
Hr. Bachs fornemmelse for antagelser

Livet må leves forfra, men kan kun forstås bagfra
Søren Kierkegaard


Kære Far.

Jeg syntes altid at du var en ukuelig pessimist. Med alderen, og visdommen?, er det dog gået op for mig, at du var optimist. Dit mantra var/er: Murphys Lov: “Alt der kan gå galt, går galt” Den finder jeg, nu, alt, alt for optimistisk, så jeg vil derfor introducere: Murphys Udvidede Lov. “Alt det der kan gå galt, går galt; selv det der ikke kan gå galt”.

Blogs Kim Blog (English)

I sacrificed my ball to R*A*W

Missing 1 (one) ball lost at the R*A*W party in Silo, Islands Brygge, actually it *was* a sacrifice, so please keep it whoever has it now.

Blogs Kim Blog (English)

I meet Santa Claus and his stand-in

I meet Santa Claus, and his stand-in, in the mens-room, they asked me what I wanted for Christmas, “a date with Beyoncé”, I told them. They asked, puzzled, “but most people ask for world peace?”, “I’m the one responsible for world peace, so making me happy could help create world peace, and since getting a date with Beyoncé would make me very happy, this could really create world peace”, I explained. They promptly granted me my wish; so now I’m looking forward to Christmas.

Blogs Kim Blog (English)



My first rave for what seems an eternity. Actually it was! 12 years.

I guess the Baker man also went to the KRAFTWERK! concert and decided that he needed to dust off the good old 1210’s and his KRAFTWERK! biscuits.


Blogs Kim Blog (English)

Last week has been an amazing rolercoster ride

The last week has been an amazing roller coster ride – I see so clearly now, my life is being redefined – thank you MEX. The children at Mjølnerparken – check my Lektiehjælp blog; in Danish without subtitles – has changed my life so profoundly that it’s unbelieveable. The children are wonderful, and the things some of the children come up with is so crazy and off the wall – I had no idea that children were that wonderful – even though I have two nieces. I hope to be able to publish some pictures, pending the permission of the children/parents etc.

Blogs Kim Blog (English)

Joined Orkut

Joined orkut – extremely interesting – the Internet is finally comming of age – lets see what happens next. Actually that way of networking seems to be manageable, which is the major problem I’ve had with the Internet. I bascially pulled the plug on networking using the net 11½ years ago. I met my ex-wife on the proto Internet – the RIME network – and that actually scared me “straight” – she actually left her family behind including a child aged 4 and a husband.

Blogs Kim Blog (English)

More conspiracies

More conspiracies.

The axis of evil – why Danish PBS media are promoting their Internet sites so heavily during newscasts.


Paddernes konge – Historien om Kong Skjold

Denne historie har været en skriveøvelse, tak til de tålmodige ører i vores, nu slumrende, skrivegruppe der kom med gode ideer.

Som 4 årig fik jeg en tøj-skildpadde af min mor i julegave. Dette blev starten på en livslang fascination af skildpadder, der kulminerede da jeg som 10 årig fik en levende Græsk landskildpadde. Den dag jeg fik skildpadden havde vi fået fortalt historien om Kong Skjold i skolen, så med vanlig sans for ordspil blev skildpadden, der var en han, døbt Kong Skjold.


Danish Survival Guide

Traditionally Danes are very reserved people, on top of that they do expect that you behave in specific ways, in other words there are certain unwritten rules that the Danes expect that you follow. Don’t expect Danes to give you any instructions or clues, but if you get frequent “stares” from Danes, chances are that you’re breaking the unwritten rules.



»Barometerhistorien« Fra Teacher’s Edition of Current Science, vol. 49, nr. 14, 6-10. januar, 1964. 338, er skrevet af en fysik professor, dr. Alexander Calandra, fra Washington University i St. Louis: