elskeren en agerhøne i et pæretræ, på den anden er det to turtelduer, men hvad er det nu det er på den 12te,

Jo det er 12 trommespillere….trommespillende trommespillere none the less!

Og i følge denne side, referer det til apostlenes 12 gerninger/løfter.

Det er jo dybt, dybt! spirituelt det der…Det SJOVE er at det er Anders And bladet der har givet mig det klareste billede af den “julesalme” (det der hedder en “Christmas Carol” på Engelsk).

Appropos Julen:
Hvert år foreslår jeg til jul at vi synger “Dejlig er den himmelblå”, det er den salme jeg ELSKER højst i hele verdenen, i år ytrede jeg ikke det ønske – selv om jeg BRÆNDENDE ønskede det.

Jeg er nødt til at afsøge mit sind for et svar…Hmm…Google og sindet i forening valgte dette link…, det var selvfølgelig det der havde musik, og nu har jeg tårer i øjnene – og jeg kende godt svaret:

Julen betyder også uendeligt meget for mig, men lige nu er det dag 2 og 3, sådan i “Sinatra domænet”, der optager mig, og der var jeg ikke komplet i år.

Kære Gud hvorfor sender du nu så klare signaler igen, og hvem tog det billede?

Elle existe Dieu?

ps. Fatter du ikke et muk? “Hellig Tre Kongers dag er min Dåbsdag”, hjalp det lidt? Nok ikke!

pps. Og da jeg trykker på send link på denne artikel…så vælger FrontRow: “Den Himmelblå”? Stop stop stop…Jeg VED det er TILFÆDIGT! Jeg VED det!